
Young Spies

Jinki sat in his study and looked bored. Those things were simply an excuse to get him away from his brother in law. He's never hated someone, but Sandeul was an exception. Jonghyun happened to appear at the wrong time as Jinki threw his pencil holder at the door.

    "Whoa what's up with you?" Jonghyun floated towards the stressed CEO.

    "Kibum met his brother Sandeul and I don't like him one bit." Jinki growled.

    "Oh, you met dear brother in law. That must've been fun. What did he do to upset you?" Jonghyun asked, not really paying attention.

    "I placed a pink flower in Kibum's hair and Sandeul just plucked it without asking him if it was important, not that it was or anything. Then he laughed at us when Kibum told him he was married. That's the first time I wanted to punch someone in the face." Jinki rambled.

    "Then why didn't you?" Jonghyun asked.

    "Because Kibum would hate me." Jinki stared at his desk with a sad expression.

    "Pfft why would it matter to you if he hated you?" Jonghyun sat on Jinki's desk.

Jinki rolled his eyes and sighed.

    "That shouldn't even be a question. It matters to me because Kibum is my wife, in case you've forgotten."

    "No I have not forgotten. Would it matter to him if you kissed a ghost?" Jonghyun asked.

    "I swear if you pull a move on me, I will call ghostbusters to exterminate you!" Jinki threatened.

    "Hey man, I was just throwing that out there." Jonghyun chuckled nervously. 

    "Get out." Jinki chuckled.

    "How's Yoogeun?" Jonghyun asked.

    "You were just with us an few hours ago. Jeez." Jinki scoffed.

Jonghyun nodded and everything went quiet, it was weird because he's never quiet. Jinki found the atmosphere unsettling and he went to retrieve the cup holder he threw, hopefully not making things worse. Jonghyun eventually disappeared leaving Jinki be, then Kibum walked in a couple of minutes later and clung to the CEO.

    "Why did you leave, Jinki? I was worried I did something to upset you." Kibum continued to worry.

    "I'm sorry, I just didn't want to ruin your reunion with your insensitive brother." Jinki explained.

Sandeul walked into the room with a hand to his chest, trying to look hurt.

    "I heard that and it hurts." Sandeul pretending to sob.


Jinki and Kibum looked unconvinced, making Sandeul feel embarrassed.

    "Ok, it doesn't but still." Sandeul said.

Jinbum walked into the study and looked confused/disgusted by the sight in front of her. She looked even more confused when she saw Sandeul.

    "Um who are you?" Jinbum asked Sandeul.

Sandeul looked surprised seeing a teenage girl talking to him. Kibum noticed the encounter and went over to his daughter, beaming.

    "Jin, this is your uncle Sandeul~" Kibum sang.

    "Sandeul, this is our daughter." Jinki couldn't look more proud.

    "Ok I'm not going to ask how but I have niece!" Sandeul exclaimed.

    "This is getting weirder by the second." Jinbum cringed.

Jinki chuckled and Kibum smiled to prevent himself from making his daughter smile.

    "I just needed some help with homework but I guess I can suffer for today." Jinbum said, exiting the room as fast as she could.

Jinbum wasn't the only one suffering as Yoogeun was stuck in the living room with his parents.

    "Yoogeun, remember when you were three and you favored your uncle Jinki over your aunt Kibum?" Taemin reminisced.

Yoougeun was confused with the sudden topic and looked at his mother.

    "I remembered when you woke us up every morning. Shisus, you were so cute." Minho cooed.

    "Ok, what is going on? " Yoogeun got up from the couch and keep his distance from his parents.

Minho and Taemin looked at each other then at their son.

    "We're just worried about you, baby." Taemin admitted.

Yoogeun tilted his head, wondering if his parents have caught on to him.

    "What on Earth are you talking about?" Yoogeun chuckled nervously.

    "We know about-" Taemin was about to tell the truth.

    "Your grades and how low they are. What have you been doing?" Minho redirected.

Yoogeun mentally sighed and he was glad his parents weren't the brightest.

    "Ah my grades... I don't want to talk about them, they make me want cry. I was once a straight A student and now I'm getting straight B's, such a tragedy." Yoogeun went on with the lie.

    "All right drama pants, get out of here." Minho pointed to the hall.

Gladly Yoogeun took his leave and locked himself in his room. He was sure his parents caught onto him for a moment, but his parents aren't detectives. He always seems to forget his dad is a former spy and his mom was a hacker. Taemin stared at Minho in surprise, hitting his husband's arm.

    "What was that all about?!" 

    "You, my dear, need to be a bit more secretive." Minho pat one of Taemin's hands.

    "Secretive? I'm plenty secretive!" Taemin defended himself.

Minho smiled and shook his head.

    "No you're not. You nearly gave away that we were onto him." Minho chuckled.

    "So we're not suppose to do that?" Taemin looked puzzled.

    "This is why I love you, Minnie." Minho kissed Taemin's forehead.

Taemin smiled, still confused of course, and blushed.

    "But you aren't going to forget that you have to keep an eye on him, right?

    "I was hoping you would forget about that."

Taemin pushed Minho and laughed, because Minho thought he would forget. He's got such a great memory that he can't forget the look on Jonghyun's face when he died, and it still haunts him. Minho knew that and tried to switch the topic to something that doesn't remind his wife about his dead brother.

    "Did you hear Jinki and Kibum want another child?" Minho successfully switched the topic as Taemin looked interested.

    "Really? I thought they agreed on one." Taemin looked a bit skeptical.

    "Jinki said one until they got the parenting down." Minho said.

    "Omo that would be so cute! Another little Kibum or maybe a little Jinki this time!" Taemin squealed.

    "But you didn't hear it from me, cutie." Minho kissed Taemin.

Taemin hummed but Minho wasn't sure if he really understood. Yoogeun looked over his notes in his personal notepad and sighed.

    "Man it sure is hard being evil." Yoogeun said.

    "You wouldn't know evil even if it hit you in the face."

Jonghyun appeared next to Yoogeun, making the boy cringe.

    "And why aren't you in Hell already?" Yoogeun spat.

    "Because I have things to resolve here." Jonghyun ruffled his nephew's hair.

    "Like what? Confessing your love to my uncle Jinki?" Yoogeun pulled away from Jonghyun touch.

Jonghyun looked surprised while Yoogeun just smirked as he pulled out a small green notebook labeled, Journal.

    "I know all about your little crush that turned into a big time heartbreak. I know that you were spying on my uncle after you became head of H.Y.U.N. I know you had no intention to hurt my uncle when you knew there was going to a shoutout on the roof. I know it all, dear uncle." Yoogeun sneered.

Jonghyun tried to grab the notebook while trying not to be embarrassed. Yoogeun kept it away from him and managed to push Jonghyun away.

    "Help me be like you and get my revenge for you or I show my uncle Jinki your diary." Yoogeun threatened.

    "Kid, you don't want to be me and you don't want revenge. Think about it, you were such a good kid before you knew about me." Jonghyun pleaded.

    "Well no more nice Yoogeun, I don't want to be what my parents want."

    "Am I missing something here because your parents aren't forcing you to be something you don't want to be?"

Yoogeun stammered as he was busy thinking for excuses.

    "Just go away already!" Yoogeun exclaimed.

Jonghyun stared at Yoogeun for a bit, reading him, before leaving. Yoogeun sighed and went to his desk, pulling out some papers in the process.

    "It looks like it's time for my dear cousin to go on her first mission." He smirked.

Jinki drummed his fingers against his desk while he was waiting for Kibum to stop talking about their wedding. He wants to know why Sandeul came and if he's being hunted or something like that.

    "And then for our honeymoon we went to London, Spain and-"

    "Kibum, I bet you're real tired from talking so fast. Why don't you get yourself a drink, sweetie." Jinki interrupted.

Kibum obviously knew Jinki wanted him to shut up but went for the drink anyway to check up on their daughter. Sandeul chuckled and sat down in a chair in front of Jinki's desk.

    "Does he always talk that much?" Sandeul asked.

    "Oh yeah. It's kind of hard to shut him up without being rude." Jinki rolled his eyes, "But we need to discuss something important."


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so i have a question is this fic a sequel or not? and if it is can you give me the link to read the first part before i read this one. thank you
Chapter 25: aww its over D:
I really loved this story XDD <3
Thank you for writing this piece o/
Shinee1997 #3
Chapter 23: Update soon please the story is really good^^
Chapter 19: Update soon author-nim! I can't wait for the next chap :3
SstarB #5
Chapter 7: So yogeun turn like his uncle!!?
Chapter 6: Oh my Gosh!!! Jinki being angry :( :(
SstarB #7
Chapter 3: Yeahhh....... anothet story from onkey!!!!
So Jinki and Jonghyun are friend!!? How about jinki's memory!!?