It's a Date!

The Manager's Hot Niece
Your POV "Come on children and eat!"The lady gestured us and went back into the kitchen. We scrambled to the table. She prepared hot kimchi jigae with warm rice. I my lips and dug in. Jonghyun did the same. HyunBin came out of his room and stared at us eat like pigs. "Whatcha lookin at?"Jonghyun asked with a mouthful of rice. "It's rude to talk with your mouth open."HyunBin remarked and walked away. "Its rude to talk with your mouth open."Jonghyun imitated. "Hey, he's got a point." I smirked. He elbowed me. I elbowed him back just as hard. "Oww....!"He whined. "Oww...."I imitated. Just then, the grandma came and nagged at Her grandson. "HYUNBIN! It's not nice to leave your guests at an empty dinner table! Give Them some company!" He stormed in and sat across from me. He glared at me and I looked up with a piece of kimchi hanging from my mouth. "Need something?"I asked. He shrugged. Well, he's quiet. His grandma slipped in the chair next to Jonghyun. "Aigoo, what a handsome face!"She cooed as she Jjong's hair. She just stared at him while he ate. He shifted uncomfortably. "Aish, your hair is wet! Did u not dry it? Your hair will get flat and oily if you do not dry it properly. Now scrape the last bit of rice off your bowl and come with me."He obeyed and gobbled up the last bit of his dinner and followed the grandma into the bathroom. HyunBin was still looking at me. "What?"i asked again. "Nothing, it's just you remind me alot of my ex-girlfriend."  "Oh.....really?" " if that made you feel akward."  "Ohh, no." There was a brief silence.  "So are you and Jonghyun, like together?" He asked.  "OH,NO! I just got stuck getting lost with him so....."I frantically replied.  "But do you have feelings for him?" "Psshf would I?"I stuttered.  "Well I mean this is going to sound gay but, hes good looking, he seems like a pretty cool guy, and he just seems so perfect. And hes famous,dont forget that. If i know that he's famous that means he's really famous, because i basically live under a rock."He gestured towards his surroundings. I giggled. "I dont really care about fame, or fortune. If the dude makes me happy, then i like him."I responded innocently. "Do you ever feel like dating?"He spit out. "Uhh...i guess. I've never been on a date before though. I've always wanted to but I always rejected everyone who asked because they were all retards."  He laughed. " would like go on a with me?"He mumbled nervously. "Dude be more confident! And i would like that." ~~~~~~~ Jonghyun's POV Oww, the grandma was yanking my hair as she dried it with the blowdryer. "You are so tall young man!"She exclaimed. Its actually the opposite but i decided not to say anything but 'thank you' because its the first compliment i got about my height.  "Now if I'm not mistaken, you are the Jonghyun of SHINee?"She asked. "Yes! How did you know that?" "I meet girls at the market who talk about you all the time and have stickers of you pasted all over their handphones. You seemed familiar and now that i think about it, you are the face on those stickers!.....I also heard you sing amazingly. Sing me a few bars sweetheart!"She ordered. I sang a couple of lines of Nothing Better. "Oh my gosh......sucha wonderful voice. Best....."She breathed with a thumbs up. "Thank you."I replied.  ~~~~~~ Your POV I heard Jonghyun singing in the bathroom. What a showoff, but he does have something to show off if you know what i mean...... Me and hyunbin continued talking about some random animal when my phone interupted. 'Ring Ding Dong Ring ding dong'It rang(how many of you have ring ding dong stuck in your head now?). Thank goodness jonghyun didnt hear that or he'd be using that against me my whole in life. "Sorry i gotta take this."  (phone conversation)  "Hello?" "JANG MI, YOU COME HOME THIS INSTANT!"My uncle(shinee's manager) shouted over the phone.  "Where are You?and wheres the little twerp jonghyun?"He questioned his voice suddenly calmer, but barely.  "We're fine uncle. Just please relax. We'll be back by tomorrow night."I replied steadily. "Ok, Jonghyun has a schedule at 11:00 P.M so you guys HAVE to be there by then. And dont be getting into any trouble."He commanded. "Yes uncle."And i hung up. I sat down in front of Hyunbin. "So where were we?"Just as i sat down and asked that Jonghyun's phone started ringing. I let it ring for a long time.  "ANSWER THE DAMN PHONE!"Jonghyunshouted across the dryer. "UGH!" I yelled. "Guess i gotta take THAT one too."  (phone conversation) "Hello?!"I asked.  "Who is this? What have you done to Jonghyun?" Asked a voice which sounded a lot like Taemin. "He has been abducted by evil scientists."I said in a sarcastic voice. I heard Taemin telling the other members that jonghyun got abducted by eveil scientists like it was serious. Gullable dude. "Stop lying. You're lying right? i believe you, but my friends dont. What do we do to save him?!"He said. "Oh my goodness you are stupid. This is Jang Mi. Jonghyuns hair is being yanked out right now by an old lady but other than that WE ARE FINE!"I shut the phone. I plopped down in front of HyunBin"So where were we again?"
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This is really cute ;u; makes me happy! Update soon? :D
Jealous Jjong>:D hehehe~
I like your new writing style^-^
Update soon!>:D
awww v.v arasso, but don't forget^-^ This is really good^-^
Serenity_20 #5
I Love your story and the situation between the girl and kim jonghyun is so damn funny
Yay! The date is next chappie^-^ yay yay yay yay yay!!
kekeke~ I'd be "oh, I smelt something bad and I wanted to see if it was you." <br />
But then I would get pushed...<br />
So nevermind^-^<br />
Update soon^-^
kekeke~ I'd be "oh, I smelt something bad and I wanted to see if it was you." <br />
But then I would get pushed...<br />
So nevermind^-^<br />
Update soon^-^
I'm a new reader ~~ & I just finished reading all of the chapters... I LIKE IT !! [eventhough its a little bit ert] don't care.. Update soon~ >~<