Meeting You

Will You Take Me As I Am?


"Yah! Lee Minyoung! Just get over him. I heard that him and Hyeri got together like a two months ago", my friend Suji said, hitting me playfully on the back.

"What. Did. You. Just. Say?", I asked, eyes filled with tears and anger.

"I heard from some volleyball players from Daeguk High that he started dating Hyeri two months ago. I have my connections. *wink* I knew something was up when he just randomly told you he needed time alone, so I did the detective work for you", she explained.

"*scoff* I knew he was with her. I TOTALLY KNEW ABOUT IT. YET AT THE SAME TIME I DIDN'T. *screams* Gosh, I should've officially figured out and dumped him first. Aishhh. That's it. I'm so done with that piece of crap. You're right. I'm over him like for reals", I said with confidence. But actually, on the inside, I was crying. He made me into a fool. I kept dating him even when I caught him hanging out with Hyeri multiple times. I'm so done with this dating .

// IN CLASS // 

"Listen up, students! Today we have a sophomore joining us to tell us more about the AP World History class, which some of you guys have been curious about. I heard from Mr. Han that he's one of his top students, so make sure you give him your full attention!", our teacher announced eagerly.

I was expecting some skinny nerd with thick glasses, oily hair, and pimples, but boy, was I wrong.

Cause this y, delicious looking guy went up in front of the class.

This guy? One of the top students? But... He's so y... and beautiful. I blinked my eyes a few times and started squealing along with some other girls who thought he was cute too.

He walked up to the podium, feeling a bit embarassed by our squeals, and finally started to introduce himself. I need to get his name... and number maybe hehe. 

"Um, hi everybody. My name is Jung Daehyun and Mr. Han asked me to come here to speak about AP World History, a class you guys might want to consider taking next year as a sophomore!", he said.

A girl yelled to Daehyun, "I'll join the class next year if there's someone as hot as you in the class!" and the rest of the room started laughing.

Daehyun had a mini smirk on his face and continued talking. "Um. Well, moving on.." and he started giving information about what we would learn and how much homework we would get daily in that class.


"Oh my gawsh. He was hot. Like hot hot. Admit it, he was", I started fangirling while walking out of the classroom.

"Okay, yeah. I'll acknowledge that HE'S hot. Finally, you've made your standards higher. You're usually just chasing any guy that looks like a decent human being", Suji joked, elbowing me in the side.

"Aaand that proved to be a bad choice because look what happened to me and Jaebum. Then again, I can't just assume that Daehyun guy is nice. But hey, he's smart and goodlooking. We just need the heart and moneyyy. Haha just kidding", I started laughing. 

We walked into the lunch room and ordered our food. Once we sat down at the table with the rest of our group, Suji told the rest of the group, "Minyoung found someone she's interested in even though it's only been like 3 days since her and Jaebum broke up. I'm proud of this gurl", she patted me on the back with a bright smile on her face. "You know Minyoung. She'll either keep begging for him to come back or cry for weeks. But here she is, perfectly fine and eyeing Jung Daehyun." 

"Yah! I just think he's hot, but I don't know if I'd want to DATE him. Though I'm sure it would be super easy to get him to fall for me cause ya know, I AM perfect afterall *flips hair*", I started laughing like a hyena.

But when I realized no one else was laughing, I let out an awkward laugh. 

"What? I was just joking haha. You guys thought I was serious or something?", I looked around at everyone.

Finally, Suji pointed to something behind me. Actually let me correct myself, someone. 

I hesitantly turned around and standing right behind me was Jung Daehyun.

".... Oh, ", I muttered under my breath. 



Hey everybody! Wow, 2 chapters in a day? Kind of surprised myself with that haha~ I know this chapter is super short but since school is starting tomorrow, I decided that I should update a little something cause I have no idea how much homework I'll be getting tomorrow. Hopefully there isn't too much so I can update tomorrow! Anticipating that you guys will like this story so far and subscribe! ♡ 







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Chapter 18: welcome back ^-^
Chapter 19: i'll be waiting =]
boreddddd_xoxo #3
no i'm joking XDD pls take your time.
no pressure XD
boreddddd_xoxo #4
update pls? ^^ authornim
Chapter 17: Your new poster is really nice ^^! Also I hope your finger is ok o.o.
Anyway I really like this update^^
Chapter 16: Congratulations for the poster authornim ^^
itsthaiteaa #8
Chapter 16: Ugh. I totally understand you. I got pre calc, chem, and ap euro hw. and reading. /.\ chapter 3 of lord of the flies. has nothing to do with flies.....
Chapter 15: I can only say that Minyoung has great taste haha. I hope something works out for her :)
Chapter 15: As much as I love Mark....