Why are you avoiding me? Part 2

Lust or True Love??

I think I am really into Heart surgery noways... Hmmm... Thinking perhaps writing a story about heart is quite a good idea.. Well,.. I'll put that into thinking.. By the way here's another update (n_n)




You could feel the coldness of the atmosphere...

"Am I really just a friend to you?" His gaze dropped as he said that.


Your minds keep replaying that. Why the heck is he acting like that? You really don't know why..

We have been a close friend since the day after he stole my violin for practice on the first day of the concert practice...

You tried reasoning... Both of you had a great time spending time together...every day... together.... You meant... together... practicing... in this very room...


You looked over a Jae Joong. He's playing with his violin. Aww... You thought he looked so handsome when he played the violin.. His long fingers... His gentle bowing...

'AHH...Why are you acting like this,__________!' You hit your head.


"Yah,.. Just tell me why are you acting like this, okay!" Jae Joong seems not listening to you.


"Yah,,...Jae Joong!!!"


He stopped playing the violin... He placed his violin on its case. He stands up and walks toward you..

You waited... holding your breath.

'What is he going to do now?' You thought.


He is still quite.


"Yah,.. Why is it?" You're starting to lose your patience already.


"I...I. love. You.."


"What?!!" You're so shocked. Did you just hear him say that he LOVES YOU? You pinched you cheek---much harder now until it turns red.


"Yah, What did you just said? You're joking right?" You tried to deny..


"No, I am not. I really love you!" Now Jae Joong is looking at you seriously.


"But....I...Uhm.." You stammered at your speech.


"You don't have to answer me now. I just want to tell you that I love you.." Jae Joong turned his back from you and walked back to his seat.


You're still stunned at his reaction.. As the other students entered the room,,, You still couldn't shake off the thought of Jae Joong Confession.


What are you going to do now??




Thank you very much for reading (n_n)

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Thanks everyone for reading :) Stay tuned for many more fanfic to come!! Have a wonderful day!
yeah its true.. it was a happy ending!

kamsaminda also unnie for not failing us! you write it so awesome!

a great story and a fantastic author!=)

awww that was a beautiful ending *dabs eyes with tissue* :)
@chapter 34

yes! yes! yes!

i knew it! mwahahaha

unnie, i really liked this! you really jjang!

but im must be prepared for the final though..

a box of tissue!
'couse i knw ill be crying a lot!hehe

always be your #1 fan!

xoxo ^_^
@chapter 33
unnie,somehow the smog cleared out already..

and i feeling whom she will choose now!hehe
unnie, i fell on my bed after this!..waaah..

i cnt still decide!

jae gives good reasons too!

this is harder than making a 24 layered cake!!
Oh No Way! why i never thought about that!!
their twins!!! "screaming"

otakae!!i thought all along that they are same person!"shock"

unnie u made me cry here for real! i was so heartbroken dsame as she feels ryt now!huhuhu

i dnt knw wat to say really!!

now, i was devastated! silly me on not thinking any posibilities! i just stuck in one box! waaaaah!

i dnt knw whom to choose!

i will hear jae side first!

"still sobbing!"=(
You can't leave it there, I want to know what happens next
omo! omo! unnie your killing me!!!

hahaha..i was reading very slowly with peeking eyes...

unnie your so mean to me!!!

in a good way though! ke ke ke

i love you unnie! even though or given a heart attack! xoxo ^_^
Haha.. Can this be worse?? I wonder who will she finally ends up with. Thanks for the update, Unnie!! Sarangheyo :)