Chapter 9

The Riddle girl

No one's POV


Weird enough, it took N one whole week to get Lily out of the 'broken' mode she was in. It took them both by surprise how N made a great effort into lightening her mode. Lily didn't question his weird efforts though, she was simply thankful for them. She kinda really needed them. Especially when Jiyeon was spending a lot of time with Vixx. It was expected though, she's their new stylst anyways. N thought at first that it won't bother Lily that much, in fact he thought it'll help cheering her up, spending time with her friend. However, he was completely wrong. It might have actually made it worse at some point. So close yet so far, he heard her mutter at some point.


That's when he decided that he'll make sure Lily wasn't around when Jiyeon was. It was obvious to everyone, especially Leo, that N gets too.. panicky when Jiyeon shows up. He'd find any kind of excuse and he'd manage to leave and when he returns, he always sighs in relief then act completely normal. Everyone found it weird at first, but then let it go since it wasn't the first time N has acted weird.


However, Leo couldn't really help but suspect his friend. Everything he does seems so .. off. Like something is completely wrong with him. He tried to drop the subject before, but his friend always ends up doing something weird yet again, which makes him more suspicious than before.


Weeks passed by like that and things practically returned to how they were in first week. N would finish whatever schedule he has, with Lily following around only throwing witty comments when needed and them having their little chat -N typing on phone and Lily replying-, and when it's over, they spend the rest of the night talking in the rooftop.

Except, N was no longer bothered by Lily, at all.

It was already announced to everyone that VIXX will be having their US showcase after the promotions for Error were over. However, N realized one week before their planned flight that Lily was completely clueless about it.. It wasn't that much of a big deal, but just when he was about to tell her, something stopped him.

She spent two.. three years in US as she said before.

The showcase is in US...

She was turned into a zombie when she met her friend who didn't even know what happened to her...

What if... by some weird miracle.... they ran into someone else she knew?

Oh God ... No.

Seeing her like that again.... No.

He could tell her to stay here in Korea, but she probably won't agree to stay here alone, stuck.

There had to be a way.. To avoid a zombie Lily... There had to be a way......


They were on the rooftop and Lily was doing her normal rambling, while N was trying to think of a way to open up the subject. Lucky for him, he didn't have to. As Ken came in and told him it's better to start packing from now, so he should go down and prepare his stuff with the rest. The moment Ken left, Lily gave him the start-explaining-or-you'll-regret-it look. Oh boy, he's in huge trouble.

"hmmm... We are travelling next week" he started.

"I can see that" she scoffed "and why do I only know about this now?"

"No reason?!" she glared at him "We mostly discussed it when you weren't around so......" he gave her a slight puppy face with a hint of smirk, knowing that she'll forgive him if he made any kind of cute faces. Well, she's the one that made it crystal clear to him that he's her bais and that she melts when he does cute stuff anyways. It's her fault he knows how to win a fight with her.

"Okay" she sighed, and N made a fist in the air. It wasn't something big, but it sure as hell excited him so much when he wins a fight with her or when they do something crazy together. If that girl was seen by everyone, their lives would've probably been a living circus by now and they'd be having the time of their lives annoying the hell out of the rest of vixx members.

Oh if only she was seen by everyone. She would have defiantly been great friends with the rest of the members.


Ravi would love her so much, since her cuteness might remind him of his little sister. And don't get her any closer to ken. Those two together could make a world full of high pitched notes and cheesy agyeos.

Leo would defiantly think of her as N's partner-in-crime, since she'd always be sticking around N when he starts to annoy Leo, maybe even help him. However, he'd defiantly kill whoever try to touch her or hurt her. It's in Leo's guts to be protective towards anyone and knowing how clumsy Lily is, he’d defiantly find himself caring for her a lot without noticing.

She might actually only turn into a sane person when she's with Hongbin, since she'd be too quiet, taking her time into admiring "that piece of perfection" as she used to call him.

You'd also want to keep her away from Hyuk. If those two crossed paths, they might be planning how to make everyone's life a living hell. Living in hell would be better than staying near those two and the possible pranks they might pull on you. They might even plan each member's death, then when it's over, they'll conquer the whole world togther and dance on their graves.

It would be a mess, but he'd love it. N's already addicted to the noise he always hears at the dorm and how cozy it makes him feel. However, if her voice was included in that noise, he knows for sure it'll be a different kind of addiction.

If only....

"Earth to Hakyeon!" Lily shouted, bringing N back from his fantasies. These days, Lily only called N by his real name. Something that he found weird at first, but then got.... addicted? to. It was weird, but the awesome type of weird.

"Ah, sorry. What were you saying?!"

"Seriously now? I've been rambling for like half an hour now!" she pouted.

"... And since when do I actually listen to all your rambling?!" he said giving her his duh face.

"Well.. ok you got a point" she grinned "Now care to tell me where exactly are we going?"

N hesitated a bit before telling her "US. Chicago to be exact"

Lily's eyes widened a bit, then a sad smile was placed on her face "Is that why you didn't tell me before?" when she received no answer, she expected it to be a yes "It's fine, Hakyeon. I'll be fine"

N bit his lips hardly. She was giving him that hurtful look again! Just how many times is he going to face that look? It's hurting him too and that's something he's not really happy about.

"You sure?" he said, after a long awkward moment of silence "I mean you can stay here if you wan-

"Stuck? Oh no thanks. Besides what's the worst that could happen?" she smiled at him, trying her best to pretend to be fine with it, but he saw right through her acts.

"Oh come on! You look more worried than I am!" she said as she got closer to the door "It'll be fine. Now let's go. We don't want Leo chocking you for being late now do we?"

"It seems to me you get more scared of Leo than I do" N laughed a bit while heading to the door.

"Well, no offence I LOVE Leo and all but, you know how scary he can get. Especially when you are involved"

"Hey!! It doesn't always have to be me!" he pouted.

"Oh come on we both know it has to" she smirked as N opened the door for them both to leave. She took one last glance at the rooftop before she left.

It's been 5 weeks since she first came here.

Now only one week left.

Guess it's time

Oh how she was going to miss this place.

"Wait!" Lily shouted the moment the elevator dinged for them to leave it.

"What now?" N demanded, since he was too sleepy to deal with her abnormal demands.

"I wanna learn Error's choreography, Now!" she said.

"Excuse me?" he glared at her "It's 12 AM! I should be asleep now!"

"But we're leaving in a week! I need to start now or I won't learn it at all!" she whined.

"You could've asked like a week ago or something"

"Yeah, I could've, except that I didn't even know"

"I didn't think much ok! Besides, this could all wait until we come back! Why demand to start this right now at 12 AM in the morning?"

"Since when do I exactly do normal stuff? I'm not normal to begin with! Come on please~~" she sang the last part, doing some agyeo she's not sure it's work or not.

Before N could say anything, he realized that the elevator door didn't close, though it opened long time ago. They were both engrossed in their 'quarel' to realize someone had been staring at them for a long time. As it reading his mind, Lily's eyes widened by the sudden realization, and slowly, they begain to move their heads towards the direction of the staring eyes. At that moment, N could swear Lily was shuddering next to him by the sight of the forever motionless face.

"What are you doing?" Leo glared.

Author's note

I think this is the longest chapter. YAY ^_^

I''m waaaaaaaaaaaaaay to sick for my liking and it just had to be one day before my spelling bee compition and now I can't go -_-

To cheer myself up, I updated xD Hope you guys like it ^_^

and really now Thanks to every subscriber I have. I don't think I can thank you enough really <3

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I'm so sorry for not updating.. I'm just really busy with highschool T.T I'll really try to update when i can T.T


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Chapter 14: Thank Youuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!!!
I'm glad that i force myself to waittt huhuhu.....
:* thanks again
hanistar99 #2
Chapter 13: Please update, author-nim.
I reallllly desperate of the ending.
I can't barely hold this hurt and sad feeling if this story is hanging just like this.
*mianhae, I just be dramatic, overwhelmed with hakyeon's feeling and reaction..
Kuroneko_sinclair #3
Chapter 13: Im soo hooked by this story please dont let this story have a sad ending. Update sooo please!!!!!
M3lonB1ngsu #4
Chapter 13: Ah.. It's so sad.. Update more ! Update more !