Changed Feelings

Will You Take Me As I Am?


I'm sick of being lied to. 

Sick of being used.

Sick of always being that second choice who people only care about for a short while.

Sick of being abandoned.

I'm done with being the pushover, Lee Minyoung. 

I'm going to change and show people that I'm not someone who can just be disposed easily.

I'm a human being. I have feelings. 

I'll show them that I can do perfectly fine without them.

That I can treat them the same way they did if I wanted to.

That I won't ever be able to trust them the same way ever again.

That I'm a changed Lee Minyoung.


I didn't even look at the clothes in my closet. I immediately reached for all of my black clothing items. It didn't even hit me until I looked in the mirror at my outfit that I was literally decked out in all dark colored clothes. 

This is was a huge difference from my usual bright colored clothing pieces. I put on a pair of black platform heels and kicked aside my peach colored flats that Daehyun bought me a few weeks ago. I don't need any of the things that he's given me. I'll throw them all out later on when I come back home.

I left the house earlier than I usually did since I didn't have to wait for Daehyun anymore. Right before entering the school gates, I heard Daehyun's voice call my name from behind. I ignored it and kept walking. 

"Yah, Lee Minyoung!!!", he yelled again.

Keep walking, Minyoung ah. You're not this weak. Don't fall for his lies and tricks. Don't be stupid.

I some music on my phone and put on my headphones to block his voice.

I started to pick up my pace to avoid him. I could still hear his voice faintly even through my loud music that I put on blast. I had to keep reminding myself not to turn around. If I turned around, it would mean that I cared. I can't let him see that. It was going to take more than a sorry for him to get me back. In fact, there was really nothing he could do to regain my trust. Nothing.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and I shrugged it off. Walk and ignore. Walk and ignore. You don't know who he is. Keep walking, Lee Minyoung. He'll eventually give up. Hah, what am I saying? He already gave up on you. 

"Are you really going to be like this?", Daehyun yelled, turning me around so that I was facing him.

Instead of immediately shouting back at him like I would've normally done, I merely stared back at him with an experssionless face. Don't give in, don't give in.

"Why do you keep doing this to me?", I finally asked.

"... Doing what?", he said with a confused look on his face. He must have been running because he was still catching his breath. 

"Why do you keep bothering me? You kept calling me last night and it was so annoying. And now, you want to talk to me. I don't get what's wrong with you", I said as coldly as I could.

"I need to explain to you what happened, Minyoung ah. You see I-", he started saying hastily.

I cut him off mid-sentence. "There's no need to explain what happened. I heard what I needed to hear. I'm not going to believe or accept any of your excuses. What's done has been done. You agreed to be with Hwayoung so just keep your promise to your mom. Can't you see that we're already done? We've been done ever since you said yes to your mother."

"No. It's not over", he said firmly.

"If even one side has a change in feelings, it's over", I said.

"My feelings for you haven't changed, Minyoung ah. Nothing has changed", he started pleading.

"Are you kidding me? You gave up on me, Daehyun. You gave up", I said with tears now streaming down my face.

I quickly wiped away the tears when I realized how much I was crying. Dammit. So much for being cool about this. 

I pulled myself together and looked him straight in the eye.

"I didn't think you were that type of guy. I really thought you cared. I actually thought that someone as imperfect as me could be loved. I trusted you, Daehyun", I said with sadness in my voice.

Daehyun didn't say anything after that. He just stared at me half shocked, half guilty.

I turned away and started walking to my class. 

It was officially over between us. 

I was, once again, alone.



For some reason, I couldn't find myself to trust anyone. Not even Mark or Suji. I just felt this sense of betrayal from everyone. What if they all actually knew about the arranged relationship and I was the only one who was clueless? By now, Hwayoung and Suji would know that I've figured out. Maybe not Suji though. Maybe she knows nothing about this. But regardless, I wasn't in the mood to be with any of them. 

Instead of heading towards the cafeteria, I went to the library. Who cares if I skip a day of lunch? No big deal, really.

I sat down at one of the empty tables in the corner of the huge library and put on my headphones. I blasted the music on full volume and put my head down to sleep. I needed a break from all of this .

Later, I felt someone tap me on the shoulder. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. What's going on?

"The bell just rung. You're going to be late for class", the librarian informed me.

"Ah, sorry. I didn't hear the bell. Sorry to disturb you", I apologized.

I started to run to my English class. But then I remembered that Hwayoung, Daehyun, and Mark were all in my English class.

I suddenly stopped running and slowed down to a walking speed. Why would I want to rush to that class?

I walked into class 10 minutes late and the teacher glared at me.

"Lee Minyoung, where exactly were you that you came to class 10 minutes late?", he asked angrily.

"Sorry, I fell asleep during lunch and didn't wake up till after the bell rung", I said, not putting any heart into the apology.

He let out a frustrated sigh. "Hurry up and have a seat. I'll excuse you this one time."

As I was walking to my seat, I made eye contact with Hwayoung.

She looked scared.

And I was glad. 

Because she should be scared. 

Very, very scared.


LOL such changes, such changes. Sigh I don't really know where I'm going with this plot :/ This is going to be a problem LOLOL oh wells~ The amount of views on my story has decreased tremendously and it's really depressing to see the drastic drop. Whyyyy and I have so many people unsubscribing like do you not like where this plot is going or what? TT____TT Tell me what's wrongggg.    










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Chapter 18: welcome back ^-^
Chapter 19: i'll be waiting =]
boreddddd_xoxo #3
no i'm joking XDD pls take your time.
no pressure XD
boreddddd_xoxo #4
update pls? ^^ authornim
Chapter 17: Your new poster is really nice ^^! Also I hope your finger is ok o.o.
Anyway I really like this update^^
Chapter 16: Congratulations for the poster authornim ^^
itsthaiteaa #8
Chapter 16: Ugh. I totally understand you. I got pre calc, chem, and ap euro hw. and reading. /.\ chapter 3 of lord of the flies. has nothing to do with flies.....
Chapter 15: I can only say that Minyoung has great taste haha. I hope something works out for her :)
Chapter 15: As much as I love Mark....