Precious Gems

Haeun walked into the washroom to find her best friend hunched over pressing tissue onto her knee and her brother's girlfriend splashing water on her face.


“I didn't know it was that bad.” she said.

“It looks worse than it actually is” said Jenny when she heard her friend's voice. “They're gone, right?”


“Yeah, they looked like they were about to head out when I made my way over here.” replied Haeun.


“Good. Saves us from more embarrassment.” said Jenny.


“Now that I know you guys are okay, can I laugh at you now?” inquired Haeun. She didn't wait for their answer as she let out a loud laugh. Jenny glared at her best friend who just continued to laugh.


“Just be thankful that it wasn't you.” said Jenny.


Haeun was laughing so hard that she had tears in her eyes. “I'm sorry. It's just...reading your text and seeing this...is two different things.” managed Haeun between laughs. Haeun took a few deep breaths and managed to compose herself. “I guess this means we're heading home too.”


“Ding. Correct.” said Jenny.


“Sungjong can drive my car and drop all of us home. God knows I've had too many to drink myself.” said Haeun.


“I'm sorry about this.” said Jieun.


“Don't worry about it. It wasn't your fault. Besides, I've done far worse things when I was younger.” said Haeun with a knowing smile. She then linked her right arm with Jenny's left and her left arm with Jieun's arm and led them out of the bathroom.


“Let's go home.” she declared.


- - - - - - - - - -


A few days later, Jenny was sporting a band-aid on her wound when she went in to work. She agonized long and hard over what to wear to work this morning and decided against pants when she read the weather forecast for the day. She got a few curious looks from her fellow employees, but no one pressed her for details on what happened and for that, she was grateful. She put her things down at her desk and headed to the conference room for a meeting.


“Good morning everybody.” her boss, Aiden, greeted. “Today, I have very exciting news for all of you.”


Everyone looked to each other to see if anyone had a clue as to what the boss was about to announce. No one seemed to know.


“Our bookstore is teaming up with this city's premiere soccer team to promote literacy.” Everyone looked even more confused. Their boss explained. “Every year, 'United' champions a cause to promote throughout the year and this year, they chose literacy. To legitimize their cause, they chose to team up with a bookstore.”


As comprehension started to dawn on everyone, excitement slowly started building in the room.


“We'll be asking a few different players each month to recommend books that they recently read and those will become our 'special product' for that month. We'll have them in house to do reading sessions with kids and other fun stuff.”

The staff was genuinely excited with the news and even Jenny acknowledged that this was good PR for both their company and the soccer team. She just hoped that she wouldn't be running into the players too often.


- - - - - - - - - -


It was the end of the work day and Jenny called her brother to see if their plans for tonight were still on.


“Sunngyu? We're still on for tonight, right?”


“Of course. I just need to head home real quick after I'm done at the hospital to shower and change. I'll meet you at the restaurant.”


“Good. I'm excited. It feels like I haven't seen you in a while.”


“It's only been a week. Miss your big brother that much?”


“Shut your face. Would you rather I not miss you?”


“Ok. You win.” said Sunggyu with a laugh. “I have a surprise for you tonight.”


“What kind of a surprise?” asked Jenny, suddenly curious.


“A good one.” replied her big brother. “Listen, they're paging me. I have to go. Bye. See you tonight.” said Sunggyu quickly before hanging up.


- - - - - - - - - -


Jenny waited for her brother outside the restaurant, as habit dictated. She was about to mentally curse her brother for being late when she saw him walking briskly towards her.


“Sorry. Had some things I had to finish at work.” apologized Sunggyu. He bent down to kiss his sister's cheek. “Let's go in. I'm hungry.” said Sunggyu as he dragged his sister into the restaurant.


The waiter sat them at their usual table and Jenny noticed that the table was set for three. She raised her eyebrow and commented: “Is this your surprise?”


“Maybe...” replied her brother with a smug smile. Sunggyu knew that he was driving his sister crazy with his non-answer answers and he relished every bit of it.


“You're driving me crazy, you know. And I can tell you're enjoying it too. You're evil.” Sunngyu just smiled even more.


Jenny saw her brother's expression change as he wove someone over to their table. She turned around to see just who he was waving to and was shocked to see just who it was. Jenny's mouth was still wide open, her eyes practically bugging out of her head as her brother's companion finally made her way over to their table. Her brother gave the guest a kiss on the cheek and wrapped his right arm around her waist.


“Jenny...Meet my girlfriend.” Sunggyu said officially. His companion waved awkwardly at her. Sunngyu pulled the chair out for his girlfriend and motioned for her to sit down before doing so himself.


Jenny stared at the person now sitting at her left, still speechless.


“Stop staring at me. Say something.”


Jenny tried to gather her thoughts as she looked to her brother and then again to the person that just joined them: her best friend, Haeun.



Inspiration was going, so two updates it is!  FINALLY got the last member of Infinite into the story so that's another thing off my checklist.  Sunggyu ♥ Haeun.  What do you guys think about the pairing?

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rockUrbody #1
great job !
igotloveandlight #2
I really love this story! I love their relationship! =D Can't wait for the next chapter =D
asdfghjklkasdgfghhjkll<br />
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u r backkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!!!!!!!!!! I misssssss u sooo much and this fluffy chapter...<br />
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woahhhhhhh... i think i need to find a boyfriend for myself now. why why why so sweeeetttttttt???? maigawdddd... <br />
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please update sooon. *reread from the first paragraph*
ngeeeeeeee... another date... n I can't wait!!!! >_<
joonkun #5
oh gosh this fic, it's so ;askldfjlskd adorable
the deal... jhasyuacugquiacgiqgfc8oqahcig<br />
sparkly-rainbows #7
hehe, so cheesyyy :3
hye_yong #8
ahhh......hoya me likey this deal too..*if it was me, not jenny* hehe
ADFGNRJDISOLCV,FMNHDDUKXCMVNFH! THATS SO CUTE, I CAN'T! Aww if i were her i'd punch him again so i'll get to kiss him again ;p lol~ you update fast! Me likey ;p
hye_yong #10
hehe the conversation is so cute ><