
(HIATUS) Not you again!

I texted with Fei almost all night, apparently she was on a date and couldn't answer. She told me about him but she never mentioned his name so I was curious even the day after. I was getting ready for school when someone suddenly called me. I recognized the number but I didn't remember who it belonged to but even though I didn't remember I decided to answer anyway since I had plenty of time left. 

"Hello?" I answered confidently. 

"Good morning princess. Are you done? I'm picking you up." Sehun said. My eyes widened in disbelief. So it was his number.

"What are you talking about? My driver is driving me to school." I replied to him and finished packing my bag. 

"What? But I'm already here." He replied and I knew that he was smirking and all of this was on purpose. 

"I don't believe that you're really here so I'm not going with you." I told him. 

"If I prove that I'm here then? Will you let me drive you to school?" He asked sincerely almost. I thought about for a second and didn't really think that he was here so I agreed to it. I walked down the stairs with my handbag on my shoulder and my heels in my grasp. 

"Sure, I'll go with you." I replied recklessly and hung up. When I got to the bottom of the stairs I saw my mom and dad in the hallway but there was someone else there. Sehun didn't have dark hair so it couldn't be him I thought. My dad turned around and his facial expression was something else today. I frowned and looked behind dad to get a look on our guest. There he was, Sehun. I gasped out of surprise and not really believing my eyes. Sehun looked my way and smirked. 

"I told you I was here." Sehun said coyly. My mom was smiling a bit nervously and my dad wasn't very happy. 

"Breakfast?" My mom asked me and I just shook my head slowly telling her no. "Are you going to school then?" My mom continued to ask. 

"Yeah I guess. I'm going to eat breakfast with Fei today." I replied my mom not taking my eyes off Sehun. 

"Then we'll see you this afternoon. Take it easy now." My dad said and gave me a hug and so did my mom. I put my heels on and Sehun opened the door for me still smirking. We walked down the stairs to his car, a white Mercedez if I wasn't mistaken. I opened the door for me as well and I just stepped inside without any hesitation. He stepped in the car and started it while putting on the seatbelt. In only a few seconds he had already started driving and none of us said a word. 

"So? Did you really think I was joking?" He asked suddenly. 

"Yeah." I replied with a grumpy tone. 

"I was talking to your parents and asked them if I could drive you everyday since we have the same schedule anyway and they agreed." Sehun replied and I didn't say anything but I just kept it inside. I was going to have a long conversation with my parents when I got home. "You're not upset?" He asked me not taking his eyes off the road. 

"No, just a bit surprised that they agreed to it." I replied without looking at him. I kept thinking about whether I should take this chance and start playing around with him, we are arriving at school together so people would start talking and that would get to his fiancee. Which would eventually come and kick his ? I wasn't sure if that was going to happen but I didn't care. I got to annoy Lin, at least that's something.

We didn't say anything else after that which surprised me even more. But when we got to school everyone was already staring as Sehun parked his car. He got out and ran to my side and opened the door for me. Everyone gasped and I heard them saying something about Lin. I scoffed and stepped out of the car with confidence which made everyone even more surprised. And a few seconds later I heard a scream from a girl somewhere. Sehun and I turned around to see who it was and there she was, my prey for the day, Lin. We watched her take long steps towards us almost running and pushed me aside from Sehun. 

"Hey! Be careful with her." Sehun said and I was surprised. Why would he do that? She's his fiancee but he still decides to take care of me, a girl he hasn't even know for a week. 

"What did you say?" Lin almost shouted that with a confused look on her face. I scoffed and walked up to Sehun's side again. 

"I think you heard him loud and clear." I said to her face with a smile on my face. I took Sehun's hand in mine and stared at him a bit. "Will you help me find Fei?" I asked him sweetly and he just scoffed before he pulled me away from the scene towards the school building leaving Lin in the parking lot with a mass of people. Oh how I was laughing inside but this weird feeling of holding Sehun's hand was confusing me. 

I haven't checked any spelling errors so sorry for that if there is any! I was stressing to get this done and up for you guys to read and I hope you all have a great weekend! ^^ 

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Chapter 12: Okay until now it was really really amazing and I can't wait for the next chapter ~
And take your time to write , I'll be waiting ~
Fighting Author-nim!!!
Jxehwan #2
Chapter 14: Take ur time authornim!Dont worry,we will wait for u(: i will wait for this story because i really love this story^^
Chapter 14: Thank you for not deleting this and we'll be waiting till you get back! Take your time!! Fighting~!!
Chapter 13: AS much as I want to beg you. I will understand and get to the point. It was definitely worth reading. Please continue writing though your skills are awesome. Maybe later could we expect another fanfic?
Chapter 13: Please don't delete~ I love this story so much
Nakamura-san #6
please don't, i'm begging you don't delete it
i'm willing to wait instead of its gone...
Lilkik #7
Chapter 13: Could you at least keep it on hiatus???
So, when you change your mind, it'll still be there
Chapter 13: Waaaaaaa. Why authornim? You're story is great. But if you really don't want to continue... just take it to a draft. And continue whenever you feel like it. TT I understand your decision authornim.