


Chapter 9: Playtime

"So, how's your life?" She put her cup down. Se Hun took a bite of the red velvet cake. "Fine." He answered without interest. Silence took after the room for a few minutes. She pondered about asking the next question. "How about you and your dad?" She finally asked.

Se Hun pun his fork down forcefully making the girl flinched. "Ha Young." He called. "Are you here to visit me or to ask about my delima with my dad?" Se Hun continued. Ha Young frowned and said, "Everyone in the family is convincing you to just bow down to what your dad wish. I'm not here to do that sort of thing. I'm just worried."

"I appreciate that you're worried about me but I'm sick of repeating my answers that will NEVER change. Okay?" He looked at her. "Arasseo." She nodded and played with the food. She suddenly lift up her head and formed a bright smile. "Who's that girl from before?" She shrugged her shoulders in excitement. Se Hun, who was drinking almost spit out his water. "Which girl?" He scoffed.

Ha Young playfully smiled. "Yeah right, 'which girl'. You exactly know which girl. Come on, just tell me." She convinced- more like forced. Se Hun sugh in sign of defeat and nodded, "That's right. You won. Her name is Bae Hyun Ae and she's a friend from school." He simply said. "-and THAT's the end of it." 

"Sokay, I'll do the research myself." She smiled while eating the cake. 

Se Hun rolled his eyes. "Are you here for good?" Ha Young shooked her head and smiled pitifully, "Sadly no, but I will come back more often this year. Father said he wants me to come back but I refuse. I'll just be under his orders if I do so."

"Yah, our dads are siblings. They share the exact same blood. All they care about is the family's wealth. Tch, I'd rather be poor than to have strings attached to me like a puppet." He stabbed the cake with his fork. Ha Young laughed in reply.

Just as the evening left and the night took place, Ha Young made her leave and Se Hun was alone again. 'Rich people' is what they're always labelled as. Why? Just because they're rich, does that mean they're happy with their lives? Some may be, some may not. Unfortunately for the Oh residence, is it indeed an importance that the younger generations need to be dedicated fully to take over their family's business.

Oh Se Hun, son of the owner of Oh Banking Inc. and Oh Ha Young, heiress of Oh Financial Group. Both big and successful componies are under one family. So as both the heir and heiress were said to take over the big two.


"Excuse me." Kai stepped into the kitchen full of busy women. "Yes, sir?" One of the workers replied. Kai smiled before answering, "Have you seen Seungheon?" He asked with a soft tone. "Maybe he's in his office, sir. Plus, it's 10 minutes to 5." They answered. "Okay." Kai stepped out of the kitchen after giving them another smile.

After visiting the kitchen, Kai directly went to Seungheon's office, The Head Butler in the household. You must be thinking that the Kim's residence and the Oh's are no different. Well, the Kim's do own a factory of clothing lines and some branches of branded shops almost covering the whole of Korea but the two families never get along well due to certain things that left a big impact. In other words, Kai's parent never liked him being friends with Se Hun and vice versa. They're teenagers, they're rebelious, of course.

KnOck! kNock!

"Come in!" Seungheon semi-shouted. "Yo!" Kai enteres and closed the door. Seungheon was shocked to see Kai in his office. The situation is rarely to be occured 'cause Kai is obviously the one who demands him. "Doryeo-nim. Why are you here? I mean, you don't have to come to me if you need something. I can always come to you like usual." He got up to Kai.

"Seungheon, you're old. Just as how big my position is to you, it's no different than treating you as someone who's older than me." Kai declared. "Oh! By the way, you found anyone yet?" Kai asked with eyes full of excitement. 

"I was about to inform you, sir." Seungheon curled the ends of his mouth to form a smile. "Here." He politely hand over a folder to Kai- which was probably full of informations of his new private butler as he requested. Kai opened the folder without any hesitant and read through his biography, "He's got a pretty... cool name?" Kai blurted out. "But, I'm more than excited to meet him. This Eduardo." He smiled.

Seungheon bowed before answering back. "Certainly, sir." He said. "Is there any more that I can help you with?" He asked and Kai shooked his head. "No thanks." He answered.


"I'm home." Hyun Ae smiled brightly as she entered the apartment she was living in with her uncle. She closed the door quietly and took gentle steps towards her room. She's late. She might be living with her uncle and not her parents, but they are no difference in the way she is treated. Her uncle may be mom and dad combined into one soul as he's skilled in cooking and cleaning as well as his responsibility upon Hyun Ae.

"Stop right there, Missie." 

Hyun Ae cursed herself before turning to the fimiliar voice. "Uncle!!" She cheered. "You're home early! Yay! We can have dinner together now." Hyun Ae took a sit beside her uncle. He gave a stern look. Hyun Ae fidgeted and gave up, "Oh cut the crap, you can be mad at me now."

"Where were you?"

"Uncle, it's 2 hours before night! You said my curfew is until 7, why are you mad at me? It's not like I'm doing unpleasant things outside."

"Hyun Ae, I was just asking where you went." He continue to stare at her. "I texted you, you didn't reply. I called you, you didn't answer. Tell me how can I not be worried about you? Not even a single word was said." Uncle spoke.

She sighed. "I went to a friend's place."

"A friend? "

Hyun Ae realized her mistake, Oh dear. She gulped  and thought of another way to gain trust. "Y-Yes!" She confidently answered- more or less. "Bae Hyun Ae." Uncle stoop up. "You've been acting really weird lately, are you hiding something from me? Is it a girl thing? Eventhough I wouldn't understand at least give me a bit of an information. Please, Hyun Ae." He highered his voice and she flinched. "I... umm... I have a class?" She tried to explain. "What?" Her uncle squinted his eyes. "I've started to take a particular class... for modeling?" She bluffed.

Uncle raised his brows. "A modeling class?" He stopped. "And exactly with who?" He continued. 

That question made Hyun Ae more concerned about answering, in fact, how do actually answer to this type of question. "The story is long, uncle. I'm sure you'll get bored of it."

"The name, at least." He insisted. "Then after that, I wouldn't ask more. I promise." Hyun Ae widened her eyes in shock. "Th-The name, right! The name... ahh... O-Oh Se Hun is... his  name."

Uncle was shocked too, hearing a boy's name came out from Hyun Ae's mouth. It actually doesn't make sense to him that Hyun Ae is taking lessons from a boy. The name seemed fimilar to him, but he's more keen to know about his experience in the field.

Hyun Ae got up and proceed to her room but before that she stopped and turned to her uncle. "Uncle, I... I wouldn't push you away if you're xurious and you have lots to ask. I do understand but just bare in mind that, I'm grateful to him and..." She pondered.

"And?" Uncle insisted her to continue.

"-and I trust him. Very much. I believe that he's a man of his words so please don't worry too much and thank you for giving me the chance to speak."

She smiled and went into her room.


Do Kyungsoo hummed happily while cutting the onions. He stopped and left the half cut onions alone and checked on his chicken soup. He took a bit of a taste and smiled as the result was deliciously satisfying. 

"Kyungsoo-ah! I'm home~" Baek Hyun open the door wide and immediately went inside while closing it back again. Excitedly, he took off his shoes using the opposite leg after one another. "Ah. Just in time for dinner." Kyungsoo walked into their living room. "How's work?" He asked. "Work is okay, as usual. Thank you for asking." Baek Hyun smiled and threw his work bag to the black leather-skinned sofa. "Home sweet home." He in the air around the house. 

"They successfuly cast some new people today." Baek Hyun said. "Oh, really? That's good to hear." Kyungsoo the TV. Yes, the both of them lives together and no, they don't share the same bed. "Oh yea, Kyungsoo. Se Hun's gonna be busy starting from next month." 

Kyungsoo turned his head to Baek Hyun who just entered the kitchen to take some orange juice. "What? Another shoot?" He asked with his rich white eyes. "Yeah. Three photoshoots to be exact. One's at LA for the summer edition's front cover of The magazine, the two others are just here but different locations. He'll be having the shootings outdoors for the concept. Other than that, he may be walking down a fashion show later on." Baek Hyun explained. "Which means, you get to go to LA with him." He continued while smiling. 

He didn't answer Baek Hyun, he just nodded. "What about his studies?" He asked. 

"School, you mean? Since he wrote down our names and our phone numbers as his guardians, I'll write a letter. It'll be fine. We'll do it like the usual way." Baek Hyun took his bag and climbed the stairs. "Really now? He still needs to study, Baek Hyun!" Kyungsoo shouted before Baek Hyun took another step to the second flight of stairs.

"Ara, ara."

Just before Kyungsoo got the chance to ramble over Baek Hyun silently, he received a text from someone.


End of Chapter 9


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peacey #1
Love it ~~