Chapter 13 ♡


Author's POV

"Let's skip school today." 

" Oh sehun , skip yourself." Jiyeon replied as she prepare to leave. 

"Wait." Sehun took out something from his pocket. 

"My name tag..." Jiyeon look at what sehun is holding. "Yea , you still owe me a favor, remember?" Sehun replied proudly.

"Ok fine." Jiyeon admit defeat and raise her hand out, wanting sehun to give back her name 

"Not now. After you spend time with me." Sehun smiled cheekily.


"So , you wanted to come here for a long time?" Sehun asked jiyeon.

"Yea! Oh my god look at that cute panda!" They arrived at the zoo where jiyeon wanted to go and being an animal lover, jiyeon got excited at every animals they saw and run around like a small kid.

"Ya , what's so cute about that panda ." Sehun started to get annoyed as jiyeon keep ignoring him for the animals.

"It's cuter than you , that's for sure." Jiyeon teased sehun and turn back to look at the panda.

"Hey , that's you jiyeon. When you are eating , you look like that too!" Sehun suddenly point to a horse munching it's food .

Jiyeon then hit sehun's shoulder as they continue walking.

Soon they arrived at the elephant area . "Come on! Let's go inside and play with them!" Jiyeon said excitedly. 

"No. It's so dirty inside there." Sehun reject immediately.
"Come on!" Jiyeon ignored sehun and pull him inside with her. 

"Wow , it's so cool seeing the elephant up close like this." Jiyeon said. Suddenly , an elephant shoot out water and splash it onto sehun.

"Ya!" Sehun scream at the elephant. "HAHAHAHAH" jiyeon look at sehun's frustrated expression and burst out laughing.

Sehun look at jiyeon laughing  and can't help but smile a little. After looking at the water, he start to splash some water towards jiyeon. "Sto..p , stop it hahah!" Jiyeon then run away while still laughing at him.

"Hello, would you two like to take a picture with our elephants here?" A staff came and asked them. 

They agreed and took a picture together. After the photo is printed out , the staff said, "You two really look cute together, the photo turn out pretty." 

"We are not to.." "Yes! We really do look cute together." Jiyeon was about to clarify their relationship but sehun interrupted her. Jiyeon nudged her shoulder with sehun's and sehun just smile at her.


After going to the zoo, they went to the beach nearby .

"Here's your drink." Sehun hand jiyeon her drink and sit down beside her. "Thanks." Jiyeon replied and look at the sea infront of her.

"Why do you want to skip school today?" Jiyeon asked him , still looking at the sea.

"You know what ? When you are the only child and your parent just had to put every single hope on you and eventually control you." Sehun replied , not answering jiyeon's question.

Jiyeon look at him as he continue , "How about you? Are you the only child too?"

"Currently yes but truthfully I had a sister, a twin sister to be exact. When I'm young my dad brought her away with him, since then I had never seen them again." Jiyeon said sadly.

"Have you tried to find them?" Sehun asked. "Do you think it's easy?" Jiyeon sighed. 

Sehun looked at jiyeon and start to get closer to her. Jiyeon looked at him with shock, " are you" She stuttered and start blushing.

Sehun lean in closer to her face and say, "Its easy, we just need to find someone who look exactly like you." And he smiled.

Jiyeon push him away and say "Ya , even though she's my twin sister , we don't look like each other at all . Well maybe a little but I don't even remember her face. I .. really.. miss them.." Jiyeon muttered the last sentence and started tearing up.

"It's okay.. You will find them someday." Sehun assured her and pull her into his embrace as jiyeon cried on his shoulder.


"What?" Iu said again. "Yes I saw sehun and that "no nametag" girl together this morning, and both of them didn't attend class at all!" Iu's friend said.

Iu keep quiet as her friend continue , "Tsk , don't she know that you are already engaged to sehun. How dare of her to flirt with him!" .

At a side , mark overheard their conversation and went forward. "Please make your words right , about who flirting with who. And you(iu) , since you are already engaged to sehun why don't you look after him closely to prevent him of flirting with other girl." He said while smirking.

"Ya, why are you defending that girl. Do you possibly .. like her?" Iu asked him with an arrogant expression. "What if I do?" Mark replied . 

"Then it will be great. You get her , and I get sehun." Iu tap on mark's shoulder and walk away.


Jiyeon's POV

"Mum I'm back!" I said happily as I open the door to their small hut.

"Oh you are back! How's school today?" Mum asked her.

"Ermm.. Great?" I answered , abit hesitant.

"Come here I had bought chicken rice for us to eat!" Mum smiled and told me to go over.

I sit down and start to eat the chicken rice as mum started looking at me. 

"Mum? Why are you crying?" I said worriedly as I saw droplets of tears coming out of mum's eyes. 

"Jiyeon-ah, I'm sorry for everything. Sorry that I had to make you suffer and living a escaping life.. I'm .." Mum stopped and tried to control her tears.

"It's not your fault mum. I'm okay , as long as you're here with me, I'm happy." I go over to mum's side and start hugging her.

"Don't worry jiyeon, when I save up all the money , you will not suffer anymore , we will not escape anymore." Mum said while still hugging me.

Author's POV

The next morning,

As usual , jiyeon gets up early and went to school early.

She is walking the usual route to classroom when , "PIAK!" An egg landed on jiyeon's uniform. Jiyeon got surprised and look down at that egg . Before she knew it, more eggs started coming towards her.

"STOP!" Jiyeon shouted, while trying to block her face using her hands. 

"Hahahaah look at her." A female student stop throwing the eggs and walk forward.

"Look at how pathetic she looks. How is it , iu?" Another female student who was throwing the eggs said.

Jiyeon look up when she heard "iu" . "Yo..u again.. Why are you doing this to me.." Jiyeon asked.

"Why? How about you ask yourself why? Why are you even flirting with someone who is getting married soon?" Iu looked at her arrogantly.

Jiyeon looked back at her with confused expression. 

"Listen here you nameless girl, I don't care who are you but , I'm already engaged to oh sehun. Oh and , it will not just be eggs the next time ." Iu smirked.

"Who's causing a nuisance here early in the morning?" Mark appeared suddenly. He look at jiyeon and then to iu , "You again?" Mark laughed, "iu-ah , I don't know why but these days you seems to keep appearing around me. Do you me?"

Iu look at mark with an annoyed expression and throw the egg that she's holding at mark. She gave jiyeon one last look and walk away with her friends.

"That's so wasted though. I rather cook the egg and eat it than wasting it like that." Mark looked at the broken egg that iu had thrown. Jiyeon just sigh and walk away slowly. 

"What happened to you."

Jiyeon looked up and saw sehun infront of her. 

"It's none of your business." Mark put his arm over jiyeon's shoulder and start walking, trying to pass through sehun.

"Jiyeon." Sehun then grab jiyeon's wrist. "Tell me, what happened." 

Jiyeon look into sehun's eyes, "Let go of my hand , please." She plead.

Sehun slowly let go of her hand as mark walk away with jiyeon. Sehun look at them walking away, he don't know why but he feel his heart aching while watching that scene. 


Hey guys! I'm back with a new chapter.

P.s : Btw I have been thinking of a plot since last year and wish to start a new story with it. But I think I should complete this story before I go on to another one. For that new story I think I'll finish the whole story before publishing to avoid super long updates(sorry about that for this story) . If I did not change my mind(for the characters), it will be featuring jiyeon , kai , v/taehyung , sehun and more to come. 










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Chapter 13: Continue this authornim.. Then create a new one. Hehehe
farhaatiqah #2
Chapter 13: please continue this story....i love it.
and goodluck for your new looking forward to it,.
Chapter 13: Iu so bad..i hope that married thing won't be happen..n i want sehun n jiyeon together for real..hehe...i will love it..update soon!!new story??wow,i think the character look great too..keep writing n fighting author-nim..:)
m_queens #4
Chapter 12: Nooo!!! This can't be.. Sehun and oh can't get married!! Update soon authornim..hohoho
jiyeon_song #5
Chapter 12: WWWWWWWWWwwhat! IU and Sehun .....and engaged. That was Shocking. But where is sehun taking jiyeon. Can't wait for the next chapter.
Chapter 12: Whattt????iu n sehun get married???noo!!i hope sehun will plan something,so the married thing cannot be happend..but where sehun take jiyeon??maybe he plan something???hehe..can't wait for next update..
Chapter 11: Finally an update: :D
m_queens #8
Chapter 11: Interesting!! Update soon! I love it. :)
Chapter 11: Woah,finally your update!!!i love this,sehun n mark are friend in the past???please sehun,don't be so cold towards jiyeon...tq for chapter please!!!!:)
jiyeon_song #10
Chapter 11: Amazing ! Plz, keep updating :P