Precious Gems

Jenny figured she must have fallen asleep sometime during the ride home because when she opened her eyes, she recognized the inside of Hoya's car.  She turned to her left and found the passenger door open, Hoya crouched down beside her, gently rubbing her arm to get her to wake up.


“You're awake.  I've been trying to get you to wake up for a couple of minutes.”


“I'm sorry.  I'm a pretty deep sleeper.”


“I was starting to think I'd have to resort to more drastic measures.”


“Oh yeah?  Like what?”


“I have a few tricks up my sleeve.  Since living with Dongwoo, I've picked up a few things. ”


Jenny nodded, her sleep addled brain only following parts of the conversation, then let out a yawn.  She stretched her arms out, temporarily forgetting that Hoya was right beside her, that is until her fist made contact with his face.  In the quiet night, the sound that was produced seemed to be magnified.  That shook Jenny of out her stupor and quickly grabbed Hoya's face to see if he was OK.


“Oh my goodness!  I'm so sorry!” she said as she examined his face.


“Remind me not to get on your wrong side.” he said.


“Sorry, sorry!”


He laughed.  “I'm fine.  I've had worst hits than this throughout my career.”


Satisfied that she hadn't hurt him, Jenny was now all too aware of the proximity of their faces to one another.  Hoya was aware of it too and he was tempted to throw out a cheesy line, something along the lines of 'You know what would make me feel better...', but before he could get those words out, he felt Jenny's soft lips press against cheek.  When she broke the contact a few moments later, he suddenly wanted to get hit again, if it meant earning another kiss from her.  She then let go of him completely.  Hoya got up from his position and extended a hand out to Jenny to help her get out of the car.  When they were both standing, he didn't let go of Jenny's hand and enveloped her in a hug.


“I wish I didn't have to leave for this road trip in a couple of days.” he said, still holding her tight.


She took a deep breath, taking in his scent, the firmness of his chest.  “I wish work wasn't so crazy so that I could see you before you leave for your road trip.”


They just stood there, in each other’s arms, for the next few minutes, not having a care in the world.  Hoya reluctantly broke the hug, but still held her hand as they made their way to the front of her apartment building.  He placed a kiss on the back of her hand before finally letting go. 

- - - - - - - - - -

After the team got back in town and after all the interviews were over, Hoya knew that if he hurried, he’d be able to catch Jenny on her way home from work.  He parked his car across the street from the bookstore and waited for Jenny to come out.  He kept a careful watch on the people who were exiting.  I guess this is how a detective on a stakeout feels like...or a stalker.  After about 30 minutes of waiting, Hoya’s patience was starting to wear thin.  He then questioned the “brilliance” of his plan, as he had no way of knowing if Jenny was even at work today.  Just as he was about to abandon his plan, he spotted her saying goodbye to her coworkers.  He quickly picked up his phone and gave her a call.  He watched as she struggled to find her phone in her bag, then saw her expression brighten as she looked at her phone. 


“Hey!” she said.


“Hi!” he replied.


“You guys back in town?” she inquired.


“Yeah, got back this earlier this afternoon.”  Hoya answered as he slowly made his way out of his car.


 “You must be tired.”

“I’m ok, I’m hungry though.”


She laughed.  “You should go eat then.”


“I should.  What do your dinner plans look like?”


“Me?  Takeout most likely.  I don’t feel like making myself food.”


“It seems like such a shame for a beautiful woman like you to be eating takeout alone on a Friday night.”


“Well, I’ve been on a couple of dates with this pretty good looking guy, but he just came home from a business trip.  Think he’d be up for dinner?”


“You should ask him.”


After he said this, the line went dead.  Hoya looked at his phone, confused as to why the call had suddenly been dropped.  Jenny called a few seconds later.


“Hi good looking guy who I’ve been on a few dates with who just came back from a business trip, would you like to have dinner with me tonight?”


He chuckled.  “Sure.”


“Where should we meet?”


“How about I pick you up at work?”


“I’m already out.  How long will it take for you to get here?”


“I’m already here.”


Jenny looked in front of her and behind her, but still didn’t see Hoya.  It was only when she started scanning the street across her workplace when she saw him.


“This is a nice surprise.” she said when she finally joined him. 


“I’m glad you think so.” he said as he wrapped his arms around her for a hug.


“Where should we go?” she asked, mimicking Hoya’s gesture.


“Don’t really care as long as I’m with you.”


Hoya felt a pinch on his back.  “That’s really cheesy.”


“It’s true though.” he said in his defense.


“I missed you.” she confessed.


Hoya grinned from ear to ear after hearing her admission. 


“I’m really hungry now though.  As much as I’ve missed you, do you mind letting me go so we can go grab something to eat?”


“You’re holding me just as tightly.” he pointed out.


“Fine.  For the sake of our stomachs, we’ll both let go of each other so we can go grab something to eat.” she amended.


“I can put off hunger for just a while longer.”


As if on cue, Hoya heard his stomach rumble. 


“I think your body begs to differ.” she teased.


Frustrated by his own body’s betrayal, Hoya let Jenny go...for now.

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rockUrbody #1
great job !
igotloveandlight #2
I really love this story! I love their relationship! =D Can't wait for the next chapter =D
asdfghjklkasdgfghhjkll<br />
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u r backkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!!!!!!!!!! I misssssss u sooo much and this fluffy chapter...<br />
<br />
woahhhhhhh... i think i need to find a boyfriend for myself now. why why why so sweeeetttttttt???? maigawdddd... <br />
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please update sooon. *reread from the first paragraph*
ngeeeeeeee... another date... n I can't wait!!!! >_<
joonkun #5
oh gosh this fic, it's so ;askldfjlskd adorable
the deal... jhasyuacugquiacgiqgfc8oqahcig<br />
sparkly-rainbows #7
hehe, so cheesyyy :3
hye_yong #8
ahhh......hoya me likey this deal too..*if it was me, not jenny* hehe
ADFGNRJDISOLCV,FMNHDDUKXCMVNFH! THATS SO CUTE, I CAN'T! Aww if i were her i'd punch him again so i'll get to kiss him again ;p lol~ you update fast! Me likey ;p
hye_yong #10
hehe the conversation is so cute ><