Precious Gems

Hoya waited for Jenny to take a bite of his food. He watched her face carefully, looking for any sign that might indicate she didn't like it. Jenny finished chewing and declared that it was good. Hoya could feel himself relax once again.


Where'd you learn how to cook?” asked Jenny.


My parents actually own a restaurant, but learning how to cook didn't seem that important to me until I started living on my own. So my mom taught me a few things, then I started figuring things out on my own.”


Impressive. I myself can't cook all that well. I probably have about 5-10 recipes that I recycle all the time.” confessed Jenny.


Didn't your mom teach you?”


Jenny's expressed darkened for a split second. “My mom died when I was young.”


I'm sorry to hear that.”


It's OK.”


Hoya didn't know what to say next. Jenny continued. “It's just been me and my brother for as long as I can remember. I think my dad took it hard when my mom died, so I think his job being overseas makes it easier for him to deal with the loss, as crazy as that may sound. He's around for holidays and he always makes it home for our birthdays, so we know we're important to him.”


Hoya could only nod. “What does your brother do?”


Sunggyu's a doctor.” Jenny said proudly. “He practically raised me. He taught me right from wrong, helped me with my homework, threatened guys with dismemberment if ever they were to break my heart.”


Remind me not to do that.” said Hoya.


Jenny just smiled. “I used to want to do everything he wanted to do. When he played soccer, I tried it too.” At this news, Hoya raised an eyebrow. “I played for 2 seasons. The first season, I did OK but the second season, the other girls were much stronger and faster than me, so I quit. That's when my love affair with books started.”


So, you went from athlete to nerd.” Hoya teased.


That's not untrue.” said Jenny. “What about you? I bet you were always in the 'in' crowd.”


Actually, I wasn't. I was sort of overweight, used to wear really thick glasses, had terrible hair. The opposite of cool. My dad put me enrolled me in sports thinking it would be good for me. I hated it when I first started. I couldn't keep up with the others. That made me determined to be better as I did, I started playing soccer more and more, which I guess, in turn, led me to where I am today.”


So you went from outcast to jock. Kinda ironic, don't you think?” Hoya nodded.


What about your family? Tell me about them.”


I'm the middle child. I have two brothers.”


3 sons? That must've been fun. Maybe not so much for your mom.”


We were a handful, that's for sure.” acquiesced Hoya. “Though my parents have their hands full nowadays with grand kids. My older brother married young and he's got 3 kids. I've got 2 nephews and a niece. My younger brother got married about 2 years ago and he and his wife are expecting their first child.”

“And here you are living a bachelor's life.”


Enjoying it while I can.” joked Hoya. “Honestly, my sisters-in-law are great, though they're crazy for wanting to put up with my brothers.”


Jenny laughed. She was surprised at how easily their conversation was flowing, it almost made them forgot about their dinner.


- - - - - - - - - -


They talked more about their families and their jobs and time flew by. Hoya was the first to notice that it was getting late.

“It's getting late.”


Jenny looked at her watch and saw that Hoya was right. “I should probably get going. You have a game tomorrow, you probably should get some rest.” Hoya wasn't ready for the night to end, but knew that Jenny was right. He owed it to the team to get some rest tonight.


I supposed you're right.”


Jenny stood up from her chair and started cleaning up. “Leave that.” said Hoya. “I can do that.”


But you cooked. Fair is fair.” countered Jenny.


How about next time, you do the cooking and cleaning. We can do it at your house so you feel more comfortable.”


Sounds like a fair deal.” agreed Jenny.


Ok then. I'll walk you to your car.”


- - - - - - - - - -


The elevator ride down to the lobby and towards Jenny's parking space was silent. It seemed awkward, especially compared to how much they had to talk about earlier. It wasn't long before Jenny found her car.


Thanks for cooking.”

“Thanks for the flowers.”


I had a good time.”


So did I.”


Jenny unlocked her car door then opened it. “I guess this is goodnight.” There it was again. The awkward moment where she didn't know how to say goodbye. She stepped back up onto the sidewalk and leaned in for a hug. Hoya was surprised at the unexpected gesture. He pulled her closer to him and wrapped his arms around her. Caught in the moment, Jenny did the same. She then felt his arms let go of her. She felt his right hand under her chin. He tilted her face up to his then laid a gentle kiss on her cheek before letting her go.


Goodnight Jenny. I'll call you.” Jenny could only nod as she stepped out of the warmth of Hoya's embrace and got into her car. She saw in her rearview mirror than he waited until she left before walking back towards his place. In the car, Jenny tried to still her racing heart and wondered if Hoya's touch would always have this effect on her. If so, she was in serious, serious trouble.

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rockUrbody #1
great job !
igotloveandlight #2
I really love this story! I love their relationship! =D Can't wait for the next chapter =D
asdfghjklkasdgfghhjkll<br />
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u r backkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!!!!!!!!!! I misssssss u sooo much and this fluffy chapter...<br />
<br />
woahhhhhhh... i think i need to find a boyfriend for myself now. why why why so sweeeetttttttt???? maigawdddd... <br />
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please update sooon. *reread from the first paragraph*
ngeeeeeeee... another date... n I can't wait!!!! >_<
joonkun #5
oh gosh this fic, it's so ;askldfjlskd adorable
the deal... jhasyuacugquiacgiqgfc8oqahcig<br />
sparkly-rainbows #7
hehe, so cheesyyy :3
hye_yong #8
ahhh......hoya me likey this deal too..*if it was me, not jenny* hehe
ADFGNRJDISOLCV,FMNHDDUKXCMVNFH! THATS SO CUTE, I CAN'T! Aww if i were her i'd punch him again so i'll get to kiss him again ;p lol~ you update fast! Me likey ;p
hye_yong #10
hehe the conversation is so cute ><