Silent Steps

Silent Steps [work in progress]

You both stop in front of the door, small smiles on your faces and you both look away before turning to look into each other’s eyes once more.


He raises his hand and brushes your bangs away from your face with a gentle smile stretched on his lips. “I hope you had as much fun as I did,” He mumbles softly and you feel your heart flutter a bit. He brings his hand to his forehead and chuckles inwardly before his lips part, “You?” He asks curiously, you can grasp the hope in his eyes despite how dark it is.


You nod slightly and give him one of your best smiles; you step forward to close the distance. You press a kiss at the side of his lips before you step back and stare at the veranda with a faint blush on your cheeks.


You feel his cold finger tips on your chin, you let his fingers raise your chin and you stare into his eyes. You get this funny feeling in your stomach and your lips part but no words come out. It hits you hard that you have no voice, a breathy gasp escapes you. The want to whisper something to him makes your eyes sting, you swallow thickly and blink back the tears forming.


“It’s okay,” He cups your cheek in his hands and pulls you to him, he brushes his lips against yours and you feel your heart drum against your ribcage like it’s about to break free – relief.


He presses his forehead against yours before he pull your into his arms, he rubs the small of your back. “Just the way you are,” He whispers and you feel tears prick at the corner of your eyes.


“Young love,” You both quick pull away from each other, HoWon rubs the back of his head with a nervous laugh.


“Don’t mind me,” Your grandmother smiles at you as she walks between the two of you and proceeds to unlock and enter the house. “Want to stay over for dinner, HoWon?” She asks smiling up at him.


“I haven’t been home – Mum’s worried, I bet.” He shrugs and you fail to stop the pout from forming on your lips. You blush when you feel HoWon’s eyes on you.


“Tell your mother I said hello,” Your grandmother enters the house and closes the door with a click.


HoWon intertwines your fingers with his and brings your hand to his lips; he gives it a soft kiss. The smiles on his face makes you grin back – your face hurts from all the smiling but you don’t regret abusing your lips.


“I guess I’ll see you tomorrow then?” He catches your eye and you nod, the grin falls and you suddenly feel bad because he’s leaving.


You puff your cheeks and give him a fake wounded look before giving him a silly look. You quickly smack your lips against his before you pull away and reach for the door to make a run for it.


He grabs your wrist and laughs when you almost fall – his strong grip on you keeps you steady. He cups your face and shakes your head – side to side like you’re some kind of a puppet.


You shoot him a playful glare and you earn yourself a kiss from him, “I’ll definitely see you tomorrow.” He mutters rubbing your cheek with his thumb, he lets go of you and steps back.


You nod firmly and peck his cheek – you don’t break the eye contact. He releases your wrist and shoves his hands into his pockets.


“Good night,” He says the sides of his lips crawl upwards. He dramatically takes a bow and spins around; he walks down the veranda stairs before he turns around and salutes to you.


You do the only thing that comes to your mind – you blow him a kiss.


He catches it and places the hand over his heart.


You watch him leave until he is out of your eye-sight. You pull out your phone and scroll through your contacts. You click on his name and you smile when his contact picture appears – a picture you took with him while you were out today.


First couple picture, you think as you go to New Message. You type a quick message and send it.


Sweet dreams.


You tuck your phone in your back pocket, you place your fingers over your lips and your upper lip twitches.


You enter the house after standing there like an idiot for a few minutes.




 “…your movements are sharper – quicker even,” Your grandmother comments taking a sip of her what you assume is green tea from the scent filling your nose nostrils and the basement you’re currently in. “Your expression however,” She pauses staring intently at you; you lock eyes with hers before you suddenly find the ground fascinating.


“Is something the matter?” There’s concern in her tone, you hear it clearly.


You swallow thickly and you shake your head before you bring your hands together.


Don’t worry.


You watch her as she nods; you see her expression turn doubtful before she flashes you a small smile.


“I’m always around.” She assures gently, she places the mug against her lips and takes a sip. She raises her hand in the air, “Start.” She orders.


You give her a quick nod before dance to a beat ringing in your head. You move to the beat, the beat requires fast movements and concentration to follow it correctly. You’re a bit sloppy at some parts and you can tell from your grandmother’s face.


She furrows her eyebrows when you make a mistake, small mistakes – even when your body doesn’t register it. She smiles when you do something impressive or creative.


“You need to feel and know where you’re going wrong – fix that,” She comments but you don’t stops moving to the beat she can’t hear. You wonder how in the world she marks your mistakes – eagle eyes maybe?


You mentally slap yourself. Experience.  


“What do you want to become? After high school?” She questions, you stops and stare at her. She throws you’re a disapproving look and gesture for you to continue dancing, you give her a hasty nod and pick up from where you left off.


You don’t know how long you’ve been dancing, your muscles are screaming. You feel your legs quiver and you’re out of breath in a matter of minutes. Your shoulders are aching, you close your eyes to calm yourself and you bite the inside of your cheek.


“That’s enough,” You grandmother stands up from her seat in front of you, “Wash up – I want to show you a new recipe I read in the papers.” She walks over to you and pokes your sides before she walks out of the room.


Finally. You think with a smile.



Ignore the mistakes. ing oops, it’s a WIP [WORK IN PROGRESS.] don’t worry. I need to re-read what I've written, the previous chapters I mean, since I've like forgotten what the is happening/going to happen LOL. Until Next Time :]!

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great job!
kagaki #2
Chapter 34: I finally caught up! -is forever lazy-

Their moments are cute <3
snowjoker #3
Chapter 33: Wow. Hope you'll finish reread soon. ㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 33: howonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn i neeed a freaking kisssssssssss tooo... and i miss you authornim. glad that u r back :D hurrah!
gyuness #5
Does wip mean writing in progress? O.o