What is waiting?...

Lust or True Love??

At home...

"_______-yah... Appa is here!" You could hear your Oppa Jun Ho's voice from your room. Wait did he just say that Appa is back? You hurried down..

True enough, your Appa is back. Jun Ho is hugging him tightly..


"Appa,... I really missed you!!" Now it's your turn to hug your Appa. You really missed him so much. Omma just smiled. She must have been missing Appa very much. Two weeks is quite a long time..


"I really missed all of you as well.. especially your Omma!" Your Appa pulled your Omma into a hug and kissed her. Your Oppa and you thought that Appa was being romantic and flirty with your mom.


"Kids... I have something for you.." Appa announced. He took out a book and handed it over to you. You couldn't believe it at first but here it is... the music book that you had always wanted to have. It was not sold at your country so you were really thankful that your dad bought it for you.

For Jun Ho he gave him a stacks of CDs containing various types of music from classical to hip hop... Jun Ho Oppa was thrilled. Well, for sure! Now he won't even stop from dancing as he got lots of new music.


After dinner...

You sneaked into the music room to find your Appa.. True enough, Appa was reading his music scores. Maybe he's preparing for the next concert.

"Appa... You're still awake?"


"Yeah... Need to look through some of there pieces before I get to bed. Why are you not in bed yet?


"I need to ask you something.." You said.


"What is it sweetheart? You looked troubled.."


"What would you do if the person that told you to wait for him/her never show up.. Even if that person says that he/she wants to meet you--- but in the end never show up. Instead that person wrote letters saying that he/she don't have the courage to show up?"


"Whoa... Slowly, ________ pie.. Can't believe that you're all grown up already."


"What would you do, Appa?" You're becoming impatient..


"You know what, daddy girl! If you trust that someone... No matter what happened, even if that person asked you to wait for a long long time---without any complaint, you should just wait."


"But how if that person just want to make fools out of you?"


"I believe that person had no intention at all to do such thing to you..."


"But that person is such a coward for not showing up as promised.."


"________ dear... Perhaps that person has his/her own reason. Why don't you just give that person another chance.."


"I just feel a bit disappointed that this person didn't turned up."


"Don't feel that way, dear... Give that person another chance.."


"Yea,.. Appa. Thanks for the advice. I am going to bed now.. You should too, Appa. Good night!" You excused yourself


"Good night daddy girl!"

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Thanks everyone for reading :) Stay tuned for many more fanfic to come!! Have a wonderful day!
yeah its true.. it was a happy ending!

kamsaminda also unnie for not failing us! you write it so awesome!

a great story and a fantastic author!=)

awww that was a beautiful ending *dabs eyes with tissue* :)
@chapter 34

yes! yes! yes!

i knew it! mwahahaha

unnie, i really liked this! you really jjang!

but im must be prepared for the final though..

a box of tissue!
'couse i knw ill be crying a lot!hehe

always be your #1 fan!

xoxo ^_^
@chapter 33
unnie,somehow the smog cleared out already..

and i feeling whom she will choose now!hehe
unnie, i fell on my bed after this!..waaah..

i cnt still decide!

jae gives good reasons too!

this is harder than making a 24 layered cake!!
Oh No Way! why i never thought about that!!
their twins!!! "screaming"

otakae!!i thought all along that they are same person!"shock"

unnie u made me cry here for real! i was so heartbroken dsame as she feels ryt now!huhuhu

i dnt knw wat to say really!!

now, i was devastated! silly me on not thinking any posibilities! i just stuck in one box! waaaaah!

i dnt knw whom to choose!

i will hear jae side first!

"still sobbing!"=(
You can't leave it there, I want to know what happens next
omo! omo! unnie your killing me!!!

hahaha..i was reading very slowly with peeking eyes...

unnie your so mean to me!!!

in a good way though! ke ke ke

i love you unnie! even though or given a heart attack! xoxo ^_^
Haha.. Can this be worse?? I wonder who will she finally ends up with. Thanks for the update, Unnie!! Sarangheyo :)