Chapter 23

Hope and Chances

You and Yongguk sat nervously on the couch. You kept squeezing his hand reassuringly but you could just tell by looking at him, it was only a little comfort. His leg bounced as he chewed on his bottom lip and he kept glancing at the time.
You hid a sigh and looked at the time for yourself. You knew you shouldn't be so worried and nervous, you've been through this before, but considering what was at stake, you couldn't help it. Neither of you could.
The sound of footsteps broke you out of your thoughts and a few seconds later, Jaewoo entered the living room. He ran over to Yongguk and your husband instantly wrapped his arms around the boy.
"All done." the social worker said as he came into the room as well.
You stood up and offered him a smile. "Everything good?"
"Seems to be." he told you. Then he smiled at Jaewoo. "He couldn't stop talking about being a big brother."
The boy blushed and buried his face in Yongguk's chest as he giggled, earning chuckles from everyone else in the room.
"So are we going to...?" your husband left the question in the air, a hint of worry in his voice.
"Yes." the social worker confirmed. "I just need your signatures and then I'll submit the request to the courthouse for the adoption."
A huge grin formed on your face and you glanced at Yongguk. He smiled at you happily as well before turning his attention to the little boy. "Is that what you want too? You want to live with us forever?"
"Yes!" Jaewoo proclaimed. Then he blushed over his own outburst and hid his face in Yongguk's chest again.
"Well then, signatures." the social worker said with a chuckle and handed you the clip board he was carrying.
You found the line and quickly scribbled your name. You passed it to Yongguk who added his signature before handing it back to the other man.
"It'll take a few days before a judge sees it. Then if they approve, you'll get the adoption certificate in the mail." he informed the two of you.
The smile faded a little from Yongguk's face. "Do they usually not approve?" he questioned.
"It's been known to happen but not usually." the social worker replied. "All the other social workers who visited left good reports so I don't see a problem with this case."
You nodded and went over to put a hand on Yongguk's shoulder. You gave it a reassuring squeeze. "I'm sure everything will be fine."
Yongguk glanced up at you and smiled but you could tell he wasn't entirely convinced. "Yeah." he uttered. Then he looked down at the boy and hugged him.

"Did it come?" Jaewoo asked as he rushed to the front door.
"Not yet." Yongguk replied and set the mail aside. Then he slipped his shoes off.
The boy immediately pouted. "What if it never comes?"
"It will." you declared from where you were sitting on the couch. "If it doesn't, we can always call the courthouse."
"Can we call them now?" Jaewoo quickly inquired.
"I think we should give it a couple more days." you told him.
He pouted even more, not pleased with your answer. You debated about changing your mind but didn't. These things take time.
"We've waited 6 months." you offered. "A couple more days won't change anything."
"Alright." the boy relented. Then he let out a little giggle as he was suddenly lifted in the air.
"How about we cook dinner tonight for noona?" Yongguk suggested as he held the boy in his arms. "You can even decide what we'll have."
"Rice!" Jaewoo declared with hesitating.
Yongguk laughed. "Okay. Rice it is."
You smiled at the two of them as they walked past you. Yongguk made a kissing motion towards you and you mimicked him, kissing the air. Then they were in the kitchen and you heard them debating what to fix with the rice.
Sighing, you rubbed you hand over your swollen belly. Jaewoo wasn't the only impatient one. There was something else you were eagerly waiting for. It wasn't due so much to the pregnancy problems, but the pregnancy itself. Even though Yongguk had assured you before, and several times afterwards, you couldn't help but still feel at bit uneasy.
"I'm having a baby." you mentally told yourself for the thousandth time. You turned and smiled at the two in the kitchen as they worked together. "And we're adopting Jaewoo."
With another sigh, you turned your head and looked at the stack of mail. You scooted to the edge of the couch and carefully stood up. Then you went over to retrieve the mail that Yongguk had brought in.
As you looked through it, you came across an advertisement booklet. You went to set it aside when something suddenly fell out of it. You glanced down at the floor curiously and put the rest of the mail down. You used one hand on the couch to steady yourself as you crouched down and picked up the envelope. When you got to your feet, you looked at the return address and inhaled sharply.
"Yongguk!" you called out and looked across the room towards the kitchen.
Yongguk turned and saw the look on your face. "What is it?" he worriedly asked.
You held up the envelope for him to see. "This was stuffed in with the ads."
His eyes widened as he realized what you were holding. Then he quickly went to you but Jaewoo beat him as the little boy ran across the room.
"Is it the letter?" the boy curiously asked.
You nodded in reply and handed the envelope to Yongguk. He took it from you and held it in his hands as he stared at it.
"Open it." you encouraged after a bit when your husband still hadn't moved.
He glanced up at you and blushed slightly. "I... I don't know if I can." he confessed. Then he sat down on the couch and stared at the envelope some more.
"I'll open it." Jaewoo suddenly offered and grabbed it out of your husband's hands.
Yongguk's mouth dropped open as he stared at the boy in shock, causing you to giggle. Then you sat down and held his hands while you waited for Jaewoo to rip the envelope open.
Once Jaewoo got it open, he pulled the letter out and unfolded it. His eyes skimmed over the paper before he scrunched up his face and stuck his lips out.
"What does it say?" you questioned, feeling your husband squeeze your hands even tighter.
Jaewoo lifted his head and looked at you. "I can't read it."
You laughed loudly at his cute reply and even Yongguk let out a chuckle. The boy blushed a bit and shyly smiled.
"Here." you offered and let go of Yongguk's hands. You took the paper from Jaewoo and read it for yourself.
"Well?" Yongguk worriedly asked.
You bit your bottom lip and looked up from the paper to meet his gaze. Then a grin formed on your face. "Yes."
Yongguk's face fell. "Yes?"
"Yes." you repeated with giggle.
"Yes?" Jaewoo asked as well.
You laughed. "Yes!"
Then Jaewoo shrieked before laughing as Yongguk quickly picked him up. "Yes! Yes! Yes!" Yongguk cheered as he spun the boy.
You laughed and let out a cheer as well. Then Yongguk set the boy down and quickly went to you. "Thank you, thank you!" he proclaimed, kissing you several times on the lips. He put his arms around you and buried his head in to your neck. "I love you. I love you so much."
"I love you too." you told him as you hugged him back.
When he pulled away, it was Jaewoo's turn and he moved closer. You hugged him as well for a moment before he pulled back.
"Does that mean I get to stay here?" he asked you.
"Yep." you replied. "This is officially your home now and we're your parents. And look," you said and held the letter up. "You even have hyung's name now. Bang Jaewoo."
A large smile formed on his face over that before he quickly went over to Yongguk, clinging on to him like usual.
"We should get all the legal stuff including the adoption certificate in the mail soon." you informed them.
"That's good." Yongguk replied before grinning at you. "I think it's time we share the other good news then."
You smiled, knowing what he was talking about. A secret that the two of you decided to keep until this moment. Then you nodded your head at him in agreement.
"What?" questioned Jaewoo curiously.
Yongguk kneeled down and pulled the boy closer. "We found out something about the baby." he told Jaewoo. "It's a boy. You're getting a baby brother."
Jaewoo raised his eyebrows and he glanced at you before quickly looking back at Yongguk. "Really?"
"Really." your husband chuckled. "And we want to name him Jaeyong."
Jaewoo tilted his head in thought. "Jaeyong." Then his eyes widened as he pointed at himself. "Like me!"
"Yes, like you. Jae and Jae." Yongguk told him.
You scooted on the couch closer to them. "Is that okay?" you asked Jaewoo. "Can we name your baby brother after you?"
Jaewoo blushed but nodded his head eagerly with a shy smile.

You sat on the couch and smiled down at the bundle in your arms. Jaeyong greedily drank his milk until the bottle was empty. Then you set the bottle aside and shifted him to your shoulder. You lightly patted his back and bounced a little until you heard him burp.
"There we go." you cooed as you moved him back in to your arms. Then you took the burp cloth and wiped at his mouth.
The front door opened then and Yongguk quickly came in. As he looked over at you though, his shoulders fell and he frowned.
"Yes you missed feeding time." you informed him. "You'll have to wait until the next one."
"I tried to get home." he mumbled and slipped his shoes off.
You giggled and shook your head. Then you stood up and went over to him.
"How's my little boy?" Yongguk questioned the baby with a smile.
Jaeyong murmured as he stared up at them.
You quickly glanced over and saw Jaewoo. The boy took off running for Yongguk and your husband lifted him in the air.
"And there's my other boy!" Yongguk proclaimed. Then Jaewoo shrieked and squirmed as the older male kissed him all over his face.
"Stop!" Jaewoo pleaded as he laughed.
Yongguk relented and smiled at the boy. "Were you good? Did you help with Jaeyong?"
"Yes!" Jaewoo proudly declared. Then he gasped and squirmed, wanting to be put down. "I got to show you, I got to show you!"
Yongguk set him down and chuckled. "Show me what?"
"I drew a picture and mommy hung it on the fridge!" he stated. Then he grabbed Yongguk's hand and tugged him toward the kitchen.
"On the fridge?" your husband questioned as he winked at you. "There isn't anymore room on the fridge."
Smiling, you followed them into the kitchen. "This one needed to be put on the fridge."
Yongguk looked at the fridge and his face fell in surprise. Then he was grinning like crazy.
"See." Jaewoo said and pointed to the picture. It was next to the flower drawing and surrounded by several other pictures. "It's our family." Sure enough, in the drawing was the four of them.
"It's perfect." stated Yongguk. Then he crouched down to Jaewoo's height. "In fact, I love it so much, can you draw another for me? That way I can put it on my desk at work."
Jaewoo's face brightened even more. Then without another word, he ran out of the kitchen and down the hallway.
Sharing a look with you, Yongguk left the kitchen as well and you followed him. The two of you headed down the hall to the workroom. You peeked in to see Jaewoo at his desk that was sitting right next to Yongguk's desk. He the little lamp before grabbing a pencil and a piece of paper. Then with a determined look, he slowly moved the pencil over the paper.
"Is he still insisting he shares his room?" Yongguk quietly asked.
"Yes." you replied and smiled down at the baby in your arms. "He even asked if Jaeyong was sleeping through the night again. He was disappointed when I told him not yet."
Yongguk turned away from the room and looked at you with a smile. Then he reached for the baby and you carefully handed him over.
You watched as Yongguk shook Jaeyong's hand and cooed a little. Then he glanced up to watch Jaewoo for a bit as the boy continued drawing. Dividing his attention between them.
Swallowing, you pressed your lips together. It took a while, but it happened. Both you and Yongguk finally got your wishes. And you couldn't be happier that you were able to give him this.
"You know, even with them sharing a room," Yongguk commented as glanced you. "That doesn't mean the workroom won't ever change." He smirked at you. "Maybe number three will be a girl."
You raised your eyebrow at him. Then you reached over and patted his stomach. "Good luck with that."
Yongguk's face fell before he pouted at you. You merely smirked though and turned to walk back to the kitchen. Then you giggled as you heard Yongguk following you and whining, "Honey."

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Chiiyochii #1
Chapter 23: Aaaaah this was soo cute!!! I couldn't help myself to read it in one go ? thanks for the amazing story!!! ???
Chiiyochii #2
Chapter 1: Waaaaa I just readed the first chapter and I already can tell this gone be one of my fav stories!! I like your writing style it's easy and fun to read. And I love the concept !!!! Let's see how this story develop!! Keep the good work up!!! You have a new fan here ???
Reread this and I still love it!
peppermintani #4
Chapter 23: I've never read a fanfic like this before. I loved the drama and mature story, it was so realistic but perfectly paced. It never dragged on and was the perfect length. Thank you!
Chapter 23: I just read it again, I lost count how many time I've read this beautiful story already :")
Shawn111 #6
Chapter 23: Awww this is a really good story I cried a lot. (:
chuppoppo #7
solarflare authornim! i just thought that youshould know...once in a while i come here and read this all over again. i think i'll never get bored reading this. <3 <3 <3
junghafie #8
soooo lovely and heartwarming /wipe tears/ ;)
Chapter 23: where can i find a husband like yongguk ╥﹏╥
hes like so perfect in here
ShinSeoRae #10
I can't believe ive only read this masterpiece just 2 years after >_< this was written beautifully and really deserves an upvote..just this made me miss Yongguk more <////3