

Chapter 15: Jealous

'Are you kidding me?'  Hyun Ae stared at her phone's screen for aproximately 7 minutes. She received a text from Se Hun.

From: Se Hun

Sorry, there'll be no lesson for today.

She burried her face in her hands and rested them on her table after taking a look on the text again. "What's the matter, Hyun Ae?" Mi Young sat down in front of her. "You look down." Sang Mi joined. 

"Obviously." Hyun Ae said. "Two days have passed since our last lesson. Is it that  busy to make a report?" She asked. Mi Young stared at her phone's screen which was still showing, "Ahhhh. I see." She nodded. "Speaking of which, I've heard from other students that Se Hun is working with a cute girl from his class. Guess it's true then." Sang Mi said.

"She's super cute." Hyun Ae blurted with a sigh. 

Mi Young and Sang Mi exchanged glances. "What's this?" Sang Mi leaned to Hyun Ae. "Jealous, I see?" She teased. Hyun Ae startled and jumped from her seat, "In your freaking dreams I would!!" She retorts. "Then why are you so flustered about it?" Mi Young chuckled. "Don't be too obvious, idiot."

"I'm not jealous! Not even near jealousy!" Hyun Ae continued. "Why would I be anyway? H-He can do what he wants." She looked away. "Say that one more time and look at me straight in the eyes." Sang Mi dared her but laughed in the end. "You're so cute when you're jealous." Mi Young stated. "-and when you like someone." 

Hyun Ae widened her eyes at her and waved her hands in denial. "Are you crazy? He's not even close to my ideal type."

"Ara, ara. It's fun to tease you." Sang Mi and Mi Young both stopped teasing Hyun Ae and began to get ready with class.


"Hyun Ae, can you help?" 

"Ah, sure!" Hyun Ae went to the teacher and gladly offer her help. "Can you please send these to my table?" the teacher hand her a stack of papers and she just nodded. "Alright."

'Seems like I'm helping a teacher again today.'  Hyun Ae thought. She's always the one to help teachers. Coincidence? Nah, maybe she's born to help people (lol). 'Should I go out with Mi Young after school? We can eat delicious cakes!'  Just by the thought of eating cake made her happy. Since the lessons with Se Hun started, she doesn't go out often with the both of the girls. Moreover, Sang Mi's working part-time so the three of them rarely spend time with eachother except for school. 

Hyun Ae walked pass the photostate/print-out room until she heard  a familiar voice. She stopped and turn her head back, 'Could that be?'  She took a peep of inside the room. There, she saw Se Hun laughing over something-- seemed like he enjoyed himself. 'I was right...'  She surprised herself. Also, she saw Nari beside Se Hun who was smiling. "Well he sure is enjoying himself." Hyun Ae whispered to herself as she tends to talk alone. 

"Who's enjoying himself?"

She turned away just to see Kai standing right in front of her, his hands in his pockets whilst trying to peep inside the room too. Hyun Ae grabbed his wrist and ran away as fast as she could. They stopped in front of a flight of stairs. "What the--"

"Kai!!" She finally called to him. "That took you long enough." He panted, trying to catch his breath. "What??  Were you there the whole time?" She asked, out of breath. "No, but I was able to hear you talking to yourself." He said.

Hyun Ae sat down on the stairs and rubbed her chest. After being able to calm down, Kai took a seat beside her. "Why were you peeping?" He asked. "I just happen to pass by." She answered. "What about Kai?" She asked back.

"Ah, I went down to get some things but then I saw you." Kai turned to her. "You could've just walked away." Hyun Ae felt guilty of dragging him in her mess. "Nah, I wouldn't. Not when you have that  kind of expression." He said, making her blur. "What are you talking about?" Hyun Ae smiled, not understanding what Kai said. "Wow. You don't even notice. Okay, you looked as if you saw something sad back there so I thought I'd go check on you." Kai explained and she was surprised.

She was speechless. 'Sad?'  She thought. 

"Hye." Kai grabbed her hand. "Something the matter?" He asked, concerned. "Um, no, actually." Hyun Ae looked away, still confused by herself. "Could it be that you like Se Hun?" Kai asked her directly with a smile. "EHHHH??" She screamed. "Se Hun was inside the room just now, right? With... Nari? If I saw correctly..." He tried to recall.

"I don't like him." Hyun Ae forcefully laughed. "Reaaaaally?" Kai teased. "Doesn't look like it though." He stated and laughed. "That guys has been working on a project with Nari for quite a while now. I rarely see him out too." Kai said. "I see." Hyun Ae answered while looking down. "Will you look at that sad face." Kai rested his cheek on his palm.

She looked up with red, flustered cheeks, facing Kai. "Please stop teasing me. I don't like him and I'm serious." Hyun Ae begged. Kai looked through her eyes and placed his forehead onto her's. "Okay, I'm sorry." He apologized. 

Hyun Ae got her eyes closed as the image of Se Hun laughing showed up in her head but also got calmed by Kai's cologne. Kai pushed her forehead using his and ruffled her hair. "Let's go. I'll help with these." He got up and picked up the stack of papers. She looked up to him and nodded as he proceed to the next floor. 

Hyun Ae got up and followed Kai from behind like a puppy.



"Se Hun?" Nari tugged his sleeves as he headed to the opposite direction. "What's wrong?" She asked. 'What was that? Were my eyes playing tricks on me?'  Se Hun thought as he saw Kai and Hyun Ae went up the stairs they were sitting on before-- rather closely to each other. "Hye, Se Hun." Nari pulled him to face her. 

He finally snapped out of it. "You looked like you saw a ghost or something. You okay?" She asked once again. "I'm fine..." His eyes wondered around. The image of Kai and Hyun Ae together still lingers in his head, somehow making him blank. 

Nari grabbed his wrist, "Then let's go." She looked up to him.



"Thank you." Hyun Ae smiled with her fingers locked together. "No problem." Kai returned the smile. "A frown doesn't suit you, you know?" He pinched her cheeks. "I'm not frowning!!" Hyun Ae protested. "I'll be sure to keep your frown upside down when you do." He said. "Bye, then." They bid each other goodbye and waved. 


Kai went up with his hands behind his back. 'Fck I almost lost it.'  He thought and went in his classroom. 

"Kai." A stern voice called him as soon as he sat on his seat. Se Hun called him from behind. "Oh, fancy seeing you here. Behind me, that is." Kai said. "What do you mean? I sit here all the time." Se Hun sarcastically answered him. "You aren't always here when I turn back now a days, if 'ya wanna know." Kai rested his chin on his palm. 

"Got something to say?" He asked Se Hun. "Just now... I saw you with Hyun Ae." Se Hun answered him straight forward. "I was with her, got any problem with that?" Kai asked him back. "What are you being all sassy for? It's getting on my fcking nerves." 

"You mad, buddy?" 

"What were you doing with her?"

"Helped her to carry things." Kai simply answered.

"Right. In a very very very close way possible." Se Hun crossed his arms. "It has nothing to do with you, isn't it?" Kai smiled.

Se Hun swore he was about to hit Kai right in the face but he held it back for a more good reason to be mad at him in the first place. Yes, he was disturbed by it. Why? He can't even answer himself. It just bothers him the fact that Kai was able to touch  Hyun Ae in a way he couldn't. He's not even sure what he feels about that girl. 



"Mi Young, kkaja." Hyun Ae waited for Mi Young at the classroom's door. "Hold up!"

They both have agreed to eat cakes together at a place where they regularly eat after school. Unfortunately, Sang Mi has some job to be done so she couldn't join them. Even if it's just the two of them, Hyun Ae was ever so grateful that she could spend time with Mi Young after school. "You got anywhere else you wanna go today?" Hyun Ae asked Mi Young cheerfully. "Ehh? Hmm not really but I do wanna check out the new CD store."

"Then, let's go there today! I wanna buy some stationaries too, if you don't mind." Hyun Ae said. "You sound so much different from this morning, Hyun Ae. I'm glad." Mi Young smiled. They linked arms together. "Me too." Hyun Ae nodded. 'All thanks to Kai.'  She thought.

"What should I eat tonight? My uncle's on travel by now." Hyun Ae asked Mi Young for opinions. "Is that so? Well, it's always better to cook at home though."



Kim Residence

"I'm home." Kai walked into the house and threw his bag on the couch whilst loosened up his tie. "Welcome home."

Kai flinched, almost jumping at his pace. "It's so weird getting a greet from you, mom." He got chills. "Well you're home late." Kai's mother, known as Kim Sajang-nim, owner of various famous high-end clothing brands looked down on her watch. "Is he always late like this?" She turned to Eduardo. The butler shooked his head and smiled gently. "No, Sajang-nim. Only for today."

"Glad to hear that. You want something to eat, Dear?" She asked her son lovingly like any mother would. Kai is fortunate for having a mother like her. Being serious when dealing with work-related is a must, but to her, it's never wrong to have a little bit of fun in life. "Oh, no thanks. I've eaten lunch with my classmates just now. That's why I was late." Kai explained.

"Is that so." Kim Sajang-nim just smiled. "Where's Sang Mi?" Kai turned to Eduardo. 

Eduardo took a step back, "She's right behind you, Master Jong-In." Kai looked back and he saw a nervous-looking Sang Mi-- made him chuckle. "A friend of yours?" Kim Sajang-nim asked. "You could say that we're close." Kai laughed.

Kim Sajang-nim gave a delightful smile. "Then can I get to know her as well?"

Sang Mi got surprised and flinched when Eduardo motioned her to come. She went and stood beside Eduardo, hoping her legs wont give up on her. "Yes, Sajang-nim?"

"Mom, this is my friend Im Sang Mi." Kai introduced her instead. "Oh so you're Sang Chul's daughter?" Kim Sajang-nim looked at Sang Mi from head to toe as the younger girl just nodded. "Both of you are from the same school, yes?" She pointed at Kai and Sang Mi. "You know a lot, I see?" Kai leaned back on the sofa. His mom chuckled, "Her dad is a close friend of mine." She stated.

"Anyway, Eduardo, would you please get my son to change?" Kim Sanjang-nim requested and Eduardo smiled.

Kai widened his eyes, "Am I going somewhere?" He asked. "Yes, both of you and your cousin will be following me to meet one of our dealers for the new project. No buts and excuses." She explained. Kai sat on the couch, pouting as his mother went upstairs.

Eduardo went near Kai, "Master?" 

"Okay, okay." Kai stood up and went to Sang Mi just to ruffle her hair. He flashed a smile at her before going to his room with Eduardo holding his school bag while escorting him. Sang Mi's shoulder dropped as if a ton of kilos weigh on them. She sighed heavily.


Mi Young squat down and went through the different desinged notebooks. "This is cute!" She pull out the one with cupcakes and teapots in pink. She sowed to Hyun Ae, "Isn't it?" She asked and Hyun Ae nodded in agreement. "The design is really cute! But do they have other colors though?" They started to search for others.

"Oh, they only have one color." Hyun Ae pouted. "This one has three. The colors are pretty too! Do you want to get them? One for me, you and Sang Mi." Mi Young suggested. Hyun Ae smiled and nodded. "I suddenly feel like eating ice cream."

"No wayyyy, we just ate." Mi Young whined as the both of them went to the cashier with their selected stationaries. "Hahaha. You know me, I'm always down for any food." Hyun Ae forced a laugh.

Actually, she's trying to keep her mind busy with things. She didn't want to think about Se Hun and Nari again, although it still disturbs her sometimes. No, she's not using her time with Mi Young only for herself. Ofcourse, she loves to spend time with her bestfriend but let's just say keeping herself busy on purpose is just one of the reason.

The both of them went our of the shop after they've paid. "You wanna go for ice cream?" Mi Young asked.

Hyun Ae answered her by dragging Mi Young to the direction where they sell ice cream. "I get that you want it but waitttt." Mi Young tried to keep up with Hyun Ae but she just laughed.

"Come on, everyone's been raving about their ice cream. It'll be gone wh- Offf!" Hyun Ae crashed into someone. Luckily, she didn't bring a lot on her hand but she and her school bag did fell. Mi Young rushed to her, "I told you hold up!" 

"Ohh... It's Se Hun." Hyun Ae looked up before she picked up her things. He wasn't near falling by the hit rather, he was standing there with his occupied hands. "Don't run like an idiot." He said, rather in a soft tone. "I'm sorry hahaha." She forced a laugh and picked up her things. "Se Hun?" Nari rushed beside him. 

He turned around to look at her. "Ahh, Nari is here too." Hyun Ae smiled. "Yeah, we were just running errands for our class." Nari explained as Hyun Ae nodded. Mi Young looked at Hyun Ae's expression from behind. Se Hun noticed the injury on Hyun Ae's palm. Not severe, but he bet it stings. "Hye, give me y--"

Hyun Ae flinched due to Se hun's sudden voice talking to her. "Sorry, me and Mi Young was just gonna buy some ice cream before they're gone so please excuse us." She grabbed Mi Young's wrist and ran, again.

Se Hun furrowed his brows and stared at their running backs. "Again with running..." He mumbled. Seems like he couldn't keep his eyes off her. "If she runs onto someone again, I swe--"

"We should get going too, don't you think?" Nari suggested. "We got one more shop to go to." She continued.



"We made it just in time!" Hyun Ae exclaimed. Mi Young just stared at her. "Which flavour should we take?" Hyun Ae excitedly looked over at the various selection of flavours. "Just get what we usually eat." Mi Young said. "Should we take Oreo too?"

After choosing and paying for the ice cream, they went to settle down at a nearby cafe. Mi Young put her cup down and looked at Hyun Ae. "You're so stupid." She blurted. "What?" Hyun Ae questioned back. "Do you like him that much?" Mi Young asked. "Stop saying that I like him!" Hyun Ae was pissed. "It's not us who declare something like that but it's written on your whole entire face!" Mi Young fired back at her. Hyun Ae kept quiet for a while and sighed.

"I don't even know how it feels to like someone." She finally said. "I don't know if he's being nice or he's just doing his job." Hyun Ae continued. "I don't know if he really gives a damn or he just feels that he needs too." Mi Young nodded and hummed. "Then you could at least try and ask him." She calmly said. "Are you crazy? How could I?" Hyun Ae scoffed. "Easy said then done."

"What if that Nari girl likes him?" Mi Young asked.

"I'm fine with that, everyone likes him." Hyun Ae answered.

"And what if she confesses?" Mi Young asked again.

Hyun Ae furrowed her brows and looked down on her ice cream, "I don't know..." Mi Young smiled at her bestfriend, "Exactly. She's cute you know, definitely suit to be by his side. People might mistake them as a couple or something." She took a spoonful of her ice cream. "No kidding." Hyun Ae sighed. "Ack!" She twitched. "What's wrong?" Mi Young wondered her eyes around Hyun Ae. 

"Oh, looks like I bruised a little back there." Hyun Ae just noticed her injury from bumping into Se Hun. "Was the pain in your heart more painful for you to even notice your own injury?" Mi Young laughed. "It stings like hell!!!" Hyun Ae whined.



Se Hun leaned back on his sofa and took out his laptop. There were tons of emails and calls he needed to return. "Where's Chen hyung when you need him..." He complained. Just a few secs after, his phone vibrated beside him.

Jung Nari

Thanks for your hardwork today~! \(^o^)/ 

Se Hun took a grip on his phone and replied to Nari. "No. Prob. You. Too." He repeated his own text. Se Hun shoved away his laptop and stared at his phone. Without he even noticing, he went through his text with Hyun Ae. He stared at his phone, "Stupid." He said. 'When was the last time I actually held a conversation with her.'  He thought. 

As he reminisce what happened in the afternoon with the girl, he put his hands behind his head. Her red cheeks, her messy hair, her bruised palms, all of those played back in his mind until that moment when Hyun Ae and Kai was together. 

'That's been on my mind the whole day...'


End of Chapter 15


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peacey #1
Love it ~~