Valentine's Day



Chapter 10: Valentine's Day 

A week has passed. Everything was getting more closer. Everything. Since Hyun Ae has been a student of Se Hun, Kai together with Mi Young and Sang Mi adapted more each day and so as the two of them. They spend their lunch together at school and naturally became comfortably to each other. Rumours spread everywhere since the day Kai and Se Hun ate with the three stooges. 

Some say the three are using dirty tricks to get closer to the boys, some say that they're threatning the boys. Yes, they've heard of it but as time passes by, they care less. Sang Mi and Mi Young doubt the rumours that they heard about Se Hun and Kai as they get to know them. Hyun Ae in the other hand, finally has nothing in her way with Se Hun's lessons. 

All these nuisanse happened in the early month of the year and now, it's February, the month of love


"Sang Mi, bring these for me?" Kai handed Sang Mi a handful of chocolate-- make that two handsful of chocolate. Sang Mi rolled her eyes and took the chocolates from Kai's hands. "Thank You." Kai smiled. Legend said that his smile was a killer. Or is it still? Sang Mi could never refuse to grant his request especially when he smiles at her. 

You would probably be wondering why whould Sang Mi do things that Kai pleases. That is because...


"So this is the house?" Sang Mi gulped while looking up to the big mansion-like house. She checked the address more than twice to believe her eyes. The house that was own by her father's friend is no joke. Tall pillars in front of the big chocolate fancy main door together with the marble floor. She can only see from a far as she was just in front of the gate. 

She rang the doorbell and cleared . "Okay, don't be nervous. You can do this." She calmed herself.

The buzz sound was heard, "Yes, hello. This is The Kim residence. How may I help you?" said a firm voice from the other line. "Ah yes, I'm looking for..." Sang Mi looked down on a piece of note that her father gave her. "Kim Sajang-nim?" She read the name. Although she didn't know what was the gender of her to-be-boss, she was hoping it'd be a woman. Little did she know, the sajang-nim is a woman.

"I'm sorry miss, have you made an appointment with Sajang-nim?"  asked the man.

"I believe that my dad has called the household before about my reasons here." Sang Mi declared with a nervous voice. The man on the other line sounds scary, beyond what she imagined. "Ah! I understand. I'll unlock the gate for you and have some men you inside, Sang Mi-sshi." Now the voice seems friendly. 

Sang Mi breathed out in relieve, all the burden on her shoulders are lifted. As she waits outside, the black matte gate slid open and two men in suits ran towards her. She walked in without hesitation. "Please follow us." said one of them. She nodded and followed them inside the house.

She was awfully amazed by the house's decorations and theme. Less than a minute, her observation was interrupted by a fimiliar voice. 


She looked at the voice behind her.

"You!!!" She pointed. The men in black suits aimed their guns towards her as her voice went higher. "Hold up, guys. I know her." Kai laughed. "She's a friend from school." He said while holding his right hand up. 

"What brings you here?" Kai asked while biting his apple. "I'm here to meet someone. The President..." Sang Mi said with a lower tone. She's terrified by how the men reacted when she highered her voice. "She's not here for the moment." Kai said. "And you?" Sang Mi asked with furrowed brows. "What are YOU doing here?" 

Kai grinned and took a seat in front of her. "What? I can't be home?" He chuckled.

Sang Mi's jaw dropped hearing what Kai said. "Heol!" The guns were aimed at her again. "Ah... I'm sorry..." She bowed lightly. "Are you the President's son?" She asked and Kai nodded. She tried not to act to surprise. "I'm looking for a job..." She whispered. 

He lift his brows and a smile gradually came up on his face. "Gladly! What can you do?" Kai got up and dragged her along the hallway. "You can be the chef, or one of the 'women', you can work at one of our branches! Whic-"

"A maid, please." Sang Mi requested. Kai almost choked up when she said that. "Out of all jobs you can get here, you choose to be a maid." He rubbed his chin and looked at Sang Mi from head to toe. "What?" Sang Mi stepped one foot back. "You're hired." Kai smiled.

Every single person clapped and cheered. "Welcome to the Kim Residence!" They cheered. Ofcourse Sang Mi felt pleased by this sort of action. As she looked back to Kai to say thank you, he had his back to her already. "Anything, you can go to Granny." Kai informed.

Sang Mi gave him a blur loook, as she didn't how who was he reffering to. "G-Granny?" She asked and he nodded.

End of Flashback...

"Is this how you treat a lady?!" Sang Mi shouted.

"Is that how you talk to your boss?" Kai answered back.

She shut as soon as Kai answered. She hates that she couldn't do anything since HE's the boss. She killed him in her mind most of the time without him knowing. Well, it's better to get paid than nothing. 

"Ah, look!" Kai smiled. "There's Se Hun." he pointed at the opposite direction where there were girls screaming their lungs out in groups and circles. Se Hun kept his earphones in and his poker face on. Rejecting all of the gifts, that's all he did. Nevertheless, the girls don't see why they need to give up. Never in history has Se Hun accepted any gifts from a girl. Especially in their school.

"Se Hun sunbae! Please accept this chocolate! I didn't sleep making them last night."

"I don't like chocolates."

"Please consider it! I really like you."

"No thank you."

"That's harsh." Sang Mi sighed. She felt pity for the girl. Se Hun flinched to his side when she heard Sang Mi's voice. "Yo!" Kai said. Se Hun's more than relieve to be seeing two of his comrads on his side. "Lets go." He insisted, tucking Kai's and Sang Mi's blazers on to drag them away from the madness.

Once they've reached the rooftop, Sang Mi was ordered to lock the door by Se Hun. He threw his bag to the wall and grunted. "I HATE VALENTINE'S." He said. "Ol chiu have ngu du is assep (All you have to do is accept)" Kai said with a mouth full of chocolates. Sang Mi gave him a water bottle. "Why don't you accept one? One, at least." She asked. 

Se Hun shooked. "It's better than to give them false hope." Sang Mi nodded, "You're right."

She looked at Kai on her right. "But giving false hopes is also one of Kai's ability, isn't it?" Sang Mi glared at Kai. He just grinned in return, "Think of anything you want about me." Se Hun kept quiet and drank his water silently. "Sometimes, no. Most of the time, I tend to comfort others with lies." Kai said with a long look. Sad? No. Angry? Nope. 

'Wha-- D-did I say something wrong? Was I taking it way too far?'  Sang Mi began to worry. "I--"

"Yah. What's with that look you're giving us?" Se Hun got up (he was sitting before). "It's Kai. Kai has always been the Kai I knew since back then... the way you live your life. So either way, whether we like it or not, we have to accept you for who you are, right? Aren't we comrades?" 

"Se Hun." Kai slightly pouted. "The look you gave was disgusting. How dare you." Se Hun continued. Sang Mi smiled as both of the besties insult each other.

'Why are you so sensitive all of the sudden? What- having youre period?'

"So there are things..."

'You know I'm not good at reacting to this thing! You Grumpy Cat!!'

"That drowns down Kai's confidence." 

'You DID NOT just call me that, chocolate !'

"But what's more important is that he has a friend who lifts him up." The ends of her lips curled with the warmth she felt while witnessing Se Hun and Kai's friendship.

'Why you--!'

'Bring it, moron.'

"Puhahahah!" Sang Mi burst out laughing. Both Se Hun and Kai stunned, "Hah?". 

She turned around and walked towards the exit. "We're gonna be late for class. See you!" She said while walking. Se Hun and Kai looked at each other for the moment and widened their eyes. "S H I T!" They exclaimed.


"That's all for today class, if anything, please don't hesitate to come and meet me. You may have your recess now."

The students were chasing down the hallway to buy food before the line gets long in the canteen. Hyun Ae tilted her head at a math question that the teacher gave as a homework. She scratched her head, still can't figure out. Hyun Ae hummed in defeat and banged her head on her table. 'Im so stupid.'

"Hyun Ae?"

She widened her eyes and lift her head up. "Ah, Mi Young, Sang Mi." She smiled.

"Is something wrong? Why did you... banged your head?" Mi Young asked, half terrified. "What's the matter? Don't understand a single thing the teacher taught?" Sang Mi looked at the question. "This! This is quite easy to be honest, haha. You see, this kind of question is trying to trick you. If you look at it thoroughly, it's just as the same questions teacher gave us but a bit difficult, that's all to it." She explained. 

Hyun Ae looked at the question once again. 'Come to think of it, I only looked at it for like 3 times. I don't even know if  I understood it.'  

"Uwa! I can see it now!" She slammed her table.

Mi Young flinched, "Hyun Ae, you know you didn't have to hit slam your table."

Sang Mi smiled. "Yeah, thank me later. Let's go eat, I'm starving." Hyun Ae got up and closed her book. "Right, let's go." She headed towards the class' door. "Guys, I don't think we can use that way." Mi Young grabbed Hyun Ae's arm. Hyun Ae looked back, "Why?" she asked. 

Mi Young pointed outside the class' hallway. "I think Kai might be blocking the way." She said. "Oh, he's not alone." Sang Mi noted.

Hyun Ae immediately looked up to the direction. Before she realized it, she was searching for Se Hun's head- at least. 'What kind of sudden reaction is this?'  She thought. Embarrased by herself, she looked away and dragged the two other. "There's no way that that's gonna stop us from filling our stomach, right?! Let's go!!" She insisted. "Yah, Bae Hyun Ae. What the heck is wrong with you?" Sang Mi tried to pull back but they were already running. "Hyun Ae!" Mi Young called her name. "Yah!"

'I'm so ashamed of myself! I don't even think I could--'


Hyun Ae gasped, followed by a worried Mi Young and Sang Mi who just shooked her head while pinching the bridge of her nose. "I'm sorry." Hyun Ae stood up straight and bowed slightly. "Are you okay...?" She looked at the guy she bumped into while waiting for the response. "You really have a hard head, don't you?" The guy looked up to her face. "She pretty does judging by the results." Sang Mi blurted. "You're on the floor because of it." She added.

The guy nodded and massage his chest. "I'm fine." 

Mi Young looked at Hyun Ae. Actually, both of her and Sang Mi are expecting Hyun Ae to apologize like for repeat. When she looked at Hyun Ae, the girl just stared at the guy's face for quite a while. She went beside her and nudged her arm. Hyun Ae turned to Mi Young as Mi Young mouthed, 'apologize' to her. 'Oh! right.'  

"Excuse me, I--"

"Shh." The guy stopped her as he got up. "I said I'm fine, right?" He put thumbs up. "Ah..." Hyun Ae nodded. "Glad to hear that."

"But in exchange, you could at least tell me your name?" The guy asked for a favor. He looked sincere, no bad intentions or vibe around him. Hyun Ae didn't hesitate thus, she told her name immediately. "Bae Hyun Ae." She smiled. 

The guy grinned and chuckled. "Got it." He slowly took backsteps and eventually turned around to head back to where he intended too. "Isn't that weird?" Sang Mi asked. "I've never seen him before, though." Mi Young said. "Me neither." Sang Mi answered back. "I'm just glad I didn't bumped into a stuck up guy." Hyun Ae sighed. "But he was nice." She continued.

"Who's nice?" Kai suddenly popped out from nowhere. "YAHH!!" Three of the girls shouted at him. "You! Don't scare people like that, you !!" Sang Mi hit Kai rapidly without stopping. "You're really clumsy as usual." Se Hun turned to Hyun Ae. "Whatever." She countered back. "You know him?" He asked while pouting randomly. "Not at all..." Hyun Ae answered

"Don't bump into strangers like that, idiot." Se Hun narrowed his brows. Hyun Ae looked directly to his eyes and squint them. He knew she was gonna fight back-- well, it's predictable. His face doesn't show it but he's really eager to Hyun Ae's responses whenever the two of them argue or when he insults her. 'Come on then, you can say what you want.'  Se Hun said in his mind. As she was about to open , her stomach grumbled loudly-- the sound was strong. "Oh ..." Hyun Ae whispered.

Se Hun held back his laugh but went burst out laughing while holding his stomach. 

Everyone was looking at the both of them. Se Hun's still laughing his off while struggling really hard to talk. "Ju-! HAHAHAHA st... When... HAHAHAHAHAHA y-ou wanted to look cool pfffttttt! Damn, I can't stop." -and so, continued his evil laugh. He was legitimately crying tears of joy. "Y-Yah! Shut up! I haven't eaten anything yet since morning!" She pointed at his face. Se Hun tried to pull of a serious face but he just can't. "I've never heard such incredible sound before. A grumbling sound that sounds like it belongs to a giant monster. Oh well, you are a monster so that makes sense." He covered his mouth to stop from laughing.

"You evil creature! Mi Young! Sang Mi! K-Kai...? Eh...?" She turned around and blinked her eyes. Their friends were gone. "A while ago, they were just there..." She blurted out, disappointed. 

"They probably headed out first. Oh man, I really wanted Kai to listen to that thing  just now."

"What 'thing' ?!"

"You're firocious hungry stomach ofcourse. Pfftttt." Se Hun said, looking away like he pitied Hyun Ae for owning such thing. Then he came back to his own sense. "Anyway, let's go. 15 minutes have passed thanks to you." He looked down to her. 'He's back?!'  Hyun Ae  thought. "You're really good at changing your facial expression, huh?" She said spitefuly.

As they were walking and came to the end of the hallway, Se Hun went up. "Eh?" Hyun Ae looked at him. "By the time we arrive at the canteen, I doubt that there's any food left so just follow me." He dragged the hand. "B-But this is the way to your hallway!" By that, she meant the way to where his class is. "So?" He questioned with a poker face.

Se Hun really didn't waste time and dragged her quickly to his locker-- the lockers are placed outside their class.

He let go of her and unlocked his locker. Bunch of chocolates and love letters went falling down his locker. "What the hell is that?!" Hyun Ae exclaimed. "I thought you never accepted anyone's chocolate!" She continued. 

He sighed and ignored what was put inside his locker and  the ones that are outside of his locker. Se Hun picked out a box of chocolate randomly and gave it to Hyun Ae. "Eat." He ordered. "What?" She asked back, not knowing what he meant. "Eat. You're hungry right? Not much, but at least your sugar level won't drop." He said.

"But this is for you. The person who made this for you-- I can't possibly eat it!" Hyun Ae denied and gave him the chocolate back. Other than that, she could sense some intense aura surrounding the both of them. ' If I eat this, I'll look bad...'  She thought. Se Hun ripped the chocolate wrap and took one piece out. "We'll eat this. TOGETHER." He used a firm tone this time, not leaving Hyun Ae any choices. 'He must've known what I was thinking.'  

"Yes, I know what you're thinking." Se Hun looked at her.

"Crap..." Hyun Ae cursed. "Here, one for you." He put the piece of chocolate on her palm and ate one himself. "Uwa! How cute!" Hyun Ae excitedly ate the chocolate piece. It was in a heart shape. 

"Omo! Se Hun is eating one of the chocolate they put in his locker!"

"It's the first time in history!"

"Kyaaaaa~ He's eating the chocolate!!"

"There's hope for us!"

"So annoying. Shut up already." Se Hun slammed his locker. Hyun Ae flinched and turned to him. "Se Hun...?" She asked. Everyone went silent for a moment and went back to class. "It's amazing on how they react." Hyun Ae forcefully laughed, hoping that will calm down Se Hun. He threw out the things that were still inside his locker until there was nothing left except for his things and locked it. 

He leaned on the locker and sighed. "This is really making me rage up." He said. "Was it always like this?" Hyun Ae asked. She was still eating the chocolate. "They only put letters in my locker last year but now they dare to break into my locker and place their stupid chocolates inside. Thank God they didn't take any of my belongings." He answered with a really sad tone.

Se Hun looked at Hyun Ae and she twitched. "Scared?" He asked, quite relaxed.

"Kinda..." She answered. "You're calm now, right... That's what I'm hoping for though." She said. "I'm sorry, this happens a lot and the only person who could at least calm me down is Kai." Se Hun declared. "Are you alright? Se Hun, you're face is red. The more weird thing is, you're talking gently with me. Now I'm reeeeeaaaallly scared." 

"Got so many work lately until I didn't have enough time to sleep but YOU dare to say what you thought." He pierced his eyes at her. 'There's no way...! He looks perfectly fine. Better yet, he didn't even say anything about being busy and tired. Come to think of it, it's been two weeks since our lesson is posponed. Even the Fashion Show he couldn't make it...'  Hyun Ae was surprisingly worried about him. 'Is he at his limits now? He looks really... he looks like he needs at least 3 days break from work. Is being a model... that hard? What should I do?'

"Look on the bright side. The chocolate they give you continuesly knowing that you wouldn't accept them, it's really sweet." She smiled and took the last piece from the box with pink, red and white straps. "Here!" She offered. Se Hun didn't say anything. He just looked at her with his bare tired red face. "If you don't want it then I'll have it. It's the last piece--"

She was about to put it in until Se Hun reaches his mouth to take a bite of the chocolate that was still at her fingers' grip near to her freakin' face. The box fell from her hand and she turns red. Literally, they were one inch away from each other. "What..."

In the end, Se Hun took all of the chocolate with his mouth and ate it. "Are you... doing?" Hyun Ae finished her question. She's secured by Se Hun's long lean-muscled arms that was slammed at the locker with his face as near as he could get with her face.

"Hye. I didn't say I won't eat it." He said. "You know that people are watching us." She looked to her right and left. "See? They're peeping their heads out." She frowned. "I do what I want." Se Hun grinned and let loose. "Why? Did your heart went dup dap ?" Hyun Ae was sure that she would do anything to punch Se Hun everytime he smirks. 

"Don't do stuff like that! That's so low! I'm actually disappointed. Even Kai wouldn't do such thing!" She turned away and walked away slowly. "Do what?" Kai grabbed her wrist and looked down right at her eyes. "Speak of the devil..." Hyun Ae muttered. "Do what, Hyun Ae?" He asked again with a smile. "Kai!" Se Hun called out. Kai let go of Hyun Ae, "It's so quiet up here I thought the principal was coming." He said. "Is that so?" 

Kai changed his gaze at Se Hun and asked seriously, "Say... Se Hun, mind telling me what you and Hyun Ae just did?" 

Hyun Ae turned around, "Kai, we weren't doing things that you imagined." She stated with full might. "Really?" Kai turned to her instead and said, "Hyun Ae, do you have any idea how red you're face is?"

Se Hun sighed, "Leave her alone and let's go back to class, Kai. Cut the crap, I was just playing with her."

"Hyun Ae, go back to class." Se Hun instructed and so she did while running down the stairs. Kai walked to Se Hun and pushed him a bit with force. "Guess what?" He looked at him. "I don't like how you play with her."

"You really want it this time don't you, Kai?" Se Hun brushed Kai's trace on his blazer. "Don't come and be ing mad at me if you can't do those things to her." 



"Crap..." Hyun Ae slid down againts the wall. "My legs can't even stand up for me." She cupped her face with both of her hands.

"Did it really went dup dap ?"

End of Chapter 10


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peacey #1
Love it ~~