Curse my chest!

The Manager's Hot Niece
Your POV "Come on Jang Mi we are going to be late sweetheart."My uncle(shinees manager) called. Pfftt he had the nerve to call me sweetheart? He draged me out of my house because he needed help with the dormwork and all that other crap. Hey,Might as well sign me up for slavery. Anyways, i hated him ever since i was born. My mom told me i used to spit my baby food in his face. Now i know why. Hes a complete . Who was he to bring me out of the house with out my permission and drag me into labor?! Idontcare if that gets me any closer To shinee or what. Ok maybe i do....but i dont admit it. Thats the only plus part about this to get to meet.....SHINee. Ahhh~~~~SHINee.......such lovely boys. Sorry, gotta stop getting distracted. So where was I? Oh ya....i dont get paid for the job. Of coors he provides me food and shelter, but i already had that! My mom said it would be a good opputunity to bond with my uncle and learn a little housework jobs but who would want to do those thigs anyways? Not me. I would rather stay home and read for a living. And even if i did get to meet shinee.....i would never have the coursge to even speak to them. Im super shy. "Get those earplugs out of your ears and get Moving! Hustle hustle!"He yelled. "Your not my sports coach. I can take as long as i want. I'll even take a few hours to walk up those stairs if i wanted to. If i were you i would just..."I made a zipping motion to my mouth,"shut your mouth." His face got red with anger and i could tell he was trying to contain his anger as best as he could. "Sweety.."He began,"Dont call me that."I asked. "Ok Jang mi...we need to get to the dorm quick. I have a meeting with Lee Soo Man in a Few minutes. So we have to get to the dorm right now so i can leave." He managed through his gritted teeth. "Ya leave me so i can clean up your poop with a pooper scooper."I remarked. He rolled his eyes. "Your mother told me to tell you that she expects you to be respectful to me."He lied. "Whatever."I shrugged. He grunted. He began walking up the stairs. I stood at the bottom, hesitating. He turned around notcicing i wasnt following. He waved his hands towards him but i shook my head. "Ughh!"He ran down the stairs picked me up in his arms and held me like those newly wedded couples do after their wedding and dashed up the stairs. "Ahhh get me off you freak of an uncle. Let goo!!"I kicked and hit but he didnt let go until we were In front of the dorm. He dropped me to the ground and knocked on the door. "Oww!"I screamed rubbing my . "Get up from the floor its filthy."He demanded. "No!"I refused as if i were a little kid. "Get up now!"He yelled obviously pissed. "N.O...NO." I spelled. "You stubborn little...."He scoffed as he reached out to grab me. Then the door opened. The warm smile of Lee Jinki was standing between me and the door. "And you must be the niece."He said looking down on me as i sat there like an idiot on the dirty dorm ground. His voice was welcoming it made my body feel tingly. "Well you guys have fun! Onew, I'll b back in a few hours. Make sure she behaves."He stated. "Yes sir i will."He responded in a kindly manner. I got up and dusted off my bum. My face streeked with embarrassment. I cant believe i acted like a complete fool in front of Onew. Terrible first impression. He kept staring at my s but surprisingly didnt say anything. I had abnormally small coconuts for a highschooler. Everytime someone saw me the thing they notice immediately are my s and they HAVE to say somethig about it. I wonder how nice the other members will be towards my flat chest? $$$$$$$$$$$ Onews POV Whoa she has small bossoms! The manager said she was in highschool. She looks like it exept the chest area throws me off. I decided not to say anything because she already seemed embarrassed enough. Her face was bright red.  /////////////_\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Your POV I felt uncomfortable. Finally, he snapped out of the trance and invited me in. "We have a visitor!"He screamed. The rest of the members came Rushing out. "Do you know our names and stuff?" Onew asked kindly. I was about to say ' yea ur SHINee!'. But i didnt want to seem like a obsessed fan. I just simply nodded. "Aww noona you dont have to be shy!"Taemin exclaimed. That cutie. "Whoa and she has small s!"Jjong and key said at the same time. Those es. Those hot, charming, awesome, handsome, cute,! All of their eyes shifted to my chest besides Minho's. His deep round eyes stared at mine sharing deep sympathy for the hating members that i had to deal with. I covered my arms over my chest unconfidentally. "Ehh shes a boring one."Huffed Jonghyun. "KIM JONGHYUN! how dare you say that about me?!"My voice came out strictly like a teachers. "Sorry m'am."He quickly ansered. The rest of them stood wide eyes at my sudden remark. I got back to being the typical Shy girl i always was around new people. I glanced around the dorm to fill the unusual silence. "Ok! Lets get Jang Mi a room."Minho suggested filling up the akward moment. 
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This is really cute ;u; makes me happy! Update soon? :D
Jealous Jjong>:D hehehe~
I like your new writing style^-^
Update soon!>:D
awww v.v arasso, but don't forget^-^ This is really good^-^
Serenity_20 #5
I Love your story and the situation between the girl and kim jonghyun is so damn funny
Yay! The date is next chappie^-^ yay yay yay yay yay!!
kekeke~ I'd be "oh, I smelt something bad and I wanted to see if it was you." <br />
But then I would get pushed...<br />
So nevermind^-^<br />
Update soon^-^
kekeke~ I'd be "oh, I smelt something bad and I wanted to see if it was you." <br />
But then I would get pushed...<br />
So nevermind^-^<br />
Update soon^-^
I'm a new reader ~~ & I just finished reading all of the chapters... I LIKE IT !! [eventhough its a little bit ert] don't care.. Update soon~ >~<