Let's dream together...

Lust or True Love??

You're still thinking about the past...

"________-ah, When you grow up what do you want to be?" Jae asked you one day as the two of you were playing swings at the playground.

"I want to be a successful musician just like my daddy. He plays the violin very well and I am just gonna be like him. Why would you asked me that?" You asked him.

"Well...I just wondered." He looked up at the sky as he continued pushing the swing for you.

"When I grow up, I want to marry a guy like my daddy... I want to marry a guy that plays the violin well JUST LIKE my DADDY!"

"If I play the violin well, will you marry me?"

"But you are my best friend. If I marry you, then I won't have any best friend."

"But, I like you very much!"

"I like you too, Jae Oppa!"

"Then, you must marry me. Only me when you grow up, okay!" Jae was still caught with the idea of wanting to marry you.



"Promise!" You say that word out loud as he pushed your swings up to the air...

"Let's have our fingerprints pasted at each other's thumb as a promise sign,"Jae suggested. And both of you pressed your thumb  at each other's thumb as a seal of promise.




You smiled as you think back about that moment. It was so silly of both of you thinking about that. But such moment didn't last for long. Jae and you were separated. He had to move to another states as his father was transferred to work there. You're not sure of what happened to Jae but you continue pursuing your dream of becoming a great violinist.

You don't really think much about Jae until the hair pin appeared. You remember giving that hair pin to Jae before you were parted.... and you don't know how come the hair pin returned back to you.

"__________-ah, aren't you coming for dinner?" Your brother, Jun Ho knocked at your door.

"Yeah,..I'm coming! Five minutes please..." Jun Ho was your only brother and he's very close to you. He knows almost all your secret except about Jae.

You quickly kept back the big black box inside your wardrobe before hurrying down the stairs to the dining room.


"Sissy,.. I heard your school will be conducting a major concert this year!" Jun Ho asked you. He seems to be interested in that event.

"Yeah, Oppa! We're collaborating with the Haven Orchestra for this project," You updates him.

"Ah..That's good!..Omma, can you please passed that bowl of salad over to me?"

"Here you go..." Mom handed him the bowl of salad.

"Omma,.. where's dad?" You asked her.

"He's still in Europe. He's got a concert there, remember? He will only be back by sunday." Your mom reminds the two of you.

As a professional violinist, your dad was pretty much occupied with concerts, recordings and stuffs like that. But your family  enjoyed having him at home whenever he's not busy with his performances. You enjoyed playing duet with him at the music room in your house.

Jun Ho are more interested in dances compared to taking up Violin. But that did not cause any problems. Jun Ho never complained whenever your mom asked him to sends or take you home from violin lessons. He never said that your techniques or your performance were bad whenever you asked him to hear your recitals prior to any performance. He just sit down, looked at you, paying full attention as he listens to you playing the violin.He's being the perfect brother for you and it's difficult not to love him. The two of you were inseparable... but you never tell him about Jae.

It's not that you don't trust him..but because it's one of the memory that you really want to forget. Who would not be angry when the person who made you promise, disappear without any news.



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Thanks everyone for reading :) Stay tuned for many more fanfic to come!! Have a wonderful day!
yeah its true.. it was a happy ending!

kamsaminda also unnie for not failing us! you write it so awesome!

a great story and a fantastic author!=)

awww that was a beautiful ending *dabs eyes with tissue* :)
@chapter 34

yes! yes! yes!

i knew it! mwahahaha

unnie, i really liked this! you really jjang!

but im must be prepared for the final though..

a box of tissue!
'couse i knw ill be crying a lot!hehe

always be your #1 fan!

xoxo ^_^
@chapter 33
unnie,somehow the smog cleared out already..

and i feeling whom she will choose now!hehe
unnie, i fell on my bed after this!..waaah..

i cnt still decide!

jae gives good reasons too!

this is harder than making a 24 layered cake!!
Oh No Way! why i never thought about that!!
their twins!!! "screaming"

otakae!!i thought all along that they are same person!"shock"

unnie u made me cry here for real! i was so heartbroken dsame as she feels ryt now!huhuhu

i dnt knw wat to say really!!

now, i was devastated! silly me on not thinking any posibilities! i just stuck in one box! waaaaah!

i dnt knw whom to choose!

i will hear jae side first!

"still sobbing!"=(
You can't leave it there, I want to know what happens next
omo! omo! unnie your killing me!!!

hahaha..i was reading very slowly with peeking eyes...

unnie your so mean to me!!!

in a good way though! ke ke ke

i love you unnie! even though or given a heart attack! xoxo ^_^
Haha.. Can this be worse?? I wonder who will she finally ends up with. Thanks for the update, Unnie!! Sarangheyo :)