Told Taemin

Young Spies

Minho and Taemin looked at Kibum, with wide eyes.

    "Can't you see what's going on?" Kibum asked.

    "What?" Taemin asked.

    "Your son is trying to turn you two against each other." Jinki said.

    "Why would he do that?" Taemin asked.

Jinki looked at Minho and Minho instantly knew why. He put a hand on Taemin's shoulder and sighed.

    "It's because Yoogeun's turning into Jonghyun." Minho said.

Taemin covered his mouth and shook his head.

    "No, this can't be happening! How do you know for sure?!" Taemin asked.

    "Jonghyun warned me." Jinki said.

    "Jonghyun... This is all his fault! Why did my mother have to marry his father? Why did I look up to him?!" Taemin exclaimed.

Jinki looked confused as Taemin spat venom at the brother who raised him. He saw Jonghyun standing next to Taemin and saw tears escaping those dead brown eyes.

    "Taemin, please don't blame this on me. I tried my best to stop him, but he just won't listen." Jonghyun hiccuped.

Jinki simply stared at Jonghyun's broken demeanor. Taemin continued to cry about how this is all Jonghyun's fault while Minho and Kibum tried to comfort him.

    "Jonghyun, make yourself visible to him. Tell him it's not your fault." Jinki said.

Kibum turned his head towards Jinki and looked confused.

    "Jinki?" Kibum asked.

    "He would still blame me for his child's mental state. I don't want him to hate me even more." Jonghyun said.

    "He'll continue to hate you if you don't explain yourself. Stop being a baby!" Jinki exclaimed.

Now he had, Taemin's and Minho's attention.

    "Jinki, what are you doing?" Kibum asked again.

    "Do you think it will make a difference?" Jonghyun asked.

    "It won't hurt trying." Jinki said.

    "Jinki!" Kibum exclaimed, shaking his husband.

Jinki blinked and looked at his scared wife.

    "Are you ok?" Kibum asked.

    "Yeah why?" Jinki asked.

    "You were talking to yourself, hyung." Minho said.

    "I wasn't talking to myself. I was talking to Jonghyun." Jinki said.

Taemin crossed his arms and Kibum looked confused.

    "I think you need to new husband because this one is broken." Taemin said.

    "Actually he's right, Taem." Jonghyun said.

Taemin didn't face towards the sound of Jonghyun's voice. He cringed at the nickname because was the only one who used it a lot.

    "I'm not going to ask how he's but I want him out." Taemin growled.

    "Are you going to try to kill us again?" Minho asked, looking at Jonghyun.

Kibum ran into Jinki's arms and glared darts at Jonghyun. Jinki had his arms wrapped firmly around Kibum, making sure nothing would hurt his precious wife.

    "No, it's just I'm tired of hearing Taemin say he hates me. I know what he does in my office. He cries about me and it hurts seeing him cry." Jonghyun said.

Taemin bit his lip refusing to look at his dead brother.

    "Go away." Taemin said.

    "Maybe he has something to say, Minnie." Minho said.

    "What is he going to say? That he talks to Yoogeun too?!" Taemin asked, looking at Minho.

    "Actually I do talk to Yoogeun." Jonghyun said.

Taemin snapped and finally turned around to look at his brother.

    "So you are the cause of this! I should've known your evil spirit won't leave until you've destroyed my life!" Taemin explode.

    "Believe it or not, I was trying to convince him to stop. I keep telling him to drop it but he doesn't listen. He wants to avenge me and I know I died for something I knew was wrong! I had it coming to me! I just didn't imagine it being you who pulled the trigger on me." Jonghyun said, his eyes softening as he looked at Taemin.

Taemin's eyes shined but he maintained his glare. Jonghyun looked at Taemin and bit his lip.

    "I know it must've been for you once you saw me on the roof pointing the gun at Jinki. I tried to stop but that stupid obsession I had of killing people kept a solid hold of me. I only wanted what was best for you and at the time I didn't think Minho was good for you. Now I see I was completely wrong and I'm grateful for him, getting your mind away from those bad memories." Jonghyun said, now looking at ground.

Taemin's anger subsided now he felt bad for snapping at his dead brother. Kibum didn't buy any of it and rolled his eyes. Jonghyun must've sensed that because when he lifted his head up, he looked straight at Kibum. Kibum flinched making Jinki hold him tighter.

    "Kibum, I'm so so sorry I abused you and kept your parents captive. I was so hard on you and looking back on that, I would take back every bad thing I did to you. It was wrong of me to threaten you with death, it was my sick mind talking. When you looked at me with those broken cat eyes I felt bad on the inside but didn't have the power to stop. I'm sorry." Jonghyun said, wiping his teary eyes.

    "I forgive you... Why? Because if it wasn't for your abusive ways I wouldn't have met Jinki and if I didn't meet Jinki, I wouldn't have a daughter. In a way, thank you." Kibum said, burying his head in Jinki's jacket.

Jonghyun smiled a little and chuckled.

    "You did something I didn't. You didn't let Jinki go while I let him go years before he met you. That was my biggest mistake, so don't let him go Kibum and Jinki, protect him from people like me." Jonghyun said.

    "Why are you really here, Kim?" Taemin asked.


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so i have a question is this fic a sequel or not? and if it is can you give me the link to read the first part before i read this one. thank you
Chapter 25: aww its over D:
I really loved this story XDD <3
Thank you for writing this piece o/
Shinee1997 #3
Chapter 23: Update soon please the story is really good^^
Chapter 19: Update soon author-nim! I can't wait for the next chap :3
SstarB #5
Chapter 7: So yogeun turn like his uncle!!?
Chapter 6: Oh my Gosh!!! Jinki being angry :( :(
SstarB #7
Chapter 3: Yeahhh....... anothet story from onkey!!!!
So Jinki and Jonghyun are friend!!? How about jinki's memory!!?