Be Nice

Young Spies

Kibum held his head while he sat on his bed. He's been getting random memories and it hurts his head because he doesn't remember them or was it because of his past accident? He wants his terrible memories to go what but what's with the new ones? He can't close his eyes with it flashing through his head. He groaned as the pain in his head was too much.

    "Jinki~" Kibum managed to call.

Jinki ran into the room and saw Kibum holding his head. He went over to Kibum and kneeled down in front of him. Kibum looked at him and Jinki could see pain in his eyes.

    "What's wrong?" Jinki asked, concerned.

    "My... My head... Hurts.." Kibum said, his eyes wincing in the pain.

Jinki processed the information in his head and wasn't sure how to help.

    "Lay down and I'll get some aspirin." Jinki said.

Kibum nodded and laid down on the bed.

    "Don't go hyung! I don't want you to leave!" Kibum cried.

    "Kibum, please let go of me." Sandeul said softly.

    "No! I'll promise I'll be a better little brother! Just please don't go!" Kibum exclaimed as he clung to Sandeul.

Sungmin pulled Kibum away and Kyuhyun walked Sandeul to the front door. Kibum cried hysterically as he watched his father hug his older brother one last time. Sandeul walked out of the house and Sungmin made the mistake of putting Kibum down.

    "Hyung!" Kibum cried as he darted past his father.

    "Kibum!" Kyuhyun exclaimed.

Kibum ran out of the house and saw his brother getting into a black car.

    "Sandeul hyung!" Kibum called.

The next second he felt pain as he ran off the porch. He forgot there were steps, oops. Sandeul watched his little brother hit the ground and his parents darted out of the house.

    "Kibummie!" Sandeul called.

Everything went dark for Kibum as he laid on the ground.


Kibum opened his eyes and saw Jinki looking at him.

    "What?" Kibum asked, a bit confused on what happened.

    "You passed out on me. I was telling you to take your pills then you out." Jinki chuckled.

    "Oh, I'm sorry." Kibum said, blushing slightly.

    "It's fine. Feel any better after your short nap?" Jinki asked.

Kibum nodded and Jinki smiled.

    "That's good, but I think you should stay here and rest. I'll clean up in the dining room." Jinki said, kissing Kibum's forehead.

    "I'm fine I can-" Kibum started.

    "No, I order you to stay in bed and rest." Jinki said, walking to the door.

Kibum pouted and nodded. Jinki left the room and Kibum felt instantly bored. What did he just witness? Was it a memory? Was it the accident? He shook his head and laid on the bed. He buried his face into his pillow and sighed. His mind strayed and thought of his parents and what they must have gone through. One son injured and the other leaving home at a young age, it must've been hard. He remembers being in his mother's arm and talking to him about someone he didn't know. She must've been talking about Sandeul.

    "Sandeul, I want to see you." Kibum whispered to himself.

As if answering his plea he heard a faint noise. Kibum got up from the bed and walked towards the door. Jinki was going to kill him for getting up but he has know what that noise was. He carefully opened the door and looked into the hall. There was no one around so he exited quickly, quietly closing the door behind him. He went down the hall and saw his daughter sneaking out of her room.

    "Jinbum!" Kibum hissed.

Jinbum looked at her mother and frowned, she had gotten caught. If only she didn't drop her already broken phone on the ground. Jinki went up the stairs to his room and heard noises. He stopped and sighed, already knowing what he was going to find. He stepped into the hall and crossed his arms. The hall was a disaster, pictures and paintings that hung on the walls were on the ground (except for one surviving picture that will upset him the most if it fell), plants were knocked from their pedestals, and there were dents in the wall (he doesn't know how). In the middle of it all stood his wife, Kibum, gripping his daughter's arm.

    "Really?" Jinki asked, his tone clearly not amused.

Kibum let go off Jinbum and she stumbled backwards, hitting the wall. It was enough to knock the lone picture down. Kibum and Jinbum watched it fall and the glass shattered. They turned their heads and saw Jinki pinching the bridge of his nose.

    "Are you ok, Jinbum?" Jinki asked, slowly.

    "Yes father." Jinbum said.

Jinki counted to three and walked over to the broken picture frame. Jinbum got up quickly and stood next to her mother. Jinki bent down and took the picture from its broken home. He cherishes his wedding pictures, Jinbum's baby pictures, random paintings of bunnies Kibum manages to find, but this one meant the most to him. It was a picture of his real parents, Jongwoon and Ryeowook. Though he doesn't remember them, he holds the picture close to his heart. Jeez everyone seems to have issues remembering things. He stood up and looked at his wife and daughter.

    "In my study.. now." Jinki said, in a low tone.

Kibum and Jinbum nodded and quickly made their way there. Jinki looked at the mess one more time before following them. Jinbum sat in a chair in front of her father desk while Kibum sat on the desk. Jinki walked in and sat in his own seat. He pushed Kibum off of his desk, making Kibum pout.

    "What am I going to do with you two?" Jinki asked.

    "What ever do you mea-" Kibum started.

    "Cut the bull, Kibum. It seems to me that you two are always clawing at each other's throats." Jinki said.

    "No." Kibum said.

Jinki rose an eyebrow at Kibum and scoffed.

    "From the day our daughter could speak you always disagreed with her for some odd reason. Maybe it's because you like being right or something but it's gotten old. I've listened you both bicker for 15 years, give or take a few years, and I've had it." Jinki said.

    "We don't always disagree." Kibum said.

    "Dog or Cat?" Jinki asked.

    "Dog." Kibum said.

    "Cat." Jinbum said.

Jinki rolled his eyes while he could mentally see the lasers between the two divas.

    "See! I don't know why but you two always seem to hate each other, no matter what. For shisus sake you're mother and daughter! Shouldn't you be supporting each other or painting each other's nails?" Jinki asked.

Kibum glared at Jinki, which Jinki ignored. Jinbum sat quiet because she knew her father was right. Her and her mother do fight a lot and they never seem to be nice to each other. Why? Jinbum never understood. Kibum couldn't deny the facts. He really loves his daughter and does everything in his power to protect her but the way his husband was putting made it seem like he is the bad guy. Maybe he is, he's not quite sure. All he knows is how to sass his daughter after she gives him a smart answer.

    "I don't know what to do anymore. Either you two behave and play nice or I'm sending Jinbum to a boarding school." Jinki sighed.

    "What?!" Kibum and Jinbum exclaimed.

    "I'm not joking either." Jinki said, crossing his arms.


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so i have a question is this fic a sequel or not? and if it is can you give me the link to read the first part before i read this one. thank you
Chapter 25: aww its over D:
I really loved this story XDD <3
Thank you for writing this piece o/
Shinee1997 #3
Chapter 23: Update soon please the story is really good^^
Chapter 19: Update soon author-nim! I can't wait for the next chap :3
SstarB #5
Chapter 7: So yogeun turn like his uncle!!?
Chapter 6: Oh my Gosh!!! Jinki being angry :( :(
SstarB #7
Chapter 3: Yeahhh....... anothet story from onkey!!!!
So Jinki and Jonghyun are friend!!? How about jinki's memory!!?