
(HIATUS) Not you again!

I woke up really early in order to have some time to get dressed properly and eat breakfast. Before doing that I took a shower, washing of yesterdays dirt and washed my hair. I took my time dressing and chose my outfit carefully. I started by putting on some underwear and then black thigh highs along with a black high waist skirt. I looked around in my closet for a nice shirt to wear and I found a loose white shirt with long sleeves that would fit the rest of my outfit perfectly. I turned to the shoe section in my closet and picked out some black heels as well. 

With that settled, I started doing my makeup. Nothing out of the ordinary since it's for school. Just a bit of bronze eye shadow, thin eye-line, mascara and blush. I packed my bag with all the necessities, like computer, notebooks, pens and pencil and so on. I braided my hair loosely before going down to eat breakfast with my parents.

They were already seated by the table doing their own thing. Both reading news, mom with her pad and dad with his paper. You could tell who loved electronics and who didn't. I smiled at the sight before taking a seat. 

"Good morning princess. You look lovely today." My dad said looking up from his paper. I flashed dad a smile. 

"Thank you dad. And stop calling me princess, I'm not a little girl anymore." I replied with a fake frown. My dad laughed and shook his head. 

"You'll always be my little princess." He said and looked back down at the paper.

"So are you excited to go to school?" My mom asked putting her pad away and sipped on her coffee. 

"Mom... are you being serious?" I asked and laughed, so did she. We chatted a bit while eating breakfast before dad was going to drive me to school and mom had to go work. I hugged my mom good bye before heading to the car with my dad. It didn't take long before we were on our way and it didn't take long to get there with my dad's pace. 

I bid my dad good bye and entered school grounds when he drove off for work. I didn't know anyone here since it was my first day. But I was still looking for someone, Sehun actually. I didn't know why but I couldn't stop my eyes from traveling around the schoolyard in order to find him. But while I was heading towards the main entrance I heard a lot of whispering around me, about me as well. I rolled my eyes upon hearing it. But then suddenly I saw someone I knew. Sehun was standing by the door with his friends it seemed. They were all laughing until one of his friends pointed at my way. Sehun looked at me before turning his head away looking quite upset all of the sudden. I frowned upon seeing that but who am I to care or wonder why he did that? We didn't even know each other. 

So this is where everything starts between Sehun and Jia. I will update next weekend hopefully if I'm not too busy with school and stuff. I hope you enjoy this chapter and I'll see you next weekend! ^^ 

And I've been thinking that if you guys want to get to know me you could always follow me on tumblr and instagram or just ask for my kik and write to me. I'm always open to making new friends! 


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Chapter 12: Okay until now it was really really amazing and I can't wait for the next chapter ~
And take your time to write , I'll be waiting ~
Fighting Author-nim!!!
Jxehwan #2
Chapter 14: Take ur time authornim!Dont worry,we will wait for u(: i will wait for this story because i really love this story^^
Chapter 14: Thank you for not deleting this and we'll be waiting till you get back! Take your time!! Fighting~!!
Chapter 13: AS much as I want to beg you. I will understand and get to the point. It was definitely worth reading. Please continue writing though your skills are awesome. Maybe later could we expect another fanfic?
Chapter 13: Please don't delete~ I love this story so much
Nakamura-san #6
please don't, i'm begging you don't delete it
i'm willing to wait instead of its gone...
Lilkik #7
Chapter 13: Could you at least keep it on hiatus???
So, when you change your mind, it'll still be there
Chapter 13: Waaaaaaa. Why authornim? You're story is great. But if you really don't want to continue... just take it to a draft. And continue whenever you feel like it. TT I understand your decision authornim.