



Chapter 8: Disturbed

Sang Mi yawned while stretching. "Guys. I'm looking for a part-time job. What do you guys think?" She smiled, showing her gums. Mi Young scoffed, almost chocking down her food. "Just exactly where?" She sarcastically said. "I could be a cashier, a waitress or maybe a dish-washer!" Sang Mi exclaimed. "Try finding something upper that those you said, uh? At least have some class." Mi Young said. "Right, Hyun Ae?" She continued, turning to the other girl.

Hyun Ae was stabbing her fishcake with her chopstick furiously while cursing and muttering things. Sang mi shrugged Mi Young's shoulder and signaled her a question. Mi Young raised her shoulders not knowing anything that has happened to their friend. "Hyun Ae!" Sang Mi clapped loudly in front of her face and she flinched.

"H-Haa?" She looked cluelessly at the both of them. "What's wrong?" Mi Young asked worriedly. Hyun Ae shooked her head, "Nothing I swear." She lied. "Yeah right, 'nothing'. I don't think it's nothing when you're stabbing your fishcake with your chopstick while cursing. What's up?" She asked.

She fronted before answering. "Hmm. Do you guys know any person that's related to Se Hun?" She asked with a low voice. "Like.... umm. A girl?"

"A GIRL?!"

"Shush! Keep quiet!!" Hyun Ae hit their backs. "W-What is this?!" Sang Mi blurted. "You saw him with a girl?" Mi Young asked. Hyun Ae rested her back againt the wall and sighed. "Yes, but he doesn't seem to enjoy it. Yet, the girl herself looks forceful." She described her.

"Which girl?"

Hyun Ae, Sang Mi and Mi young looked at eachother before screaming their lungs out.


Few minutes later...


"Don't ever scare us like that again!" Sang Mi hit Kai various times already but she hasn't stopped. "Bwoya?! Did I scare you guys? I was just asking!" Kai fought back while defending himself from Sang Mi's hits. "Out of nowhere!" She continued. "Okay, fine I surrender." He gave up.

"Have you been hearing us all the time?" Hyun Ae asked, sweatbeads are falling down her face. Kai gave her a serious look and smile gradually "Why that face?" He messed her hair up. "Maybe I did maybe I didn't." He jokingly said. "Crap..." Hyun Ae cursed silently. "I won't tell Se Hun a thing." He gave her a warm smile. She was speechless, she kept on looking at his face. "So anyways! What are you guys eating? Give me some!" 

"Where's Se Hun?" Sang Mi asked. Hyun Ae kept silent althought she wanted to ask the same thing to Kai. "Ms. Kwon wanted him to help arranging the books in the library so yeah. He ain't eating today and I'm all alone."

"Umm... I'm thirsty, I'm gonna get something to drink. Any orders?" Hyun Ae got up and brushed the insivible dust from her skirt. Kai, Sang Mi and Mi Young stopped munching to look at each other then to Hyun Ae. She gave them a frowned expression instead.


"I've shouldn't said anything just now." Hyun Ae sighed. She took her time on the way to the vending machine. As normal, the sorroundings wasn't crowded thus, only 2-3 students were only eating there. She stopped walking as she was near to the vending machine. Reminiscing the moments when she and Se Hun had take scenes at. She shooked her head.

'Why should I care? He has a girlfriend already!'  She grunted in her mind. She continued heading to the vending machine while muttering here and there. "Stupid, arrogant, prideful, cocky, evil lit-

She was cut by a pain felt on her head. "Are you done?" called a firm voice behind her. She knew that voice so she didn't turn back. "A-Almost!" SHe stuttered. "I just came anyway..." She mumbled. "Who were you talking bad about?" Se Hun rested his back on the vending machine beside Hyun Ae to see her face clearly. Hyun Ae took a glance at him, he was bathed with sweats still running down his face 'till his collarbones. His hair was sleeked back, he doesn't even need a gel to secure it.

The view in front of her was guity pleasure. 'THIS IS SO WRONG.'  She looked away, shutting her eyes. 'Stupid vulgar human!'  

"Yahh. Can't you see I'm sweating as hell here? Ppali!" He ordered with his hands on his chest. "Okay, okay I'm done!" She stepped away from the vending machine. "Good."

She knew she was suppose to get out from there as soon as she finished her work but she wanted to stay a bit longer, so she dared herself to start the conversation again. "I heard you wer asked to arrange the books in the library..." She softly spoke. "Mmm (Yeah)." He nodded while drinking his drink. "By that information I assume Kai was with you guys." He said and Hyun Ae nodded. "He's eating with us now..."

"Really? Great. I haven't eat anything. Let's go." 

'He's acting like nothing happened?'  Hyun Ae wondered. 'Maybe I should do the same?'  She thought. "You finish arranging the books?" Hyun Ae asked while running beside him. "Yeah. It took a while but I received a lot of help from the other students instead." He threw his tin can. 'He's a fast drinker!'  

She kept quiet along the way. Actually, the both of them. "S-S-Se Hun." She called him. 'I finally did it!'  He turned to her and raised his brows, "What?" 

"I'm sorry." She apologized without looking at his face, directly to his eyes. "Hm? 'Bout what?" He asked slumberly.

'This is embarassing. Did he decide to forget about it? What should I say next?'  Now she's the one who's sweating. 

"Apology accepted." He smiled at Hyun Ae before opening the door to the school's rooftop. Hyun Ae was stunned, she stood there like an idiot for a few seconds. "What was that...?"

"Se Hun! You're here!"- Kai

"Yeah, yeah whatever. Did you bought me some food?"

"You're gonna eat with us?"- Sang Mi

"Alright then, please sit here. Oh yeah, Se Hun! Have you seen Hyun Ae?"- Mi Young

"She went down to get some drinks for us."- Kai

"Ah really?"- Se Hun.

Hyun Ae hit the wall. She covered her face with her palms and sniffed. Her cheeks were all red to her ears. "I hate you. You're not being fair." She was refering to Se Hun the sadistic young man.


A few Days Later...

Sang Mi flipped pages to pages of the newspaper. As you guys know, she was looking for a part-time job, unluckily for her, she found no jobs that suit her. "Why is it so hard? I never thought it'd be this hard though. I don't think I have any luck this year." She sighed and scratched her head. She gave up and threw the newspaper on the table beside her. 

"I'm home."

Sang Mi got up and smiled, "Welcome home, dad! How's work?" She took her dad's bag away from him and placed it on the sofa. "You want anything to drink?" She asked while closing the door. "I'm fine." He looked at the mess on the table that Sang Mi made. "What's this? My dearest daughter is looking for a job?" He asked.

She smiled softly and sat down. "Kinda. Well, I can't count on your money all the time." She said. "How's it gone so far?" Her dad asked. "Not so well. I got no luck." Frowned Sang Mi together with her dad when he saw her. "Hmm. I got a friend who'd be delight to take you as their acquintance. Especially when you're my daughter." He smiled.

"EHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhh?!!!!!!" Sang Mi screamed of excitement. "How come?!" She asked.

"You could say our family owe her something." He said. Sang Mi was shocked, "Your friend is a she?" She asked, her brows were raised. "Yes. If you want, I can contact her tonight and I'll give you her address tomorrow." Her dad got up and loosen up his tie. "Please do, dad! Oh my god, finally!" She jumped and hugged her dad. Well more like squeezed her dad.


"Is this the way?" Hyun Ae shooked Se Hun's body which was dead sleeping. "Se Hun." She called him, no reaction. She shooked him as hard as she can until he's awake. Yes, they're okay now. At least, for now though. How are they okay? And how did the amazingly prideful Se Hun gave up? Well ladies, or gentlemen, let's went back a bit.


"Se Hun." Kyungsoo softly called the boy's name while combing his hair back. "Yeah?" Se Hun replied while looking down his phone, he was on instagram scrolling down his fans' comments that made him sometimes smile. Surprisingly. 

Kyungsoo grabbed a branded gel on the table and applied it on Se Hun's hair. "Did anything happen?" He asked. "No." He simply answered making Kyungsoo laughed. "You cant hide from me, Oh Se Hun. Come one, it's me, Kyungsoo. You can't hide anything from me." He said.

Se Hun locked his phone and placed it on the table. He looked up to the mirror to Kyungsoo's face. "Hyung. For someone who've known me for a quite long time now, am I... I mean is my... What kind of person am I?" He asked.

Kyungsoo raised his brows, "You're a cool chic mysterious guy, I could say." He answered and start to style his hair. "You have a high ego, you don't like annoying people- mostly girls, you're always serious. But." He stopped styling his hair as it was done and tapped on Se Hun's two broad shoulders. He looked at the mirror just to see Se Hun's reflected expression. "But?" He asked.

"In your hyungs eyes, you're always a baby. Especially in your Baek hyung's eyes." Kyungsoo smiled.

"Is that so... Okay then, what do you do when you have an ego you can't... control?"

"Give me an example of a situation." Kyungsoo sat on the chair beside him.

"Fighting with a girl." Se Hun said. Kyungsoo looked at him and smiled widely. "Who's she?" He purposely asked. "Who's she? I'll tell you who's she! She's an airhead, birdbrain! Rude, low and just annoying." He described Hyun Ae in a furious tone. "But?" Kyungsoo asked again. To him, there must a 'but' in everything. Bad, good, anything.

Se Hun looked away. "But she's clueless and stupid. Which makes it fun to ." He smiled. "I have a feeling you're gonna need her in some ways." Kyungsoo stated. Se Hun gave him a confused face, "What? Hyung, what are you talking about?" He asked while laughing in disbelief.

"You'll get what I mean later and you're welcome in advance. Whatever it is that you have with her, don't do things that will make you regret in the future. Arasseo? Now go and take some good pictures for us." He pushed Se Hun out of the room. "Hyung! Ex-" Se hun wasn't able to finish his sentence 'cause of the staffs pulling his hand to the set. Kyungsoo waved at him and just smiled.


"Se Hun!"

He woke up in surprise and saw Hyun Ae on his side. "Ah. It's you." He said while stretching. "Yes, it's me. You said you'd help me with my homework but you're sleeping like a baby." Hyun Ae snorted. "Excuse me, but we're suppose to have our second lesson today and you changed it to somewhat tuition. Who do you think I am? I ain't your full-time teacher, you know? Aish jjinja." He formed a fist on his left hand and massage his neck and shoulders.

Hyun Ae smiled and closed her workbook. "Heheh. Bian, bian." She turned to his exhausted face. "Bwo?" He asked her. "Aishh!" Hyun Ae took a cushion pillow and hit him. "Everything I do is wrong in your eyes!" She grunted. "Yes 'cause you do the things that disturbs me, irritates me and the things that I hate!" He fought back. Hyun Ae kept silent 'casue she doesn't want to fight again eventhough she feels like punching his face for eternity.

"Tomorrow afternoon, we're gonna go out for the lesson. I'll call it even after that." He said. "Hm?" Hyun Ae turned back. "Where to?" She asked. He took something from his pocket and gave it to her. She took it with both hands as sign of respect and read the ticket. "Fashion Show?" She read the tittle above it. "Hmm(Yeah) Don't be late tomorrow." He said.

Hyun Ae nodded with a bright smile as she was excited to see some real models walking down the stage. Then she remembered something. "Ah! The tickets!-

"Don't bother. It's my treat. Plus, I don't think you have the money to pay me back." Se Hun looked at her and she just nodded. "Anyway, what time is it? We started right on 12 right?" He searched for his phone. They were in his apartment. it has been their 'classroom' for the lessons. "You've slept for an hour 30 minutes after we got here." Hyun Ae said. Se Hun was surprised and got up, "Really? Waa! It's almost 3 now." He exclaimed.

"I'll just go back so you can rest more." She packed her things. "No." He said. "WHAAAAATTTTTTtttttt?!!!" Hyun Ae shouted. "Keep me company!" He snatched her bag and put it in his room- WHICH she can't enter easily. "Oh Se Hun, are you serious?" She arched her brows. 

Se Hun nodded, "Yes, I am."

She turned around and cursed him while stomping her foot. "15 minutes is enough." He declared. "You can go home after that." he continued. Hyun Ae looked at the working figure and thought, 'Oh he's being nice...'  She looked at the sorroundings, it's quiet, not so many sounds, in the other hand, Se Hun's here alone so she thought again, 'He's lonely...?'  She felt bad about leaving the young man alone.

Hyun Ae formed a smile on her face and tapped on Se Hun's shoulder. He was making tea. "Hey, let's do something fun." 


Few minutes later...


"Miranda Keer." 

Hyun Ae widened her eyes. "Jjinja? Wahh. But you're right though, she's a beauty." Hyun Ae was amazed by Miranda Keer's pictures on Se Hun's laptop. They decided to talk about their favourite person or model. Se Hun found it nice to have a warm conversation. "I like this picture of her." He then scroll to other pictures of her. Hyun Ae nodded in agreement. "She's really good at it." She pouted.

"You can be like that too. I believe if you're doing something with sincerety and you give your all, you can do it. Or maybe even better." He smiled and patted her head. He got up, bringing their cups to the kitchen to wash them. 'He touched me...'  Hyun Ae touched the spot that Se Hun patted.

Suddenly, Se Hun's laptop brightened up, notifying a new e-mail. Hyun Ae was really curious about it. She just read the sender's e-mail, which is from a company. It surprised her. Before deciding to check it herself, she took a glance at Se Hun's figure. All clear!

She quickly tapped the e-mail; it was some pictures of Se Hun's photoshoot. "What's this?" She asked herself. Right after then, Se Hun came up. "What are you doing?" He asked, rushing towards Hyun Ae. "Aaaaa. I was... umm.. I-"

"Oh. A new e-mail from Baek Hyung..." Se Hun muttered and took his laptop to his lap. She looked at him as if she saw a ghost, making Se Hun laughed. "Yah. Why are you looking at me like that?" He slapped her shoulder. "Y-You're not mad?" She asked before gulping her saliva down . "You were just curious and you didn't have any bad intentions, right?" He asked back. She gradually smiled and nodded like a little kid. "Then allow me to trust that."

'He's being REALLY nice now.'  Hyun Ae thought. 

"Ah!" Se Hun exclaimed. Hyun Ae got shocked so she took a look on the monitor. It was a picture of Se Hun. Not an ordinary one ofcourse, it's the pictures from his previous photoshoot. She looked closely to the screen as she was examining his face, his style, how he looked like, the concept of the photoshoot and others more. It was... perfect. Se Hun looked at the other pictures with Hyun Ae. "This was last Saturday's." He said.

'Ah right... I was suppose to follow him...'  She nodded.


"What the-" Se Hun got up and placed his laptop on the table. He looked up to the clock on the wall that stated it was already 4 o'clock in the evening. "I wonder who-

Ding Dong!! Ding Dong!! DIng Dong!! DIng DOng!!

"Whoever that is, that person must be so annoying." Se Hun put out his poker face and walked to the door. Hyun Ae looked at the watch and jumped right away. "It's 4 o'clock! Oh my god, I should be getting home!" She rushed to Se Hun's room, not caring about his privacy. Besides, she just wanna take her bag and leave. She drank the tea in one-shot before making her leave from the apartment.

She ran to the door to get her shoes and put them on. "You're going already?" Se Hun asked her. "Yeah! You have a visitor so I'd better be leaving now. He or she would think nonsense later on and it'll burden you." She quickly stated her reasons. He sighed and open the door.

"Se Hunnnnnn!" 

Hyun Ae looked up to the girl's voice. "A girl?" She muttered.

"What are you doing here?!" Se Hun pushed the girl outside. "Ah! Wy are you acting like this?" She gasped. "Could it be? That you two had ?" Se Hun stopped pushing her, he felt like falling when she said the unpleasing word. Hyun Ae, in the other hand was speechless. "Wait... isn't this the girl that we bumped into last Saturday?" The girl smiled. "So you're making out with her?"

"Yahh! I AM NOT! She isn't my girlfriend and we didn't have !" Se Hun grunted. "Ugh, okay fine! But won't you let me in first?!"

"I better be going now, Se Hun! I'll see you around, 'kay? Annyeong!" Hyun Ae ran outside the door. "Hyun Ae!!" Se Hun called her name by the door. "So Hyun Ae's her name?" The girl asked while opening her boots.

Se Hun shut the door. "Why are you in my apartment?" He asked seriously. "To visit you ofcourse! And I brought some desserts! Let's eat." She showed th bags of desserts in front of his face. he face-palmed himself and sighed. "Fine, leave them on the table there and I'll dress them up on the plates."

End of Chapter 8

Name: Kim Joon Myeon.

Age: 24 years old.

Nickname: Suho.

Height: 173CM.

Occupation: Heir of Kim Production Company.

"A matured nature, a bit too old for his age.  A granpa like."




Name: Byun Baek Hyun.

Age: 23  years old.

Nickname: Baek Hyun, (Baek hyung)- Se Hun.

Height: 173CM.

Occupation: CEO of BaekSoo Ent.

"A rich young man who's money came from his own hardwork. Not to forget his business mate, Do Kyungsoo who has been by his side since he remembered. They also share the same company. Oh Se Hun's boss."

Name: Do Kyungsoo.

Age: 22 years old.

Nickname: D.O 

Height: 173CM.

Occupation: CEO and stylist of BaekSoo Ent.

"He doesn't agree to be called 'rich'. He's a baby-faced young man with a kind heart but he has a hidden side which they call 'Satansoo'.  A motherly type of person. Holds the same company as Byun Baek Hyun."


Name: Kim Jong Dae.

Age: 23 years old.

Nickname: Chen.

Height: 173CM.

Occupation: Works with the BaekSoo Ent. // Oh Se Hun's manager.

"A very patient human being. Reliable and responsible. He looks like a dinasour, he takes care of Oh Se Hun's schedule. He knows everything about him and arranges his events and even monitors half of the kid's life."


Name: Park Chan Yeol.

Age: 23 Years old.

Nickname: Chan Yeol (Yoda)- Baek Hyun.

Height: 185CM.

Occupation: Unemployed.

"He's someone that is needed in the Kim family. Kai's close cousin on his mom's family side. Also was once a trio group together with Byun Baek Hyun and Do Kyungsoo. He's a hacker, a geek-maniac and a gamer. Spends most of his times indoors, not seeing the sun. He lives with Kai."

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peacey #1
Love it ~~