Chapter twelve

Pretend Boyfriend
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Everything went smoothly, from the pretend to my schoolmates. Of course, I’m lying if I tell you that they did nothing to me. Yes, they did, but it is not a big deal because I am always around my friends. As time goes by, I recently received lots of confession. I am so surprise to have people confessed to someone ugly like me.

Meh, you want to know about Baekhyun? Baekhyun… nothing much happened. Nothing such things that makes me in the cloud nine. He never make me blush after what happened at his house during his mom’s birthday party and I sort out missed him doing that. Eh? Yes, I figured out my feelings that I like him. I am quite sure. Nevertheless, let us not talk about it.

What makes me feel so hard right now is the way he treats me. He treats me without passion. No anything special in his actions. Therefore, I guess I have to move on. Just who the hell wants to have a feeling to someone that confirmed doesn’t have the feeling to us back? Unless you are pathetic… or brave enough to try until he falls for you. But, for me no. People who realized it will label us as pathetic so ew NO.

I made up my mind as I think I will ends this pretends eventually. I can’t comprehend nor take this feelings toward him higher because I just... don’t want to hurt myself even more. To make it short, I don’t want to involve myself in one-sided love.

Besides, it nears to the end of our contracts – it nears to 3 months until this is all over. I’ve the right to end this right away with him. He wouldn’t be cared right? No, scratch that. He’d never care. He would glad, happy and thankful because he would be free from being in this sick relationship. That’s what he wanted before this pretend happened.

The last bell of the day chime loudly throughout the hallways as I make my way out of the class with my other classmates. Jiyeon didn’t attend to school today, while Hyomin said that she’ll stay back in school to catch for some errands. Baekhyun? He also had to be in school and going to home late. I walk down to the hallway and when I’m about to reach the school gate in just a few meters away, my mind clicked.

Crap, I left my English textbook in my locker.  With a heavy sigh, I’ve no choice but to turn around and drag my feet to the locker area. I can’t do my homework without the textbook and it’s due tomorrow. For short, yes, I skip doing my English homework since last week. Don’t blame me, blame my laziness that overcome every fiber of my being.

I take a step by step of the vacant hallway, only wind accompany my journey throughout my way. Right after I stop at my locker, I hear a soft murmur as like there’s somebody talking to each other, rather slow in volume but still clear if I pay attention for it. I didn’t really care actually because well, it’s normal if some people wanted to talk privately but this time I feel familiar of that certain voice.

Without second thought, I inch closer to the corner which separated between my locker and other side of the other lockers. I stick my body against the wall and peer to the individuals. No wonder, the voice sounds awfully familiar. It’s Baekhyun with… a girl. From her side profile, I think it’s Jinah, the queen of our school. I feel my blood slightly boil at the sight of their closeness.

Baekhyun had his hand up on her locker, as like he is trapping her and she casually lean her weigh against it. Whatsnot to make their situation is intimate as they look like right now, is how they speak with each other. Those soft murmur (that used to make my heart goes dugun dugun before) and boyish smile tugs on Baekhyun’s lips.

“So do you free tonight?” I hear his voice asks.

“Geez, Baek. You still haven’t change don’t ya?” Jinah only shakes her head at his playful manner. Baekhyun stares at her with his smug smile while playing with her long hair.

“I don’t get it why I’ve to change. I like how I’m acting now, better” Baekhyun continue swirling her hair with his finger as his eyes shot straight to Jinah’s.

Jinah smirk knowingly, as like she used to this side of Baekhyun. Seducing her but didn’t intend to take in this kind of relationship seriously.

Jinah tilts her head and speak “But, what about your girlfriend? Isn’t you dating her truthfully?”

Baekhyun’s expression change right away, I couldn’t be sure if it’s a bad or right changes. “Ah, her? She-“

I swirl around and go back to my locker, immediately fish out for the textbook. I couldn’t hear his words anymore, not about how’ll he describe me to Jinah. I can’t take it if Baekhyun will say that I only used him to prevent myself getting bullied or being slaved. I can’t accept it if he only say that I’m not important to his life or I’

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Chapter 2: It’s always those damn camera sounds lol
Chapter 1: I’m desperately seeking cute Baekhyun fics and I think this sounds like one
1883 streak #3
Chapter 2: Girl forgot to turn off the camera's shutter sound >.<
Why beak has to be so cute? awww
Chapter 24: such a cute story...baek is sooo cute n lovely...n sehunnie also
Chapter 24: Cuteeeeeeeeeee
Chapter 3: Hi. i start reading your fanfic today and i love it how the story goes. btw are you malaysian?
HellenWu #8
Chapter 24: Phewwww.. Happy ending.. They're really sweet
HellenWu #9
Chapter 14: Alright .. Im really hate byun right now.. But your story is aweeeeeesome.
MissElieykaMiracle #10
Chapter 24: 'thumbs up'.