High On Love

Let Me Be Your Knight In Armour


Hi, It's me, Deea (/a-time-4-everything) n_n. Sorry for not updating lately, but I had been in hospital for 1 week and therefore couldn't edit ><. Anyway, I'm making a comeback now!! :D This is mine and Sue's present for Valentines Day for you~!! *wink* Hope you'll like it~^^




           Dongho and Kibum prepared to celebrate Lizzy birthday tonight at 12am, while Lizzy and Kiseop were still working at the vineyard. As usually, he bullied and scolded her for no reason at all. Meanwhile, Kibum bought cake, beer and snacks to celebrate this event. Dongho called Grandpa to tell him about Lizzy’s birthday and asked him to buy her a nice present.

           The clock showed 11:55pm. Dongho went to Lizzy’s room and closed her eyes telling her he has something to show to her. Kibum and a confused Kiseop gathered in the living room.

           Lizzy with closed eyes and Dongho walked in. They told her to open her eyes and then...


           “HAPPY BIRTHDAY, LIZZY !!” The confetti blew and they started to sing the “happy birthday song”.


           “Waahhhh. Thank you so much.” Lizzy cried of happiness. She wasn’t expecting any of this.


           “Here, I have a present for you.” Dongho gives a pretty box decorated with a pink bow to the girl. Inside was a pretty necklace in form of a star (the one in the picture). She put it on right then.


           “Ah, so pretty~.” Dongho got a big surprise when she hugged him. It was out of gratefulness, but it still shocked him a bit.


           Kiseop was looking nervous.

           “Sorry, I have no present now, but I will give one to you later.”


           “It’s okay. This the best present I ever got. Thanks everyone for doing this for me.” She then hugged both Kibum and Kiseop, but she took longer with Kiseop and the hug was also tighter.


           They ate the snacks and the cake, talked and laughed. It was a great night. Kiseop drank a lot of rice wine. After the celebration was over,  Kiseop and Lizzy went to outside while Kibum and Dongho remained to clean up everything.


           They were sitting on a bench outside, looking at the sky full of sparkling stars and talking.

           “Lizzy, I’m sorry. I didn’t know that your birthday was today. I’m such an idiot. But I promised I’ll give you a present, so don’t be sad.”


            “It’s okay. I don’t care. This the best present for me. I always celebrated my birthday with Butler Lee only. My dad was always busy with his work and mum passed away when I was four. I had a sister too, but she died at the same time with mum. I felt really alone every year on this day.”


            “Really? I didn’t know. I’m sorry to hear that. But everything’s alright now. We are here now to make you happy and we’ll be always beside you, so you’re not alone.”


            “Thank you a lot. I really appreciate what you did for me. Uhh, I’m just curious. When will you give me the present you promised me?”


            “Uh, you really can’t wait, can you? Okay, I’ll give it to you now, but only if you close your eyes.”


            Lizzy did as she was told. Kiseop shifted closer to her and then they KISSED!

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Hope you like our story line :) hee .
a-time-4-everything #2
@Ilovenana: Okay, I'll see what others think and then I might request for one. Thanks again for the suggestion~!! ^^
Hmmm I wonder who followed them!! Thank you for updating the story!!!
LeadingWisdom #4
I see a lot of Graphic Shops in AFF... I like L♥VISM...I think she/he has less requests so its more easier ^^
a-time-4-everything #5
@Ilovenana: I would request for one, but I don't know who to ask. And the update is on its way~^^
LeadingWisdom #6
Plz update ^^ May I advice u something? Y wouldn't u request 4 a poster?? ^^ Really cute story ^^<br />
Kawaii !!
Aww the kid seems so cute!! I am looking forward to reading more!!!
HMMMM I am interested in what Dongho has planned!!!!!!