Chapter 12 ♡


  Author's POV

"Sehun!" Someone ran towards sehun.

Sehun turned around and look at the person.

"Sehun , are you coming for the dinner tonight?" Iu asked sehun.

"Dinner? What dinner." Sehun replied casually. 

"You don't know? Today your dad and my dad are having dinner together to celebrate their partnership anniversary , and they want us to come as well." Iu replied.

-The bell rings- 
"Oh I need to go to class now, see you tonight!" Iu smiled and walk to her class.

Still standing there, sehun took out his phone and let out a sigh when he saw his dad's text.


Mark walked into the classroom and saw jiyeon reading her book.

"Goodmorning~~~" Mark took her book away from her and smiled cheekily.

Jiyeon got surprised when someone suddenly took her book away and when she looked up and see who the culprit is , 

"Give me back the book , jerk." She said while reaching her hand out.

Mark : "Jerk, me? Pshhh, so much for completing the unfinished work you left yesterday." 

Jiyeon : "Ya, that's your job ok! You are a part of the group."

And they continue 'quarreling' as sehun stood at the door and stare at them. 

"Sehun? Why are you standing here, go in , I will start the lesson now." The teacher arrived and told sehun to go in.

"EVERYONE SETTLE DOWN I'LL START THE LESSON NOW!" The teacher shouted and everyone rushed to their seats.

Sehun sit down beside jiyeon and look at her. "What." Jiyeon asked sehun. 

"When did you and mark became close?" Sehun asked her.

Before jiyeon can answer him, the teacher caught sehun talking and asked him to focus. And the lessons continued...

After school,

"Project today as well?" Mark approached jiyeon .

Jiyeon looked at sehun who is packing his bag. "Don't bother looking at him, he's BUSY." Mark smirked while looking at sehun.

"Who says I'm busy? I'm totally free today, let's go." Sehun smiled smugly while looking at mark. 

"Aish , sehun. And I thought that you can hangout with us(referring to exo) today." Kai, who was 'secretly' hearing their conversation , suddenly interrupt them and pretended to be sad.

"Tsk tsk." Jiyeon, who is witnessing the whole scene , shakes her head and walk away. 

"Wait for me!" Sehun and mark both said in unison and followed jiyeon. 


They arrived in a cafe and sit down. 

"Hey, hey!" Jiyeon half-shouted. It's has been 5 minutes since they settled down and mark and sehun had been staring at each other without moving as if they are having a staring competition. 

"What are you two doing?! Come to your senses!"

 Jiyeon placed her hands in between of their faces and push their faces lightly. Mark and sehun flinched and looked at jiyeon while she stick out her tounge at them.

And so they(mainly jiyeon) continue to work on their project.


After some time, sehun received a message ,

 From iu : 

"Don't be late for the dinner!". 

Sehun looked at the time, "I've to go now." . After that he walked away.

"Huh" Jiyeon said but stopped when she saw sehun walking away while mark raised his eyebrow. 

After that jiyeon received a text.

From : sehun

"Don't stay up too late. And don't get too close to mark."

"What is wrong with this guy." Jiyeon thought but she smile a little.

"What are you looking at." Mark asked her.

"" Jiyeon said as she's going to keep her phone.

"Oh wait." Mark took her phone away and type in his phone number. After that he use jiyeon's phone to call his number. 

"Ok, continue your work." Mark said.

"Cheers!! Hahahah." Sehun's dad and iu's dad laugh happily while sehun forcing his smile. 

After some chit-chatting between their dads, they started to change the topic to iu and sehun. 

Iu's father started, "So both of you(referring to sehun and iu) had been dating for some time, how about getting marry?" . 

Yes, sehun and iu are 'dating'. Their dads want them to date, sehun was not happy with that but he cannot disobey his dad. 

Iu was quite happy about it since she liked sehun, but sehun had told her firmly that they will just pretend to be dating instead of being real.

 And so right now they are still pretending to be dating infront of their dads.

Continuing after what iu's dad said. "Dad!." Iu start blushing. 

Sehun is quite shocked about it but he didn't show it and smile awkwardly instead.

"Hahaha look at them being shy about it. " Sehun's dad said. "Don't worry about it kids, we adults will take care of it for you." Iu's dad said.

In the car,

"Dad! I'm not ready to get marry yet!" Sehun said.

"What are you saying, both of you had been dating for so long. It's time to get marry." His dad replied sternly.

"No, we are not ready yet. Please let us handle this ourself ." Sehun said with irritated voice.

"I said no! What does you kids know about. Just shutup and don't worry about anything." His dad said angrily.

And so, sehun and iu are engaged.

The next morning,

Sehun go to school early and wait infront of the school gate. 

After waiting for some time, he started to get impatient. He took out his phone and dialed someone, "Ya! Where are you now! Aren't you supposed to be reaching school by the time now?!".

"Wha..t?! I'm reaching soon! What's your problem seriously. 
Hey wait, how do you know what time I reached school every-" Jiyeon got cut off as sehun ended the call. 

"Aishh.. This brat." Jiyeon murmured and continue walking to school.

As jiyeon is about to reach the school gates, she saw sehun standing there. 

She walk towards him while showing a irritated look. Sehun saw her and behind her, there's a teacher who is heading this way as well. Without words, sehun grabbed jiyeon's wrist and run away.

 After some distance , they stopped running and catch their breaths. "What are you doing oh sehun.". Jiyeon asked him.

Sehun looked into her eyes "Let's skip school today." He replied.


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Chapter 13: Continue this authornim.. Then create a new one. Hehehe
farhaatiqah #2
Chapter 13: please continue this story....i love it.
and goodluck for your new looking forward to it,.
Chapter 13: Iu so bad..i hope that married thing won't be happen..n i want sehun n jiyeon together for real..hehe...i will love it..update soon!!new story??wow,i think the character look great too..keep writing n fighting author-nim..:)
m_queens #4
Chapter 12: Nooo!!! This can't be.. Sehun and oh can't get married!! Update soon authornim..hohoho
jiyeon_song #5
Chapter 12: WWWWWWWWWwwhat! IU and Sehun .....and engaged. That was Shocking. But where is sehun taking jiyeon. Can't wait for the next chapter.
Chapter 12: Whattt????iu n sehun get married???noo!!i hope sehun will plan something,so the married thing cannot be happend..but where sehun take jiyeon??maybe he plan something???hehe..can't wait for next update..
Chapter 11: Finally an update: :D
m_queens #8
Chapter 11: Interesting!! Update soon! I love it. :)
Chapter 11: Woah,finally your update!!!i love this,sehun n mark are friend in the past???please sehun,don't be so cold towards jiyeon...tq for chapter please!!!!:)
jiyeon_song #10
Chapter 11: Amazing ! Plz, keep updating :P