
The Manager's Hot Niece
Jonghyun's POV
Halmoni and I walked back to the house, silent and awkward. I would've said a few things to her, but I couldn't help feeling jea....nevermind. 
"Gomawoyo."I bowed to the grandma and plopped down on the bed. Feeling all alone. I looked out the back window, I scoffed and rolled my eyes. Hyunbin and JangMi. 
Your POV
He gave me a shovel and a pair of gloves. 
"Now...what you need to do..." He talked super slowly as if I was stupid.
 I slapped his on the shoulder. "YAHH~! I'm not a babo!!" 
He laughed and continued. "Just dig up these weeds and dump them in this basket. Sound easy enough?" 
I nodded and got to work. 
I dug down deeply and my shovel jerked upward. Dirt flung into Hyunbin's face. 
He spit. "YAH!" He took a shovel of dirt and poured it on my pants. 
I glared and shoved the dang dirt down his shirt. I poked my tongue out. 
He huffed. "OH IT'S ONN~" He lifted me up and walked for a few minutes. 
"YAH! Let me go! Where are we going anyways?" I kicked my feet. 
"You'll see" Then he let go of me and dropped me into a pond. 
"KIM HYUNBINN!!" I screamed as I stood up, drenched in water. 
I slipped on the mud and fell back in. "GIMME A HAND!" 
He held out his palm. I yanked it and he fell with me into the water. 
"YOUU!"He shouted, pointing at me. 
I started splashing him. He splashed me back. It went on for the longest time, our eyes meeting, our laughs filling the bright atmosphere. It was all perfect. Until HE came along. 
Jonghyun's POV
I marched outside. Halmoni left to go get some groceries. So I was all alone in the house, with nothing to do. I couldn't help myself. I couldn't bare to watch them have fun like that. 
I sat down on the hill in front of the water. I puffed my cheeks and stared at Jangmi. 
"What?" She questioned, finally breaking the awkward silence. 
"Oh nothing, just, relaxing that's all."I stretched out my legs. 
"Out here? Can't you just relax somewhere else? We're in the middle of something here." She sassed. 
"Huhh~ by the looks of it, you're just playing a game
of splash." 
"Were you watching us!?" 
"No. Maybe. You never know." I rocked back and forth. 
She glared at me. "Come on Hyunbin..."She grabbed his hand as they walked out of the pond, soaked from head to toe. 
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This is really cute ;u; makes me happy! Update soon? :D
Jealous Jjong>:D hehehe~
I like your new writing style^-^
Update soon!>:D
awww v.v arasso, but don't forget^-^ This is really good^-^
Serenity_20 #5
I Love your story and the situation between the girl and kim jonghyun is so damn funny
Yay! The date is next chappie^-^ yay yay yay yay yay!!
kekeke~ I'd be "oh, I smelt something bad and I wanted to see if it was you." <br />
But then I would get pushed...<br />
So nevermind^-^<br />
Update soon^-^
kekeke~ I'd be "oh, I smelt something bad and I wanted to see if it was you." <br />
But then I would get pushed...<br />
So nevermind^-^<br />
Update soon^-^
I'm a new reader ~~ & I just finished reading all of the chapters... I LIKE IT !! [eventhough its a little bit ert] don't care.. Update soon~ >~<