37. An Exchange of Christmas Gifts

The Blood Brother Code
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It was almost midday when Semi’s phone ringing woke Xiumin up, and he still felt grouchy, in part because drunk Semi was a complete pain and he’d got very little sleep, and in part because he knew that it would have been a prime occasion to take advantage of her vulnerability and to use it to his advantage.  It would have been extremely easy to convince her that physical intimacy was synonymous with emotional intimacy, but she’d freaked him out more than just a little and… well, he would be very surprised if she actually remembered anything from the previous night when she woke up.

The caller ID read Rhaegar Targaryen, which meant it could be just about anyone, and Xiumin rolled back onto his back as he picked up.

“Yes?” he answered curtly.

There was a hesitation at the other end.

“Is this Kim Minseok?” asked a male voice.  It sounded familiar, but Xiumin couldn’t place it and the only person he was certain it wasn’t was Tao.  And yet Tao would have made sense, because at some point her friends would probably want to know how she was after the previous night.

“Yes.  Who is this?”

“Is Semi there?  I need to speak to her.”

Pursing his lips, Xiumin glanced at the sleeping girl beside him.  At some point, she’d been crying again: there were fresh tear marks on her cheeks.

“If I wake her up, she’s going to be nursing a horrible hangover.”

There was a groan from the other end.  “Tell her to ring me back when she’s awake.”  He hung up before Xiumin could ask for the caller’s name again.  Putting the phone back on the bedside table, Xiumin concluded that the man had to be one of the two people Semi had been complaining never answered her calls.  Which reminded him.  Not everything about the previous night had been bad.

Semi’s head felt like a rhinoceros was trying to escape from it when she finally woke up.  Blinking blearily and massaging her temples, she sat up and looked around her.  The room bleached of colour for a few seconds before her eyes focussed.

There was writing on the backs of both her hands, which she guessed wasn’t unusual.  The message on her right hand was you’re a kind of talkative drunk.  And a fairly depressed one.  The one of her left read please don’t ever drink that much again.  EVER.

And Xiumin was nowhere to be seen.

Figuring she needed food and water, Semi forced herself to get up.  It was almost exactly a year since the last time she’d drunk herself into oblivion, and she had to admit that it was a stupid thing to have done.  Not least because she couldn’t remember a thing beyond Wendy dragging her away from a stranger who’d bought her drinks, and she’d probably really embarrassed herself.

With some effort, she managed to get herself into the kitchen, where Minseok was sitting on the counter reading a book.  He snapped it shut as soon as she entered and looked up.

“Rice,” he said, pointing to the table.  “Water.  Hangover tonic.  Painkillers.  Only take them if you’re sure all the alcohol is out of your system.  Oh, and Rhaegar Targaryen rang.”  He sounded really irritated.  Semi nearly flinched as he dropped his book onto the counter and started for the door.


He came to a halt.


“Don’t ever go out drinking like that again.  Anything could have happened.”

She winced.  “About that… what did happen?”

“You pretty much had a mental breakdown about nobody loving you and everyone deserting you.”

Semi winced again.  “I’m so sorry.”

“And you tried to kiss me.”

The brusque words hung on the air as he left the room.  Semi cringed and downed the water, hoping that it would shock some sense into her.  She felt a little hurt that he seemed quite so annoyed with her, but… well, it looked like it was probably somewhat justified.

How could I do that, though?  She slumped down in the nearest chair.  The kiss and the breakdown clearly weren’t everything, though – she highly doubted that he of all people would be that annoyed over somebody trying to kiss him, and so she wondered what else she’d done.  Worried, she swallowed the hangover tonic, then the painkillers, and then started on the rice.

As she finished, she remembered he’d also said Rhaegar Targaryen had rung.  That had her cringing again: she was sure Sehun wouldn’t be at all impressed at her drinking binge.

And then her blood momentarily ran cold.  Did that mean they had spoken to each other?  What if…?  But no, Sehun wasn’t an idiot.  He wouldn’t have given himself away.  Sighing, she got her phone so she could call him back.

“Semi….”  He sounded frustrated when he picked up.  “You’ve been drinking.”

Semi bit her lip.  “Yeah,” she admitted.

“You know it’s not going to help anything.”

“Yeah, I know.”

“Really, Semi, it’s going to do you more damage than good—”

“I know, I know.  Please, just… don’t.”

Sehun sighed heavily.  “We need to buy flowers.  I’ll meet you at the metro in half an

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Chapter 7: this is the nth time I read this fic because I often think about it :D I just can't get enought and my imagination always has a good time creating a movie in my head haha ! thank youuu a million times for this
Mitsukiii #2
I have returned years later on a new account but my goodness, this story was so intense. I loved all of it and the sequel too. Honestly they could be published and I still stand by that.
Chapter 105: Reached here 😎 and just want to put a comment again...
The scenes I love the most probably whenever Jongin/Kai is there. He's one of my fav characters in the story, alongside Lay plus the two main characters. One of the other scenes I like was when Semi met Baekhyun at her apartment. The guy being a maniac and Jongin came as a hero fighting the psychopath head to head and that included that first kiss scene between Semi and Minseok. This story innitially was hard for me to read, your english and writing are remarkable and I was struggling to understand it all bcs I'm not good at english but in the end I got it 😆 This story is not just any entertaining fiction story, this is very serious plot and have very deeper meaning. It is fun, I had fun, with all the criminal and law stuff ❤️
Ofc, my fav group is exo and all of the characters you used are written awesomely 🌻 Everyone got time to shine, everyone is shining and have value in their characters. This is one of my fav fanfic stories and I've been coming every year to reread this again 🤗 Will now continue to read blood sister
Chapter 25: Been going to read this masterpiece for the how many times already and I'd say Wendy is really my least fav character 😅 really I hate how nosy (I know she's the overly caring type) but it just urghhh stop it. Like she threatens and forcing her bcs if I'm semi I would say it at her and do what I want to do. I know she ended up good after she knows about Minseok and the truth,though i just don't like how she had been before that. Hahahaha ok enough rambling and complaining 😆
It’s been nine years and I still love this fanfiction. Thank you Korey for writing an amazing Xiumin fic.
This series has become a classic for me🥰
Chapter 3: Man, I just love Lay’s character so much. From the part where he said “What, are there spiders here? They’re only insects Chen” he broke the tension and allowed Jongdae to cool himself down. And then when he said to Minseok “You’ll be the one proposing” I just completely lost it lol His dialogues in this chapter were hilarious.
Chapter 106: Goodness. Just finished binge rereading the fic for about a week straight. Even lost few hours of that good night sleep just to continue reading it 🤣💀 I really just wanna say thank you so so much for writing this gem. There’s no other words I’d put up to it other than Perfection 🤍 all things aside, I hope you are doing great ✨
Chapter 105: I love this fic so much!
Here to reread this! This is one of my fave EXO fanfics ever. I stopped reading fanfics but I guess I will still comeback to this one from time to time. I love this so much!