Silent Steps

Silent Steps [work in progress]

You step out of the car and you turn to Mrs. Nam, you give her a quick nod a thank you to her before you slam the door shut. You wait for HoWon to walk of the car patiently, he steps out of the car seconds later and you see him smile appreciatively at Mrs. Nam.

You spin around and you stare at the entrance of the bench, you smile at the setting sun and you unconsciously grab HoWon’s hand. You drag him with you through the entrance and you notice that no one is around. You let out a sigh of relief and a smile graces on your lips.

You hear HoWon chuckle and you immediately give him a questioning look.

“What do you want to do?” He asks, his tone is holding amusement in it and it makes your insides tingle. Your face heats up and you look away from him, you notice your hand holding onto his wrist and you let go faster than you can say Hoya.

You both stand there in silence before he clears his throat. You turn your attention to him and you wait for him to speak.

“I like that.” He admits and you’re not sure what he means but you let him continue. He reaches out for you hand and opens your palm. He starts writing letters on your palm not taking his eyes off yours. You have a hard time knowing what letters but you make them out eventually.

Hold my hand.

Your eyes grow wide and your cheeks burn. You look away from him as you release his hold on you but you slip your hand into his seconds later. He squeezes your hand and you both walk on the beach surrounded by the sounds of birds in the sky, the silent waters and green trees.

You sit down on the sand just staring at the ocean, you make HoWon sit beside you and when you notice he’s not that close to you – you move closer. You look at your shoes and you take them off. The feel of the sand under your feet makes you forget the throbbing pain from running bare foot earlier. The sand between your toes when you force your feet in feels divine and almost perfect.
Your shoulders collapse after a few minutes and your eyes get heavy lidded.

“Nap time?” You hear HoWon ask and you shake your head somewhat embarrassed. You tense up when he places his arm on your shoulder and he pulls your closer to him, you relax and shut your eyes. You feel the weight of his head rest on your head, your arms snake around his waist and you hold him tightly.

You haven’t been this affectionate and open with anyone as freely as this. You think it’s a nice feeling and you want it to last longer if not forever. You search for HoWon’s free hand and you intertwine your fingers with his tightly. *already getting lovey dovey I see <______________<;*.

“I think we should head back,” You shake your head at that declaration and you hold him tighter. “Your grandmother might want to know if you’re alright.” He tries to reason with you and you bite your lower lip. “A peek won’t hurt, will it?” He insists and you look up at him. You slowly pull away from him and you stare at the sand, you fetch a hand full of sand and you toss it in the air.


“Are you throwing a tantrum?” He laughs and you think his laugh sounds perfect. You smile widely and shake your head. You stand up and stretch with a yawn, you look down at HoWon and you offer him hand, he takes it and smiles weakly at you before he pulls and your eyes widen when you find yourself in his arms. Your head resting on his shoulder and his arms wrapped around your waist, your hands are awkwardly on his chest and a blush creeps your cheeks.


“I like this.” He murmurs. You heart starts pounding uncontrollably against your ribcage.




 “I want you to live with her until I get discharged, alright?” You frown looking down at your grandmother and you shake your head – completely ignoring the third person in the room. Your grandmother sighs softly before she gestures for you to come closer to her and you do so.


“I promise I’ll be out after a week or two – not longer.” She whispers and you hesitantly give her a nod before you pull away but you don’t let of of her hand.


“I heard you love flowers,” You turn your attention to the owner of the voice and you swallow. You don’t know how to act around her – your own mother. You’re skeptical about her just like you are to everyone who is new and a complete stranger. You stare at her and you can tell that your look is making her feel uncomfortable – you don’t want her to feel uncomfortable, you just want to analyze her face – trying to find if you resemble her or if she resembles your grandmother – her mother.


“Hoya flowers to be exact,” she continues, “I studied them – back in university.” She informs and you only blink at her. “I think I’ll have to get used to you being silent,” She gives a nervous laugh and you give her a blank look.


“He raised you well.” She stands up from the other side of the room and stares at you with soft sad eyes, “He raised you well,” She repeats walking around the hospital bed your grandmother is laying on and over to you, she stops in front of you and blinks. “You’re beautiful.” She raises her hand and you unconsciously flinch quickly looking away from her and taking a step back. You release your grandmother’s hand and you stare at the floor biting your lower lip nervously. You suddenly feel fragile, you look at your grandmother through the corner of your eye and you see her nod.


Her nod gives you permission to leave, you quickly run out of the room without thinking twice or looking back. You step outside the ward and you lean beside the door, you see Mrs. Nam and HoWon walking towards you. HoWon reaches you first and unexpectedly hugs you.


“And I like you. A lot.”



Betcha didn’t see the last one coming, did ya? LOL.

Hoya strikes me as someone who goes after what he wants, his awkwardness/shyness aside LOL. Geez, the dude went against his parents’ wishes kinda LOL and is now causing damage on stage. I’ll force myself to look through this tomorrow because I know there are some mistakes cuz I typed this in the dark LOOL. Until Next Time :]¡ Hoya's oneshot --> Pretence

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great job!
kagaki #2
Chapter 34: I finally caught up! -is forever lazy-

Their moments are cute <3
snowjoker #3
Chapter 33: Wow. Hope you'll finish reread soon. ㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 33: howonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn i neeed a freaking kisssssssssss tooo... and i miss you authornim. glad that u r back :D hurrah!
gyuness #5
Does wip mean writing in progress? O.o