I'm Such A Bigmouth

Will You Take Me As I Am?


"So. You were talking about how I'd totally fall for you because you're 'perfect'", he said while making finger quotations.

"Um... hi? And I was just joking so don't take it so seriously, gosh", I tried to laugh off the situation.

He smirked and flashed me a smile, revealing perfect white teeth. 

"Aren't you the one falling for me? You were one of those annoying girls when I was making my presentation", he raised an eyebrow.

"Ah, so you remember my face? Then, that means you noticed me. And you remembered who I was, so I must be somewhat special, am I wrong?", I challenged.

"Yah!... What are you doing right now, Minyoung ah?", Suji quietly laughed, "Boldly standing up to a guy like him? I like this new side of you, gurl."

"I guess you could say that. You stood out to me in an annoying way. Girls like you nowadays. What? You'll join AP World History if there's someone as hot as me?", he tried to hold back a laugh.

"Hey! I wasn't the one who said that! Gosh, I'm not THAT desperate", I pouted. What does he take me for? Some girl who goes around throwing herself at random guys?

"But you were one of the squealing girls. Psht, plus I bet you wouldn't be smart enough to handle that class next year. Judging on what I know, you're one of those girls who just goes around chasing guys and trying to get them to notice you, am I right?", he tilted his head.

"ARE YOU CALLING ME A OR WHAT?", I half screamed, "I can be pretty smart if I wanted to!"

"We'll see about that", he laughed while walking away.

"Woooow", I said while fanning myself. "He has some guts calling me a dumb or whatever."

"I think I've fallen in love with this side of Minyoung, don't you think?", Suji asked the rest.

They all nodded and stared at me in awe as if I had done something crazy.

"What?", I asked.

"That Jaebum guy of yours definitely changed you. You're so... badass now!", Ahyeon exclaimed.

"Me? Badass? Hah, as if", I scoffed, "I WISH I could be badass".

"Well, you're definitely different, Minyoung ah. And we all like it."

"Thanks? I don't know. Whatever. I'm gonna prove to that Jung Daehyun that I'm not some stupid loser."

"You go ahead and do that. We'll be here rooting you guys on!", Suji said, making a "fighting" fist.

"... What do you mean rooting you guys on? You mean rooting ME on... cause ya know? It's either his or my side?", I asked, confused.

"No, we're not rooting you on. We're shipping you guys~ ", Suji laughed a high pitched laugh. 

"..... You've got to be kidding me", I said, mentally facepalming myself.


"Students! We have a new student transferring into our Advanced English class. He has always ranked number 1 on his English exams so I decided that he could join our class. Welcome Jung Daehyun!", my teacher gestured toward Daehyun who walked into the room.


Is this some joke? They're lying to me aren't they? Or did he join this class to embarass me? 

We made eye contact and Daehyun seemed to be just as surprised as I was.

His eyes widened but the teacher motioned for him to introduce himself.

"Hi, I'm Daehyun! It's an honor to be able to join this class and I hope you all take care of me!"

Psht. Take care of you, why would I do that? 

The teacher looked around the room, "Hmm... You can go ahead and sit in the empty spot in the corner next to Minyoung. She's excellent at English and can help you if you need anything. Right, Minyoung ah?"

I plastered on a fake smile and muttered "Yes, Mrs. Kim".

Daehyun made his way to the seat next to me and gave me a death glare.

"So you ARE smart, afterall", he chuckled. 

"What did I tell you? I'm not stupid", I pouted, looking away. To be honest, English was the only subject I was confident in. Every other subject, I woud generally get B's or A-'s.

"Well, then. Let's hope I don't get better grades than you in this class or else you'll lose that reputation of yours for being such an 'excellent' student in English", he smirked. 

"Yah!", I quietly whispered while making a fist motion at him, pretending to hit him.



Yoyo! So I lied about me going to study and all that. LOL I got distracted and really wanted to write something so here's something that I just put together in a rush. Right now it's 10:20 pm and I have to wake up at 6 am tomorrow. Let's hope I can finish my homework and get enough sleep for the first day of school tomorrow XD Hope you liked the chapter! Subscribe 







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Chapter 18: welcome back ^-^
Chapter 19: i'll be waiting =]
boreddddd_xoxo #3
no i'm joking XDD pls take your time.
no pressure XD
boreddddd_xoxo #4
update pls? ^^ authornim
Chapter 17: Your new poster is really nice ^^! Also I hope your finger is ok o.o.
Anyway I really like this update^^
Chapter 16: Congratulations for the poster authornim ^^
itsthaiteaa #8
Chapter 16: Ugh. I totally understand you. I got pre calc, chem, and ap euro hw. and reading. /.\ chapter 3 of lord of the flies. has nothing to do with flies.....
Chapter 15: I can only say that Minyoung has great taste haha. I hope something works out for her :)
Chapter 15: As much as I love Mark....