Finding Out

Young Spies

Jinki's eyes widened and he let go of Kibum's wrists. Kibum looked scared and broken, the way Jinki found him years ago.

    "Jonghyun?" Jinki asked softly.

Memories ran through Jinki's mind, making his head hurt as he remembered them. He pushed those memories aside and put Kibum as his main priority at the moment. Kibum stared at Jinki with a terrified expression and it only made Jinki regret everything he just did. It made him feel like he was looking through Jonghyun's eyes, seeing Kibum scared in front of him.

    "Kibum?" Jinki called, extending his hand.

Kibum held his breath and looked away from Jinki. Jinki's heart shattered and he knew this was all his fault. He sat on the desk and looked at Kibum. Kibum fiddled with his hands, trying to regain control, not letting fear consume him again.

    "I'm so sorry, Bummie. I didn't mean to hurt you, I just got caught up in the moment... I wasn't thinking." Jinki said, covering his face with his hands.

Kibum took deep breaths and pushed Jonghyun and his memories back, not wanting to see them again. He fiddled with his wedding ring and stared at it. The diamond was absolutely beautiful in his eyes and it was given to him by the person he loved the most. He looked at Jinki and found his husband was covering his face. Kibum stepped forward and hugged Jinki.

    "Jinki, I love you. No amount of sudden aggressiveness will ever stop me from loving you. I'm sorry." Kibum said.

Jinki removed his hands and looked at Kibum with teary eyes.

    "No, I should be apologizing. I shouldn't be aggressive at all. I don't want to be the cause of your terrible memories returning. I'm so sorry, Bummie." Jinki said.

Kibum chuckled and pulled Jinki off of the desk.

    "We were talking about Jinbum, how did this become about us?" Kibum asked.

    "You said I was too laid back and I wasn't doing my job as a father." Jinki stated.

    "Oh... Well.. Forget what I said." Kibum said, feeling a bit awkward.

Jinki smiled softly and wrapped his arms around Kibum's waist. Kibum wrapped his arms around Jinki's neck, feeling content.

    "Have I ever told you that I love you? Because I love you so much, Kibum." Jinki said, kissing Kibum's forehead.

Kibum chuckled and looked into Jinki's brown eyes.

    "I hope you know I love you so much more." Kibum said, kissing Jinki's nose.

Jinki captured Kibum's lips in a passionate kiss and it felt like their first kiss all over again. Yoogeun scrolled through the pictures of the file his cousin sent him and wrote down the important details. Jonghyun was born in Seoul, April 8th XXXX and he died August 13 XXXX. Multi colored hair (for some odd reason) at the moment of death. Natural dark brown hair at birth. Used glasses. Suspended from school multiple times but was an A honor student. He died from a fatal shot through his lower abdomen, piercing through his stomach. Jeez his mother had good aim if she wanted to kill his uncle quickly. The file only gave the basic details but it didn't say anything about why he was killed and that upset Yoogeun.

    "Choi Yoogeun, do I need to take your phone away for the period?" The teacher called.

    "No ma'am." Yoogeun replied, putting his phone back into his pocket.

He sighed and turned his attention to the window. He needs to know why his mother killed his uncle but why exactly? That's what was bugging him. He stared at a tree next to the window and noticed a bird nest. There were three baby birds and a mother bird. The baby birds were learning how to fly and two succeed but the last one fell. Yoogeun's eye widened as the baby bird hit the floor. He covered his mouth to stifle his laughter causing some of his classmates to look at him weirdly. He's never seen a baby bird fly or fall, he wonders how shielded he was. After class he pulled out his phone and looked through more of the pictures he received. His eyes widen and he leaned against his locker.

    "Whoa." Yoogeun said to himself.

He zoomed into the picture and read carefully what the words said. Kim Jonghyun killed multiple employees for not following the strict rules he had laid down. Kept parents captive of some employees to keep them from saying anything. Threatened death to anyone who disobeyed him. Police couldn't intervene due to Jonghyun blackmailing certain officers. Sadistic. Tried to kill the head of F.I.S.H, Lee Donghae and his sons Lee Jinki and Lee Minho. Yoogeun's mouth dropped and he looked around. His uncle tried to kill his father and uncle, oh my shisus. This doesn't change his mind about anything. His wishes his uncle was there so he could get his side of the story. Jonghyun did say he did some things he wasn't proud of, or was Yoogeun not listening? Jinbum saw Yoogeun by his locker and walked towards him.

    "Hey, I got in trouble because of you." Jinbum said.

    "Really?" Yoogeun asked.

    "Yeah, now I can't go on my mission Saturday!" Jinbum exclaimed.

    "Well that's a good thing because if you were really ready like you say you are, you wouldn't have gotten caught." Yoogeun snapped, walking away.

Jinbum looked shocked by what her cousin said and wondered if he was right.

    "I am ready!" Jinbum yelled, reassuring herself.

Everyone in the halls looked at her and her face flushed. She then growled and stomped her foot.

    "What are you all looking at?!" Jinbum asked.

Everyone turned their heads and hurried away. She huffed and punched the locker closest to her. It was Yoogeun's fault, he had her look for a file for him and send him pictures. The pictures! That's it! She pulled out her phone and realized her phone had deleted the pictures and she threw her phone to the ground.

    "Stupid phone." Jinbum scoffed.

Taemin was busy cleaning the house while Minho was at H.Y.U.N. He went into Yoogeun's room and made his bed. He put everything back in its place and that's when he noticed the DVD player. It didn't look dusty as usual, it looks used. Taemin sat down and CD's on top of the monitor. He the television and the monitor. The disk played and Taemin's eyes grew in horror. He's seen this video just days after Jonghyun died, now his son watched it. He ejected the DVD and grabbed the rest.

    "He watched these?! Oh no! Damn it Jonghyun!" Taemin growled.

He took the DVD's from his son's room and put them in a safe in his and Minho's room. He hopes this won't effect Yoogeun in anyway, Taemin just can't believe it.

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so i have a question is this fic a sequel or not? and if it is can you give me the link to read the first part before i read this one. thank you
Chapter 25: aww its over D:
I really loved this story XDD <3
Thank you for writing this piece o/
Shinee1997 #3
Chapter 23: Update soon please the story is really good^^
Chapter 19: Update soon author-nim! I can't wait for the next chap :3
SstarB #5
Chapter 7: So yogeun turn like his uncle!!?
Chapter 6: Oh my Gosh!!! Jinki being angry :( :(
SstarB #7
Chapter 3: Yeahhh....... anothet story from onkey!!!!
So Jinki and Jonghyun are friend!!? How about jinki's memory!!?