My Unicorn Princess

Will You Take Me As I Am?


Wait.. what did he just say? He.... likes me?

My heart started pounding faster and faster, my cheeks slowly becoming flushed pink.

"Um... wow. I was NOT expecting that", I laughed nervously.

"So... you don't like me?", he asked, looking hurt.

"Nono, it's not like that. I think of you as one of my best best friends. And this doesn't mean I'm friendzoning you... I just.. I don't think I'm ready for a relationship or anything yet. Cause if I do date you, I'll probably end up hurting you instead of making you happy", I explained.

"What are you talking about? Why would I get hurt by you? Don't try to prove me wrong. Just seeing you everyday makes me happy and being able to talk and hangout with you makes me even happier. I like you because I can feel comfortable around you and you're real. You're not one of those fake girls I thought you were when we first met", he reached out to hold my hand.

I stood there, not knowing what to say. First of all, I'm going to say this right now, I do like Daehyun, I really do. But after what happened with Jaebum... I don't wanna put him through that. I have a horrible temper, but he just hasn't seen it yet. I get jealous really easily because I'm scared of being left alone. I'm insecure about myself because there's nothing special about me. 

"Jung Daehyun. I'm not rejecting you right now; I'm merely telling you that I need time to think about this. You haven't seen every side of me yet and I'm scared. I'm scared that you'll be disappointed when you figure out that I'm not who you think I am. You might think of me as some crazy little girl who you can joke around with but I can be really mean & y sometimes. I do act like those 'fake girls'. Yes, I haven't said or done anything significantly hurtful yet, but I'm pretty sure it'll come very soon and I wouldn't want you to see that", I continued, avoiding eye contact with him.

He held my face and turned it towards him so that I was looking straight into his eyes,"I like you and nothing's going to change that. I'm not going to believe you have that so called 'bad' side of you until I see it for myself. And what do you take me for? I'm not some loser who will leave my girl just cause she says something mean to me. If she has a reason to, I'll accept it. Minyoung-ah, you've got to understand that I'm going to be here for you", he said firmly.

"I already said this before, but I need time to think about this. Time to think about if I can handle another relationship. But I promise promise promise this isn't because I don't like you, okay?", I reassured him.

"Okay", he smiled. "I'll wait for you, my unicorn princess"

"Yah! What did you just call me?", I started laughing, jokingly elbowing him in his side.

"You're my unicorn princess from now on. I don't care if you haven't said yes to me yet cause if I call you that, then you'll just have to accept it as your fate", he grinned from ear to ear



Ugh, after writing this, I realized that I could've just combined it with the previous chapter *facepalm* Sorry for the choppy chapter cause really it could've been one awesome long chapter but noooo I couldn't think of what to write so I just updated a y chapter. LOL Um. Idk but maybe you guys are surprised that Minyoung didn't automatically say yes and pretty much, as you saw in the "foreward", she's insecure. And so am I. I tried to make Minyoung a character that reflects who I am in real life. I may seem bright and "bubbly" but to be honest, I'm not like that on the inside. I'm scared, extremely scared, of hurting people unintentionally because of my temper. I'm also really scared of losing people. And so this chapter kind of shows how I see things and how I would've reacted to a confession. Cause I've been through stuff and I've hurt & lost alot of precious people and I totally regret it now. Haha enough of the randomness about myself, hope you guys enjoyed it and please comment & subscribe ♡ 



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Chapter 18: welcome back ^-^
Chapter 19: i'll be waiting =]
boreddddd_xoxo #3
no i'm joking XDD pls take your time.
no pressure XD
boreddddd_xoxo #4
update pls? ^^ authornim
Chapter 17: Your new poster is really nice ^^! Also I hope your finger is ok o.o.
Anyway I really like this update^^
Chapter 16: Congratulations for the poster authornim ^^
itsthaiteaa #8
Chapter 16: Ugh. I totally understand you. I got pre calc, chem, and ap euro hw. and reading. /.\ chapter 3 of lord of the flies. has nothing to do with flies.....
Chapter 15: I can only say that Minyoung has great taste haha. I hope something works out for her :)
Chapter 15: As much as I love Mark....