The Calm Before The Storm

Will You Take Me As I Am?


Life seemed to be perfect from that day on. Going to school wasn't all too bad because I got to see Daehyun almost every single day of the week. We spent most of our time together and when I say most, I mean alot of our time together. He'd wake up extra early to walk to me to school even though I insisted that he just take his car to school, we would eat lunch together, and afterschool, we would do study and do homework at the library like we used to.

But today was special. I don't know if it's selfish of me to be excited for this day; it's Valentine's Day. I feel like I should dress up and actually try to look like a decent being today but, would that be too obvious? What if Daehyun doesn't even get me anything and I doll myself up for nothing? Oh, well. I'm gonna attempt to look pretty today.

This should be good. Not too fancy, and just the right amount of casual. I looked at myself in the mirror and smiled a huge grin. I've never been this excited for Valentine's Day before. Haha, this is a first.

I skipped down the stairs, obviously in a very good mood.

"Lee Minyoung, what's up with you today?", Minwoo oppa asked during breakfast.

"Nothing", I shrugged, "Why? Do I look weird today or what?"

"Yeah, you kind of do. Why are you wearing a skirt? And... Is that makeup that I see on your face? Okay, yeah. Now I'm kind of getting freaked out. The Minyoung that I've known for 16 years does not do this", he replied with a confused and shocked look on his face.

"Is there something wrong with trying to look pretty? I am a girl afterall, if you haven't remembered, oppa", I pouted.

"Please don't tell me you're doing this for a guy cause it's Valentine's Day", he groaned, pretending to facepalm himself.

"....Maybe I am", I said vaguely, grabbing some peanut butter and toast, "You don't think I have any guys?"

"Psht. Who would wanna date you? You usually dress like a slob to school and you're really dumb", he stuck out his tongue.

"Shut up! I don't understand how Sojung unnie puts up with you everyday. If I were dating a guy like you, I'd dump you within an hour", I stuck my tongue out back at him.

"If she's stayed with me for 5 years, I'm pretty sure she loves me. I have no idea how long you've been with this dude of yours, considering that you broke up with Jaebum only a few weeks ago, but it definitely won't beat 5 years", he mocked me, walking back upstairs to get ready for school.

I finished eating and hurried out the door to see if Daehyun had arrived. I stood on our front porch for a while but didn't see him anywhere in sight. This is weird... he's usually on time. "If he's not here in 5 minutes, we're for sure going to be late for school", I mumbled to myself, worried.

Suddenly a luxurious black car pulled up in front of our house and I saw the window roll down. It was Daehyun. 

"Morning, little unicorn!", he waved, "I decided to take a break from walking today. Is that okay?"

I walked up to the car and looked in through the window. Wow... what type of lifestyle does he have? The car my parents drive is nothing compared to this, I stared in awe. 

"Are you getting in or not? We're gonna be late if you keep staring", he questioned.

"Uh, sure...", I hesitantly answered.

The driver started to open his door but Daehyun stopped him.

"It's okay, I'll open the door for her", he told the driver, getting out of the car to open my door on the other side.

"Thanks", I blushed a little.

"No problem, love", he said warmly.

Oh my gawsh, did he just call me love? LOVE? I started squealing in my head and giggled to myself.

"Let's go", he told the driver after stepping back into the car.

// LUNCH //

Daehyun was waiting for me outside of my Chemistry class. He automatically reached for my hand when I stepped out of the classroom and we started to walk to the cafeteria as we usually did. "So how was class?", he asked casually.

"Boring, as usual. I don't enjoy studying unlike you, Mr. Smartypants", I poked his cheek.

After grabbing our lunch, we headed out to under the cherry blossom tree where Daehyun confessed to me. We eat there everyday now except for Fridays when we each eat with our own friends. We didn't want to leave our friends just because we had each other.

We ate in silence for a few moments when Daehyun started talking.

"Minyoung ah", he said to grab my attention.

"Hm?", I turned to look at him, still chewing some of my food.

"Are you expecting anything for today?", he had a mischievous smile on his face. "It is Valentine's Day, afterall".

I was caught a bit offguard. Was I expecting something? To be very honest, I kind of was. It wasn't like I wanted anything big or anything. I just wanted him to tell me that he loves me, really. And well, it would be nice if he asked me to be his Valentine cause *cough cough* no one's ever asked me before *cough cough*.

"Uh... not really..?", I said, conflicted on how I should have answered.

"Really? You weren't?", he laughed, "Okay, then. I guess you won't really care about what I got ready for you. Maybe I can just give it to my sister or something..."

"You got me something?", my eyes brightened with excitement. "What is it? What is it? Tell meeeeee", I whined like a kid asking for candy.

"I thought you weren't expecting anything", he said with satisfaction on his face, as if he wanted to see me whine for the gift. 

I looked at him. Is he playing with me? "Fine then", I pouted, "Give it to your sister then". I crossed my arms.

"I was just joking, babe", now it was his turn to whine. He put his arm around me and started to give me a puppy look.

He pulled out a necklace. And not just any necklace; a necklace that looked very, very expensive. 

Nonono. I'm not good with handling anything that's expensive. I either lose it or end up somehow breaking it.

"What do you think?", he asked, "Do you like it?"

"I-I... wow. I love it", not expecting a gift as extravagent as a necklace.

He motioned for me to come closer so he could put on the necklace for me.

I looked down at the beautiful necklace. He always does so much for me and yet I haven't done anything for him yet. I started to feel bad and guilty about myself.

"Sorry I didn't get you anything... I really should have but I was only thinking about myself. Sorry, oppa...", I said a little disappointed in myself.

He cupped my face and turned it so that I was facing him.

"I don't need you to get me anything, Minyoung ah. As long as you're happy, I'm happy", he reassured me.

"But still.. I should've at least gotten chocolate or something like every other girl does", I said totally regretting not getting him anything.

"I don't want you to be like 'every other girl' okay, beautiful? Don't try to become like them. I promise you, I'm satisfied just seeing you wearing that necklace. Make sure you wear it everyday, okay? I love you, Lee Minyoung", he said before kissing me on my forehead.

And that was how our very first Valentine's Day together went. Everything was perfect, really. Until... they came. 


Yayyy this is a somewhat longer chapter than normal? Kind of? Haha hope you were happy with the romance I tried to put in this chapter. I'm not really experienced when it comes to dating and whatever so it was actually kinda hard to write this chapter lol. BUT YAS THERE'S A SORT OF CLIFFHANGER. And might I point out that I said "they", not "he" or "she" >:3 LOL I feel like no one is even really reading my fanfic *loner* but oh wells, I'll just keep writing. But if at one point or another, if I feel like I'm writing for no one, I'm just gonna like hide the whole story and write it for myself to read XD kk. Hope you comment and subscribe ♡ 








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Chapter 18: welcome back ^-^
Chapter 19: i'll be waiting =]
boreddddd_xoxo #3
no i'm joking XDD pls take your time.
no pressure XD
boreddddd_xoxo #4
update pls? ^^ authornim
Chapter 17: Your new poster is really nice ^^! Also I hope your finger is ok o.o.
Anyway I really like this update^^
Chapter 16: Congratulations for the poster authornim ^^
itsthaiteaa #8
Chapter 16: Ugh. I totally understand you. I got pre calc, chem, and ap euro hw. and reading. /.\ chapter 3 of lord of the flies. has nothing to do with flies.....
Chapter 15: I can only say that Minyoung has great taste haha. I hope something works out for her :)
Chapter 15: As much as I love Mark....