All eyes on you

Trip then Fall

Chapter 8

You just entered the school gate when you felt your cell phone vibrated. You get it in your pocket and open the message.

From: Sehun-sshi

Good morning sunshine!
How's my girl? Did you sleep well?
See you later~ Can't wait..  ;)



He already made your day with that simple text. You are smiling unconsciously as you walk your way towards the school building when different pair of eyes started to follow you. Some of them are confused while some of them are astonished (more likely, boys). 

Whispers can be heard here and there.

'Look~ she's smiling.'
'That's so rare.'
'She's pretty.'
'She looks cute.'
'She should show her face more.'

You unconsciously touched your hair when you noticed them.
'Is there something wrong with me?' You don't know why you suddenly got the urge to wear hair accessories in school and became conscious about your appearance. 
 'Do I look weird wearing this hair band?' 

You're thinking about the answer when your phone vibrated again.

From: Sehun-sshi

Hey~ stop smiling. Everyone is looking.
I'm the only one who's supposed to see that. Araso?

PS: The hair band suits you.
Enchanting as always~ <3


Your eyes widen when you read the message. 'Eh? He saw me? Where is he?'
Your eyes start to wander and landed on the 2nd floor where the man that makes your heart thump is standing.
He winked at you and smiled. You smiled back and hurriedly make your way towards the classroom. 

When the lunch break arrived, you just went to the cafeteria because you couldn't be able to make lunch. Sehun told you to just eat in the canteen instead of not eating at all. Before grabbing the tray of food you asked the cafeteria guy first, "Does any of the menus today contain cashew nuts?"

"Cashew..? Err, *he browses the ingredients* No Miss. There's no cashew in our menu today." She smiles at you.

"Thank you~" you smile back and walk your way to find a table. You chose the most secluded area and started to eat your food quietly until..

'Kyaa~ EXO!'
'They're gorgeous as always.'
'Otoke? My heart is being snatch again.'

Squealing and whispering of girls can be heard here and there. *well, what's new though.*

You secretly watch them *or should I say, Sehun* walk in the cafeteria. 

'Uh.. my heart. Here it goes again.' you though as you hold onto your chest.

Sehun POV

Sehun's eyes starts to search within the cafeteria looking for you. He's been anticipating the lunch break all day so he could be able to finally see you..
A wide grin automatically flashed on his face when he saw you.
"Hyung~ let's sit there." he points at the table beside yours.
"I want to eat in a quiet place.."

"Ara, ara. Let's go." Suho stated then walks towards your way.

Everyone have their own business and talking noisily about what they want to eat when Sehun pulls his phone out and starts typing.

'Hi~ sorry I was late.'

                                      'It's okay. Dont worry. ^_^'

'Are you almost done?'


'Don't leave yet, okay?'

                                      'Wae? araso..'

'Because I want to see you more.'

'Ja~ wait, I'll just order some food to eat.'

He walks to the counter together with the other members.

It took a while for all the members to get back to their table. By the time they started eating Sehun watches you with a frown on his pretty brows as you slowly walks your way to return the tray.

'Something seems not right. Is she okay?

Kyungsoo noticed that he haven't touched his food yet, "Sehun-ah? What's the problem?"

"Ah, nothing hyung." he shakes his head as he answer him.

"Ah, you should eat already before the soup gets cold."

"Ne." he answered.

"So yummy! What is this hyung?" Tao exclaimed.

"Tao-yah, didn't you read the menu? that's a curry soup." Baekyun answered.

"Yeah, but I think it should be curry cashew soup." Kyungsoo stated as he recognize the cashew's taste.

"What?!" Sehun yell making the members surprise and more students look their way.

"Are you sure hyung?" his eyes immediately searches for you who's currently on the other side of the cafeteria holding on to a counter.

"Ah..yeah, you can taste the cashe  " he didn't got the chance to finish his answer when he immediately stands up and run towards your direction. Everyone's eyes is full of surprise and confusion as they watch him run with worry.

"Lay, get my car and palli!" Luhan commands and tossed his car keys then run after Sehun.


Your POV (short)

Your hand is on a counter and the other is on your chest. You keep on coughing but you still feel that something is blocking the the air from your lungs. You try to inhale more but it just keeps on getting worse as you breath. You start to feel dizzy and everything's seem to become blurry in your eyes.

"S  sehun.." The last name you utter reached the ears of the man himself; and before you lose your consciousness, you manage to feel that familiar, warm and caring arms carry you.


Sehun POV

"____-ah! Baby, just answer me, please." panic and worry can be detected all over his voice as he call your name. 

"Yah! move the out!" he shouted at the students that start to crowd the place. Got scared by his authoritative and furious voice, everyone made a way for him as he hurriedly brings you out.

"Sehun in my car!" Luhan called out. 

Lay was already waiting at the front building and they immediately hop in. The other members though bewildered, followed them. Luckily, Zhang Hospital was just a few kilometers from your school.


Sehun is holding your hand as he sits beside your bed. You're in one of the hospital's private room and still uncouncious but already got injected with steroid and IV fluid. The other members are observing Sehun as he lightly your hair when the doctor opens the door.


Mr. Zhang walks towards them then gives the paper to Sehun. 

"Here are the results. Her allergy in cashew nuts is no joke. It might have led to a serious to the point of life threatening condition if you arrived a few minutes late. It's a very good thing that you brought her here immediately." the doctor seriously stated. "But as of now, we can now assert that she is already stable and can already go home tomorrow morning or afternoon." then smiles.

"Thank you uncle." Sehun bows to him.

"She's safe already Sehun. You can now take a rest." then taps his shoulder.
"So, I'll be going now because there's still more patients to attend. See you later son."

"Yes dad, thank you." Lay waves and they all bowed to him before he goes out.

"Ah, Thanks God!" Sehun utters still your hair.

"So Sehun.. she's okay now. How about minding to tell us what really is going on?" Suho questions making all the members eyes and ears on him and on the story behind the first-time-in-Sehun's-existence incident earlier. 

Sehun inhales deeply and looks at his hyung then, "Hyung.. she's  _____, my girlfriend."

All of the members jaws dropped except for Luhan who's just sitting quietly in the corner with a smirk on his lips as he listen to Sehun's story.


Hi guys! I'm back with an update~

Yey~ the guys finally know about you~ kekeke~

And Lay's family background unfolded! ;) By the way guys, the restaurant in the last chapter is Do's Resto. Yeah, Kyungsoo's family; they own chain of restaurants. :)

Please look forward to the next chapter and please continue supporting Trip the Fall! Thank you so much~

ps: Belated Happy Happy Birthday to my sugarpops, Kim Jongin and Do Kyungsoo~! Yeeeyy~ Be healthy and be happy baes! We're always here to support you..all of you~ :'>




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Chapter 14: No way, story is going to be end soon. Um, I want to read more of it. It's really sweet story. Update soon author-nim. ♥^_^
Chapter 14: Almost the end. What nooooo
gdtop94 #3
Chapter 13: I thought the new chapter...
Chapter 12: WhI is the guy??? Can't or it. I hope sehun sunshine is safe nothing happened to her
Chapter 11: What that b***** jun hye gonna to sehun sunshine with her noona.
jneo2202 #6
Chapter 11: Aigoo why be so harsh towards that ahjussi. Always give ppl a leeway! Now the oc is gonna suffer
Chapter 10: Haha serve your right Jun Hye. Sehun and exo going to hate you.
jneo2202 #8
So fluffy and sweet. loves this story
Caren91 #9
Chapter 9: Stalker sehun not bad. Kekeke xp
Chapter 9: Kyaaa sehunnie is caring for his sunshine. Kyaaaa