Day one

(HIATUS) Not you again!

The first thing I had to do was introduce myself to my class. It was so awkward because they were all staring at me as if I was an alien. But I held my head high to not look that uncomfortable. There was one gaze that bothered me the most and that was Sehuns. His eyes were piercing mine and I almost had a problem talking. I was seated in front of him which didn't make things better. The girl beside me was nice though, her name was Fei, she was half Chinese and gorgeous. We hit off almost instantly and she showed me around school. It turns out she loved dancing as much as I did and was in a dance group. Fei was a bubbly girl and not the introvert like most people were in my class. No one came up to say hi except for a few guys that were trying to hit on me but Fei just shooed them off.

Lunch came and the school cafeteria was huge. Fei pulled me away as soon as I tried to sit on a table saying we couldn't sit there. 

"Why not? It's not like it's taken or something. Is it?" I asked her with furrowed eyebrows. 

"Well in our school we have rules, untold rules. This table is for the high class girls, we can't sit here. It's their "spot". It's not worth the fight, just let them have their table and everything will be fine." Fei replied and kept walking towards an empty table. 

"So what's up with those girls then?" I asked her while drinking out of my water. 

"They're from rich families here in Seoul and they just have a thing for bossing people around as if they owned the place. Even though nobody really cares." Fei said while poking around in her food. 

"So why couldn't we sit there if nobody cares?" I asked again slightly confused of the situation. 

"It's just how it is. No one messes with them and everything will be peaceful and that's how we want things here." Fei replied and started to eat her lunch. We ate in silence for a few minutes before I asked her about Sehun. 

"What do you know about Sehun?" I asked her and she smiled. 

"So you know of him already? He's the prince of this school, along with his other friends of course. They're so hot and very hard to approach." Fei said and drank from her water bottle. I didn't want to tell her how I'd met him at Jeju the week before since it was too early to say so. 

"Okay but what makes him the prince of the school?" I asked her very curious of this name he's got. 

"His dad is the founder of this school and he's the current principal so it's only normal for him to be called the prince. And he's handsome." Fei replied with a laugh and I laughed with her while shaking my head in disbelief. When we finished, me and Fei were about to leave our plates but I didn't look where I was going so I bumped into someone. 

"Will you watch it!" A very squeaky voice shouted at me. I turned around, apologized and walked away but when I did that the entire cafeteria went silent, even Fei who was very talkative just now. 

"You dare walk away from me?!" The girl with the squeaky voice shout again. 

"Yeah, I apologized. What else do you want from me?" I asked with a slight face because I was annoyed. I heard a few gasps from the closest tables around us and the chattering started again but now it was about me and this girl. What is up with her anyway? 

Day one and our Jia is already in trouble... what do you guys think will happen? 

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Chapter 12: Okay until now it was really really amazing and I can't wait for the next chapter ~
And take your time to write , I'll be waiting ~
Fighting Author-nim!!!
Jxehwan #2
Chapter 14: Take ur time authornim!Dont worry,we will wait for u(: i will wait for this story because i really love this story^^
Chapter 14: Thank you for not deleting this and we'll be waiting till you get back! Take your time!! Fighting~!!
Chapter 13: AS much as I want to beg you. I will understand and get to the point. It was definitely worth reading. Please continue writing though your skills are awesome. Maybe later could we expect another fanfic?
Chapter 13: Please don't delete~ I love this story so much
Nakamura-san #6
please don't, i'm begging you don't delete it
i'm willing to wait instead of its gone...
Lilkik #7
Chapter 13: Could you at least keep it on hiatus???
So, when you change your mind, it'll still be there
Chapter 13: Waaaaaaa. Why authornim? You're story is great. But if you really don't want to continue... just take it to a draft. And continue whenever you feel like it. TT I understand your decision authornim.