
(HIATUS) Not you again!

Jongin waved at me to come to them and I walked awkwardly to their side. 

"Let's get something to eat first." Jongin said. I nodded in agreement because I was really hungry. We sat down by a table and I felt Miyoung staring at me but not in a weird way of course, more out of curiosity. 

As soon we finished our food, we went seperate ways. Jongin went to his room and I decided to go out once more before heading to bed. I didn't know where I was heading but I saw this bar around the bead earlier today so I was going to check out that place.

I took my time because the weather was nice this evening and it felt way more relaxing walking around in the cool air than the hot sun earlier. I saw lights far right before me and it was coming from the bar I saw earlier. Believing it was open I walked right in and saw that it was quite packed in there, the music was kind of loud and there were people chatting and dancing everywhere with a drink in their hand. 

Everyone in here were around my age or older, some kind of youth bar I guess. I stepped towards the bar and saw a familiar face but I couldn't really put my finger on who he was. I ordered a drink and thought I would stay here for a while before going back to the hotel. I know I was here to make things better between my brother and his wife but I had the right to have some fun as well. After taking a few sips from my drink I saw someone in the corner of my eye, take the seat next to me. 

"Hello princess." I heard the very familiar voice say. I turned my head and there he was, Sehun. I let out sigh before taking my drink and walked away from the bar. But before I could get anywhere someone grabbed my hand and pulled me back into my place. 

"Don't be so impolite, talk with me." Sehun said with a smug face. 

"I don't have anything to say to you, jerk face. Now let me go." I said and retreived my hand. I was about to walk away before Sehun opened his mouth again. 

"How's your friend by the way? She was in pretty bad shape when me and my friend Tao found her on the beach." Sehun said. I was confused because I didn't have any friends here. But then I rememered that he saw me with Miyoung earlier today. Did something happen to her? 

"What happened to her?" I asked quite worried actually. I mean she is my sister in law after all. 

"You don't know? What kind of friend are you?" Sehun asked and snorted. 

"Just tell me already!" I shout at him. 

"Okay! She was attacked by a few guys on the beach a few hours ago. She was in a bad shape when we came to her rescue and she was sent to the hospital. I thought you knew by now since she's your friend and all." Sehun replied and drank from his glass. 

"She's not my friend, she's my sister in law and I just met her today. My brother must be worried sick." I replied and let out a worried sigh. I paid for the drink and ran out of the bar before Sehun could say anything else. I went to the hotel and found out that Jongin was heading to the hospital right now. I didn't know whether I should follow him or stay but in the end I went up to my room and waited for my brothers call. 

The next day

I woke up in my hotel room, deciding not to go to the hospital yesterday. I started to get ready in order to leave when I heard someone knocking on my door. I opened it and saw Jongin with a bouquet of flowers and I guessed they weren't for me but for Miyoung. 

"Let's go." Jongin said with a stern voice. I quickly grabbed my purse and phone before running av my brother. The ride to the hospital was quiet, Jongin didn't say a word and neither did I. I guess both of us was wondering how Miyoung was doing right now. 

I apologize a thousand times for not updating, but there's been a lot going on. More than usual actually, but I think from now on I will try to update but not as long chapters. Because I feel like I can't really handle things right now. I hope you understand and hopefully there will be another update till next weekend! ^^

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Chapter 12: Okay until now it was really really amazing and I can't wait for the next chapter ~
And take your time to write , I'll be waiting ~
Fighting Author-nim!!!
Jxehwan #2
Chapter 14: Take ur time authornim!Dont worry,we will wait for u(: i will wait for this story because i really love this story^^
Chapter 14: Thank you for not deleting this and we'll be waiting till you get back! Take your time!! Fighting~!!
Chapter 13: AS much as I want to beg you. I will understand and get to the point. It was definitely worth reading. Please continue writing though your skills are awesome. Maybe later could we expect another fanfic?
Chapter 13: Please don't delete~ I love this story so much
Nakamura-san #6
please don't, i'm begging you don't delete it
i'm willing to wait instead of its gone...
Lilkik #7
Chapter 13: Could you at least keep it on hiatus???
So, when you change your mind, it'll still be there
Chapter 13: Waaaaaaa. Why authornim? You're story is great. But if you really don't want to continue... just take it to a draft. And continue whenever you feel like it. TT I understand your decision authornim.