Precious Gems

Hoya spotted Woohyun and Sungyeol at the bar. He waved at them and they motioned him over.


What made you change your mind?” asked Sungyeol. Hoya just shrugged. “In any case, I'm glad you're here.”


Woohyun ordered Hoya a beer and then turned towards the dance floor. “The night is young and the prospects look good my friends.” said Woohyun with a wide smile.


Hoya glanced back behind him then turned his attention back to his drink. He was starting to have second doubts about coming here. Even if he had never said so out loud, Hoya always felt awkward when he met new people. He wasn't like his two teammates who were naturally outgoing. He looked first to Woohyun who oozed charm out of his every pore then he looked to Sungyeol, who had a boyish quality about him and regretted his choice even more.


You know what guys? I'm gonna...”


Lee Howon? Is that you?” Hoya turned to look beside him and found a familiar face smiling back at him.


Kim Myungsoo?” Myungsoo then grabbed Hoya into a hug.


What are you doing here?” asked Hoya. “I thought you were still travelling the world taking pictures.”


I just back about 2 weeks ago. I got a new job here in the city. I'm still taking pictures. For now, I'm just doing some freelance gigs, but the jobs have been steady and they've been paying well.”


No more world travel for you then?”


It was fun. But I missed home, suprisingly enough, and so here I am”


Sungyeol cleared his throat behind the two men. “Am I interrupting something?”


Oh! Sorry about that. Guys, this is Kim Myungsoo. We went to high school together and we were neighbours. He was a few grades younger that me, but I saved his from bullies a few times.” Hoya said. “Myungsoo...These are my teammates...”


Myungsoo cut Hoya off. “Nam Woohyun and Lee Sungyeol. Of course. It's a pleasure meeting you guys.”


Woohyun then asked: “So you knew Hoya back in high school?...Any good stories to tell?”


Hoya scowled and Myungsoo laughed. “Maybe a few.” said Myungsoo.


- - - - - - - - - -


Jenny and Haeun walked into the cloud. The music was loud, the dance floor was filled with people grinding against each other, the bar was busy. It was a typical Friday night.


Haeun scanned the crowd until she found the face she was looking for. “Look! There's Sungjong. Let's go!” said Haeun as she grabbed Jenny by the hand.


There you two are! I've been waiting for you” said Sungjong.


Sorry! My fault. Haeun sprung this on me at the last minute. Like always.” As she got closer to Sungjong, she saw that he wasn't sitting alone. Jenny glanced at and her best friend did the same.


Don't be rude. Introduce us to your friend.” demanded Haeun.


Be nice, OK? I happen to really, really, like this girl.” Sungjong whispered under his breath.

When were we ever mean?” Jenny whispered back.


The girl in question got up to meet the two new people that joined Sungjong and her and introduced herself.


Hi. I'm Jieun.”


Hi Jieun! I'm Haeun, Sungjong's older sister, but if course you already knew that and this is my friend Jenny.”


Best friend.” corrected Jenny.


Jenny looked at the girl in front of her and decided right away that she liked her. She didn't have any particular reason, she just did. At the moment, she looked scared.


Don't be intimidated by Haeun. She's a lot nicer than she looks.” Jieun managed a smile.


Are you implying that I look mean?” asked Jenny.


Not mean...You just have this aura about you that's very intimidating.” said Jieun quickly.


Sungjong. I like her already.” Haeun said as she broke into a wide grin. “She's got guts.” At those words, Jieun looked relieved.


Okay...Now that all the awkward is over, I'd like to take my girlfriend out to the dance floor if you two don't mind.” said Sunjong.


She's all yours.” said Jenny.


Sungjong held out his hand for Jieun and they went to the dance floor holding hands.


Your baby brother's all grown up. You did a good job raising him.” said Jenny to her friend.


Bringing his girlfriend to a club to meet his sister for the first time isn't the brightest idea he's ever had but yeah, you're right. I don't think I screwed up too much.” Haeun then shook her head in disbelief and said: “I still can't believe he's out of elementary school, much less old enough to come to a club. Makes me feel old.”


You ARE old.” Jenny reminded her. That earned her a glare from her friend. “Okay, WE'RE old.” she quickly amended. “In any case, I think we need a drink to celebrate this occasion.”


I agree.”


Jenny stood up, pulled her friend up from the couch they were sitting on, intertwined her arm with her friend's and headed to the bar.


Haeun was the first to spot them.


Jenny. Look over there.”




Over there...” her friend pointed. Jenny craned her neck to see where her friend was pointing to and saw who her friend was referring to.


This night just turned that much more interesting.” said Haeun.

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rockUrbody #1
great job !
igotloveandlight #2
I really love this story! I love their relationship! =D Can't wait for the next chapter =D
asdfghjklkasdgfghhjkll<br />
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u r backkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!!!!!!!!!! I misssssss u sooo much and this fluffy chapter...<br />
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woahhhhhhh... i think i need to find a boyfriend for myself now. why why why so sweeeetttttttt???? maigawdddd... <br />
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please update sooon. *reread from the first paragraph*
ngeeeeeeee... another date... n I can't wait!!!! >_<
joonkun #5
oh gosh this fic, it's so ;askldfjlskd adorable
the deal... jhasyuacugquiacgiqgfc8oqahcig<br />
sparkly-rainbows #7
hehe, so cheesyyy :3
hye_yong #8
ahhh......hoya me likey this deal too..*if it was me, not jenny* hehe
ADFGNRJDISOLCV,FMNHDDUKXCMVNFH! THATS SO CUTE, I CAN'T! Aww if i were her i'd punch him again so i'll get to kiss him again ;p lol~ you update fast! Me likey ;p
hye_yong #10
hehe the conversation is so cute ><