
(HIATUS) Not you again!

I honestly didn't know what was going on inside Miyoung's hospital room but when my brother came out, he was not happy. He had this frown plastered on his face and he started pacing back and forth before me while letting out heavy sighs. 

"How did it go? How is she?" I asked carefully and he suddenly blew up on me. 

"She's so sensitive! I only said that she should have been more careful! How does that make me the bad guy?" Jongin shouted. I was quite mindblown, he actually said that she had to be careful? 

"Are you for real? Are you that stupid?" I asked him. Jongin stared at me with a confused face. "You can't say that she had to be more careful! She had no idea this was coming so you can't blame her for this. How do you expect her to be careful when she had no idea? Huh?!" I shout back at my big brother. He proccessed everything I said and then he sat down letting out a groan. 

"I screwed up. She's so pissed at me right now." Jongin said. I sat down next to him and patted his back. 

"We have to get home today you know. I heard from Miyoung's parents that they were going home soon as well." I told Jongin. He nodded slowly and he started to walk towards the main entrance. I followed my brother and looked back to see Miyoung standing there. I was about to tell Jongin to stop but then she went back inside after seeing us leave. I saw the heartbreak in her eyes. 

Coming home to our parents was nice and I could see my friends after some time away. I didn't speak to Jongin for a few days until he found out that Miyoung had left for Busan as soon as she got back. Apparently she didn't want to be here and wanted to figure things out for herself before facing Jongin again. Jongin was devastated since he did plan on talking to her about their relationship. 

"You know you could just go after her." I said to Jongin as I sat myself on his bed. 

"What? No, she wanted to be alone." Jongin replied. 

"You miss her. And she misses you. Just go. I bet she would be surprised and happy about it as well." Jongin stared at me as if I was a crazy person. 

"What if she hates me? What if she wants a divorce?" Jongin replied with a devastated voice. 

"Where is my confident brother?" I asked and threw a pillow at him. "I spoke to her the other day and she's as dumb as you are. I'm sorry but it's true. You need to face her eventually and why not surprise her? I heard that she met her childhood crush, Luhan, I think." I said and Jongin flew right up from his bed. 

"What? Did you say Luhan?" Jongin shouted. I nodded in reply while texting with my friend Sarah. "I have to go." Jongin continued. I looked up at him in disbelief. 

"It's kinda late you know." I replied and focused on my texting again. 

"It's fine, I 'll call her grandparents so they know that I'm coming on a surprise visit." He said as he started to pack his clothes. I couldn't believe he was going to do it but since he'd decided already, there was no stopping him. 

"Good luck, call me when you've finally got things right." I said. I hugged my brother and moved to my room. While my brother was heading to Miyoung. My parents called me down to the living room so we could have a talk and even though I haven't done anything wrong I was starting to get nervous. There they were, sitting on the couch, looking quite mayestic. They were not a bad looking couple these two. 

"Mom. Dad. You wanted to see me?" I asked as I sat down on the chair next to the couch. 

"Yeah, we just wanted to talk to you about if you're settling down properly here." My dad said with a soft yet masculine tone to his voice. I giggled a bit because my dad was always like this, worrying for nothing.

"Yes, daddy. I'm settling down just fine. It's been wonderful meeting everyone even though a few meetings didn't go so well." I replied and frowned a bit. 

"You can always come to us if you need anything, you know that right?" My dad asked and I laughed. 

"Of course I know that. But even though I'm still very young, I can take care of myself. But I will keep that in mind." I replied with a smile. We kept on talking into late at night before we went to bed. My thoughts weren't even there during our talk but it was in Busan with my brother and his wife. I was starting to get anxious and curious at the same time. But I couldn't think about them anymore when my phone suddenly rung. It wasn't a number I've saved on my phone, who could it be? 

I so bad! I'm sorry for not updating, but I haven't had the motivation. I'm actually thinking about deleting this story so I don't have to feel the stress when it comes to updating and so on. But I don't know yet... it just seems the right choice at the moment. 

But anyway, we'll just see how things goes I guess. Enjoy this update you guys ^^ 

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Chapter 12: Okay until now it was really really amazing and I can't wait for the next chapter ~
And take your time to write , I'll be waiting ~
Fighting Author-nim!!!
Jxehwan #2
Chapter 14: Take ur time authornim!Dont worry,we will wait for u(: i will wait for this story because i really love this story^^
Chapter 14: Thank you for not deleting this and we'll be waiting till you get back! Take your time!! Fighting~!!
Chapter 13: AS much as I want to beg you. I will understand and get to the point. It was definitely worth reading. Please continue writing though your skills are awesome. Maybe later could we expect another fanfic?
Chapter 13: Please don't delete~ I love this story so much
Nakamura-san #6
please don't, i'm begging you don't delete it
i'm willing to wait instead of its gone...
Lilkik #7
Chapter 13: Could you at least keep it on hiatus???
So, when you change your mind, it'll still be there
Chapter 13: Waaaaaaa. Why authornim? You're story is great. But if you really don't want to continue... just take it to a draft. And continue whenever you feel like it. TT I understand your decision authornim.