22. Sleep Well, Sleepless

The Blood Brother Code
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Tuesday morning found Semi curled up in Sehun’s arms and her brother tapping her gently on the shoulder to wake her up.  Her initial reaction was to shoot up in alarm, but then coherence began to return and she visibly relaxed when she realised that she’d crept into Sehun’s bed during the night.

“I need to go to work,” he told her quietly, reaching out to shut off his alarm clock.  “Did you sleep any better after you came in here?”

Yawning, Semi nodded.  He tugged on her arm to get her to lie down again.

“That’s good.  No more nightmares is good.”

Snuggling into the covers again, Semi watched as her brother set the alarm clock again so that she’d be up in time to get to her first lecture at university.  For some reason, Sehun’s presence was always able to drive the nightmares away.


“I was wondering,” said Xiumin that evening without looking up from his book on the history of gang warfare in Seoul as he sat on the kitchen counter, “you know when we were setting up our backstory and you said your father or parents or something were dead – is that actually based on reality?”

The salad dish Semi had been holding slipped out of her fingers and shattered on the floor with a loud crash.  Startled, Xiumin put the book aside and looked from her to the broken dish.

“I’ll take that as a yes, then.”

Shakily, Semi bent down to pick up the broken pieces.

“What happened?” Xiumin asked, pretending to go back to his book.


“Was it recent?”


He surveyed her cautiously over the top of the book as she carefully piled up shards.

“It’s not really something you like talking about,” he concluded after a moment or two.  “Okay.  I won’t ask again.”

Semi’s response was a sharp hiss of pain as a jagged edge of one of the shards cut through her skin.

“Ow!”  Dropping the offending shard, Semi stuck her bleeding finger in and grimaced in pain.  There was a thump as Xiumin leapt lightly down from the counter.

“I’ll go get the first aid kit.”

He was out of the room before Semi could protest that it wasn’t going to be necessary, but by the time he returned, she was quite glad she hadn’t been able to say anything, because the taste of blood in was beginning to make her feel a little ill and her finger wouldn’t stop bleeding.

“Mind if I do this?” Xiumin asked her, glancing between her hand and her eyes as he removed a couple of antiseptic wipes.  “Two hands are better than one.”

Realising he was asking for permission to touch her, Semi nodded and quickly popped her finger out of , extending her hand towards him.  It was a moment or two before Xiumin took it, eyeing her finger cautiously.

Semi couldn’t help noticing that his hands were warm, but her train of thought was broken when the sting of antiseptic caught on her nerves, and she jerked her hand back with a yelp.  Xiumin’s reflexes were fast, though, and his fingers trapped her wrist before she could fully withdraw it.

“Bear with it,” he told her, dabbing at the cut.  “Ew.  This looks quite deep.”

Semi found herself distracted by the facial expressions he pulled as he cleaned the cut up, and she found herself remembering him saying that he didn’t deal well with blood.  She hadn’t expected him to be telling the truth with that, and she definitely hadn’t been expecting him to be iffy about dealing with a bleeding finger – okay, profusely bleeding finger – but apparently blood really did get to him.  How did he manage to drink a cup of Luhan’s blood?

Once the antiseptic wipe had turned red, Xiumin lobbed it in the direction of the bin and reached behind him for the first aid kit.

He ended up going for the second antiseptic wipe.

“Oh my gosh, why won’t it stop bleeding?” he grumbled, shooting Semi’s finger a look of distaste as he lobbed the second wipe at the bin, the material absolutely saturated with blood.

Semi couldn’t help it: she giggled.  He was acting like a petulant little kid and it was oddly endearing.

“Here,” he said, nudging her over to the sink and turning the tap on.  “Stick your finger under the water until it stops bleeding.”

Still giggling, Semi made to prod his nose.  He actually flinched out of the way, then grabbed her hand and stuck it under the jet, holding her there firmly by the wrist.  Semi was a bit taken aback by his effortless strength, but lurking at the back of her mind was an image of him in that wife beater on that first night, muscular arms on full display and the rest of his physique hinted at, and—

A tremor shot through her, and she dropped her gaze at once, gulping.  Xiumin seemed t

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Chapter 7: this is the nth time I read this fic because I often think about it :D I just can't get enought and my imagination always has a good time creating a movie in my head haha ! thank youuu a million times for this
Mitsukiii #2
I have returned years later on a new account but my goodness, this story was so intense. I loved all of it and the sequel too. Honestly they could be published and I still stand by that.
Chapter 105: Reached here 😎 and just want to put a comment again...
The scenes I love the most probably whenever Jongin/Kai is there. He's one of my fav characters in the story, alongside Lay plus the two main characters. One of the other scenes I like was when Semi met Baekhyun at her apartment. The guy being a maniac and Jongin came as a hero fighting the psychopath head to head and that included that first kiss scene between Semi and Minseok. This story innitially was hard for me to read, your english and writing are remarkable and I was struggling to understand it all bcs I'm not good at english but in the end I got it 😆 This story is not just any entertaining fiction story, this is very serious plot and have very deeper meaning. It is fun, I had fun, with all the criminal and law stuff ❤️
Ofc, my fav group is exo and all of the characters you used are written awesomely 🌻 Everyone got time to shine, everyone is shining and have value in their characters. This is one of my fav fanfic stories and I've been coming every year to reread this again 🤗 Will now continue to read blood sister
Chapter 25: Been going to read this masterpiece for the how many times already and I'd say Wendy is really my least fav character 😅 really I hate how nosy (I know she's the overly caring type) but it just urghhh stop it. Like she threatens and forcing her bcs if I'm semi I would say it at her and do what I want to do. I know she ended up good after she knows about Minseok and the truth,though i just don't like how she had been before that. Hahahaha ok enough rambling and complaining 😆
It’s been nine years and I still love this fanfiction. Thank you Korey for writing an amazing Xiumin fic.
This series has become a classic for me🥰
Chapter 3: Man, I just love Lay’s character so much. From the part where he said “What, are there spiders here? They’re only insects Chen” he broke the tension and allowed Jongdae to cool himself down. And then when he said to Minseok “You’ll be the one proposing” I just completely lost it lol His dialogues in this chapter were hilarious.
Chapter 106: Goodness. Just finished binge rereading the fic for about a week straight. Even lost few hours of that good night sleep just to continue reading it 🤣💀 I really just wanna say thank you so so much for writing this gem. There’s no other words I’d put up to it other than Perfection 🤍 all things aside, I hope you are doing great ✨
Chapter 105: I love this fic so much!
Here to reread this! This is one of my fave EXO fanfics ever. I stopped reading fanfics but I guess I will still comeback to this one from time to time. I love this so much!