You're Annoying



Chapter 1: You're  Annoying

"Hyun Ae! Wake up! You're gonna be late for your first day of school!"

Wake up... wake up... ugh. It's morning already? "I'm awake." I replied back to my uncle. Yea right I'm awake. Let's go back to s-

"If you are thinking of going back to sleep, I'm gonna leave you right away. Plus, you only have 15 minutes to get ready." Wait. What? 15 mi- Oh . I put down my phone away as soon as I saw the time on the lock screen. Better make this quick!


"Geez, Hyun Ae. I told you to get your sleep cycle back to normal when the holiday ends."

"Sorry. I was just immersed by things last night." I pouted.

My uncle took a glance at me with frowning brows. "You've been searching for tips on how to be a model haven't you?" He asked. I looked at the view on my side and placed my chin on my palm. "I guess."

"You getting serious in the things you like is good but don't push yourself too hard. I don't mind you trying this and that but I'm not at home always you know, and nobody's there with you at home." Uncle added. "Alright, alright. I know. You've told me that hundreds of time. You don't have to worry, I'm old enough to take care of myself." I swinged my bag to my back as we were getting nearer to school.

Uncle didn't say anything but sigh. I got off of the car and wait to bid my Uncle goodbye. "I'll be home late today. I cooked some rice at home and some fried chicken. You can eat after school, alright? Take care." I smiled and gave him the 'okay' sign. "Alright! Have fun at work!"

Now. Time to meet my crazy buds.



"Yah Kai! I've told you so many times already! Stop playing the basketball at the hallway. It's annoying." Se Hun gave him a glare.

"Whoa, dude. Chill out. Fine, I'll stop playing." Kai threw a ball at a random freshman, more burden, a girl. He gave her a wink in excellence of catching the ball too. Not in the slightest 2 seconds after that, girls have started a riot by wanting the ball. 

"When are you gonna stop doing that?" Se Hun turned his head back. Kai laughed and swinged his hand on Se Hun's shoulders. "It's our last year of high school, remember? So what's up with that frown on your face? It ain't cute, you know?" He joked. "I'm never cute anyways. It's just annoying how girls start to have a conversation with you. Valentine's is the worst ever." Se Hun said.

Kai just smiled at him. "It's not annoying. You're just being too cruel." 

"Really? I don't know, Kai but I think you're more cruel. How many girls did you dump after sleeping with them?" Se Hun lookes at Kai. Kai just flustered and scratch his head. "You're right. I forgot about that, sorry. HAHAH. But, we've been friends since freshman year and I've never seen you dated someone untill K-

"Kai, stop." 

Se Hun slightly raised his voice at Kai almost like he was mad. "Let's just go to our classroom." He said.


"Wait. Now where's my class again? Is it there? Oh wait, no. Those are the 1st ye- ukk!"

"Holy , are you okay?"

What the f- who is this guy? Okay? OKAY?

"How could I be okay when I just fell on my buttocks!" I screamed. Literally, everyone was looking at me. Did I do something wrong? Well I just defend myself. "Pfffttttt Buahahahahhahahahahahaha!!"

Wait, what? Why in the names of God is this guy laughing at me. I turned to him, "Why are you laughing?" I asked.

He wiped his tears of laughter before answering me. "You know, usually people would say '' rather than 'Buttocks' to make it more appropriate. But I think you've gone all the way, miss. You're really funny." Did he just praised me? But that's not the point here, I was expecting for an apology.

"Wait I-

"Come on, Kai. If you keep on talking to this dimwit, we're gonna be scolded by the homeroom teacher."

Dimwit?! Dimwit?! Let me get this straight. Dimwit is a person who's less smarter than an average person. It's true that I have a birdbrain but he doesn't need to hurt my pride!

"Excuse me, Mr Genius. Who gave you the right to say those awful things?" I gathered my courage and spoke out. Although he looked kinda scary but still, I'm not gonna give up until I have a sincere apology.

The funny part is, when I talked back like that to these boys, the whole hallway started to occupy with sounds of people whispering and cursing me. Wae?

"Did you just talk back to me?!"

I flinched when he turned back and looked at me straight at the eyes. I swallowed my saliva and answered; "Y-yes... I did." Crap I shuttered. "You can go ahead, Se Hun. I'll right behind." Se Hun? His name? I think I've heard of it somewhere. "Fine." Oh, he went away...

I couldn't keep my eyes off of his back, I kept on wondering where have I heard his name before. "Annyeong." 

Ah.. it's the guy from earlier... "Annyeong..." I replied back. He bent down a bit and kept his head near my face. I didn't look at him in the eye though. 

"My name is Kim Jong-In, a Sophomore. People call me Kai." Kai... that's right. That Se Hun guy called him by 'Kai' few secs ago. So he's a Sophomore. WAIT, A SOPHOMORE?! "S-sop-phomore?" I beleived my face looks so frightened now. Obviously 'cause he's a senior.

"Ne. I'm a Sophomore. You look so surprised." He giggled. That's kinda cute actually... No No No. Gotta keep my mind straight! I shooked my head and bow at him. "Annyeonghaseyo! I'm Bae Hyun Ae, a 2nd year! Banggabsumnida! Please take care of me." I did it. I introduced myself.

"Second year, ey? Hm, alright." I felt a heavy weight on my head, I was looking down. Ah! He patted my head... "I'll take good care of you, Hyun Ae. You really are an interesting girl though."


"No, no. Don't need to be formal around me. Well then, I'll see you around sometime?" "Ah! You surely wi-




He kissed my forehead... He did not just- "Cute! You look so surprised now hahaha. I'm sorry if it's shocking to you. Annyeong!"

The hallway now is full of swoons everywhere. What just happened? Somehow I felt happy. Further more, I should feet releived that he didn't kiss my lips. 

"Hyun Aeeeeeeeee!! Hyun Ae!"

"Ah... Sang Mi... Mi Young." 

"What happened? I saw a group of students circuling around. It was scary though. Plus, we saw Se Hun sunbae walked angrily out of the group of students."

"About that Se Hun guy. You both know him?"




"Ouch. Stop shouting, guys." I put down my rice ball and swallowed the one I was chewing. "It's no big deal anyways. I was just protecting my pride. My precious pride." I said. Mi Young looked so worried that it almost made me feel guilty of defending myself. "Wae?"  I took a sip of my cola. "Glad you aksed." Sang Mi said.

While I keep on munching my lunch, both of them got serious somehow.

"Oh Se Hun is his real name. His background is quite wealthy and nice but rumors said that he left home and is now living on his own."

I choked. His living on his own? "If I were him I wouldn't run away from home, knowing that my family is wealthy." I declared.

"Yeah, us too, Hyun Ae. But I think he left because of his problems with his dad. They don't go along very well, you see." I just nodded at Mi Young's statement. Seems like they know a lot about this guy. "That being said, since he's living 'alone' now, he got no one else than Kai. Well that's all for we know. He's always with Kai anyways."

"Really? Am I the only onw who didn't even notice their existence?" I put on my poker face.

"Obviously, duh! Their quite popular, you know!"

I don't think I'm interested in my sorroundings since I'm always busy finding ways to make my dreams come true.

"But... That Kai. What about him?" I asked unconsiously. Why am I asking this again?

"Wait. Don't tell me you're interested in him?!" Sang Mi again, shouted. Aish this girl can never be quiet. "I'm not. I'm just asking. He seems like a nice guy." I said.

"Unfortunately he's not." Mi Young blurted out.

"Wae?" I asked. "He's a playboy." Sang Mi answered. Playboy? Hm. Well, he does look like one but-


The bell!


It's that we need to clean the classroom for the first day of school this year. What were the sophomores doing on the last day of school last year? I thought the whole school needed to clean the classrooms.

"Hyun Ae ah. Can You help me?" Sang Mi called. "Nae? Help with what?" I asked.

"Can you help bring some water back? Here's the bucket."

Oh. Water. Right. "Okay. I'll be right back then."

Wasting no time anymore, I rushed to the toilet near our classroom. The bathroom smells even worse than actual . I'm here to take some water anyway so let's bear with the awful smell alright, nose? Sigh. Turning the tap water for water, I waited for it to be full but wait.

I dont hear any water spilling sound. Where's the water?! Aish jjinja. What is this school. That's a bummer... seems like I need to use another toilet. Which one is the nearest now? There's only one toilet along the 2nd year's hallway. Let's just go to the 3rd year and get it done.

Typical me going right away to the 3rd year's hallway. Sophomore... Sophomore... Sophomore... This will be their last year of school huh? Then I won't be seeing hi- hold up. Why am I thinking about him since he left. No, No, No. That's wrong. He's your sunbae, Hyun Ae. Get a hold of yourself and focus on your goal. Speaking of which, I've been going to many audtions so far but no news since then. Hm. I wonder if the tips I collected really work?

Ah! We're here already. That was fast than I thought. I'm at the sophomore's now. They're so loud and energetic. Is it because it's the last year of school? But you still need to study more for 3 or 4 years after that.

What am I talking about I'm supposed to go take some water. Sang Mi's probably waiting. I've been talking to myself a lot on the journey to take water. That's surprising. Akk! What the-

"Yah. You've bumped into Kai this morning and now me? You're really something."

That voice! I looked up to see a perfect shaped nose and a grumpy face. It's Oh Se Hun. He looks like grumpy cat. "I"m sorry." I apologized. He looked surprised actually, looks like he didn't expect the right answers from me. "O-oh... okay then." he scratch his head. "What are you doing here anyways?"

Huh? Is he actually talking to me? Are you serious? I looked at him and scoffed. "Are you sick, sunbae?" I asked.

"I'm not!" He protested. "You're at the sophomore's, you know. I thought you're a 2nd year."

"How did you know I'm a 2nd year?" Weird.

"Kai... he talked a lot about you." Ahhh... Well then, that's equal. We were talking about you too. "I'll be getting back to my business now. Bye."



What is this. I'm the one who said bye but I want to talk to him a bit longer. Now that you've mention it, I didn't get the chance to say sorry! Oh my god. This is why... Just great. But he didn't seem mad at me anymore though. I wonder if he's still outside. I would apologize right away if he did. Crap! The bucket's full.

"How's your ?"

Holy mother of cows! I almost drop the bucket. Surprisingly, he was still there.

"You're still here?" I asked.

"Kinda. I forgot that I needed something from you."

"What is it?" I tilted my head. "An apology."

"Good. I was just gonna give it to you. So here it goes. I'm sorry for talking back to you disrespectfully, sunbae."

"That was... quicker than I thought... I-

"But! You hurting my pride is much more worser!" What am I saying? I'm making things worse. Oh God me and my thoughtless acts.

"HAH?" Did he just 'Hah'? "So your point is?" He continued.

"Your turn. Apology." I said.

He shooked his head while crossing his arms, he has that sly smirk on his face. EEE! It give me the shivers! "W-what?"

"Why would I be apologizing? What I said was the fact. And you need to face it." 

Okay now his cocky words are getiing on my nerves and I don't like it. Calm down, Hyun Ae, he's nothing compare to you-

"If you're thinking I'm nothing compared to you, you're wrong." HOW DID HE READ MY MIND!

"You're far more away from me." He laughed. I have no doubt that that's an evil laugh you're making, mister! "I'm here, apologizing to you politely and you keep getting on my nerves! What is you're problem?!"

"You have attitude issues." WHAT?!

"Me? Attitude issues? Who's the one making a grumpy face since this morning 'till now? I think you're the one who has attitude issues!" Again, I fought him back. "Okay then you have issues in respecting the elders. Plus, control your voice will you? You can't shout at someone who's much older."

"Just because you're a sophomore doesn't mean that I need to respect you! If you want me to respect you then you yourself needs to respect me first." I'm out of breath. I'm panting. Answering all his cocky and prideful words is really tough. "Why should I respect someone who's under me? You're freakishly tall for a girl, you got no style, you're not cute, you're disrespectful, you're clumsy, you don't know who you're messing with and most importantly, YOU'RE ANNOYING."


1. Name: Oh Se Hun

2. Height: 181CM

3: Weight: Unknown

4: Goal: -

"A Very cocky and prideful character. Cool, tall and mysterious. Doesn't show so much interest in girls."

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peacey #1
Love it ~~