Chapter 14

We Got Married?

"Seunghyun," Jiyong whispered in the darkness of their room, "Can I ask you something?"

Seunghyun was curled into a ball on the other side of their bed, and at the soft call he blinked open his eyes. He didn't make a move to sit up. "Of course."

"Um..." Jiyong didn't know how to properly ask for Seunghyun's comfort. In truth, he was lost. Scared. There were so many outcomes for the situation; more rumors could surface, Yang Hyun Suk could choose to kick them both out of YGE, hell, Taeyang and Seungri could even end up getting together after the post that he'd put on Instagram.

Seunghyun took slight notice of the tone of his voice and sat up. His eyes searched for Jiyong in the dark lighting but couldn't make him out. He felt his way to the younger man, hands eventually coming to rest on Jiyong's slender shoulders. "You okay?"

"I know you said that we just have to wait, but... I'm not that patient, Seunghyun. Outcomes keep sliding through my head..."

Seunghyun managed to wrap his arms tight around the younger of the two. Jiyong melted into the embrace and for once didn't feel ashamed of it. He realized that as the longer they were together, the more comfortable he felt with being the bottom in the situation. It had only been two days since Jiyong had learned about the whole scandal, but no offical statement had been released. Yang was being extra careful with the whole thing.

"Don't fret too much, baby." That was the first time that Seunghyun had called Jiyong that. "Worrying, it just stresses you out. You need to relax."

"But...." Jiyong sighed into Seunghyun's shirt. "I just can't relax. I'm scared, Seunghyun."

"Why?" Seunghyun's voice was gentle.

Jiyong shifted his position, squeezing closer to the man holding him so lovingly. "I'm afraid something bad will happen, and we'll be kicked out of YG."

Seunghyun breathed out a nearly inaudible sigh. "I've been worrying about that, too."

"Do you think that YG believes us? I mean... what if he possibly has an inkling about us being together?"

"If that's true, Jiyong, then we will take it. I know he may kick us out of YGE, but there's always the chance that he knows but doesn't want to tell us. Maybe he just won't speak about it." Seunghyun said.

"We worked so goddamn hard for all of this. What if our being together ruins it for the whole group? What if it is all just a big mistake?"

Seunghyun blinked, undeniably hurt by the words. "Are you saying that you're regretting everything?"

"No, no." Jiyong sat up quickly and pressed himself even closer to Seunghyun, forcing the older to curl closer as well, his head resting on Jiyong's chest. "I really do like you, in ways that I shouldn't. But... I'm do afraid. Afraid of losing all we worked."

Seunghyun moved his head from Jiyong's chest and then, suddenly, his lips were pressed softly against the other's. The kiss started out slow, gentle, loving, but grew in passion and need as seconds passed. It wasn't long until Jiyong wrapped his arms around Seunghyun's neck, bringing their bodies together like magnets. Seunghyun pulled his legs around the younger boy's waist, trapping him as they fell back on the bed, their lips still moving.

"Are we... going to do it again?" Jiyong gasped out as Seunghyun kissed his neck with sharp, quick nips.

"I think so," replied Seunghyun with equally strained breaths.

Jiyong immediately felt indignant. He was going to be the bottom again, and he didn't want that.

Seunghyun's fingers toyed with Jiyong's shirt until he finally began to pull the fabric up and off of the younger's torso. , Jiyong pressed his face to the side of Seunghyun's neck, inadvertently curling his toes as Seunghyun traced his abs with a skilled finger.

"I love seeing you like this," Seunghyun said gently. Jiyong felt the hands on his waist trail their way down. "I want you, Jiyong. I want to make love to you every day."

Jiyong whimpered, in shock from the confession and partially too needy to focus on anything but having a certain man making love to him.

"Don't worry. I will make sure that you aren't hurt as badly this time, baby." Seunghyun kissed his forehead with a smile. Wait... when had their clothes come off? Jiyong had been too lost to focus on that. "Are you ready?"



"You're so perfect," Seunghyun panted heavily into Jiyong's chest, his whole body trembling, his whole being pushed to the brink with what had gone on.

Jiyong was equally tired, his chest heaving, only just coming off the high he'd been on minutes before. He didn't care that he'd been the bottom again. He did not even care that Taeyang had walked in on them a minute before, just after they'd finished. Frankly, he forgot about anything and everything that should've stressed him out. "When... when did you make that decision?"

"I... I don't know..." Seunghyun blinked as if trying to find the answer. "But I don't care."

"Seunghyun..." Jiyong's fingers twitched. He wanted to say it so bad. To say that he was undoubtedly in love with the man who lay so close. But he couldn't. He was scared. Why couldn't he just say it?

"What is it?" Seunghyun's hand found its way to the cold fidgeting on that was Jiyong's. His dark eyes met with Jiyong's light ones.

Jiyong ran slender fingers through Seunghyun's mint colored hair. "Nothing. I'm just tired."

Seunghyun smiled at him lovingly. "Of course. That's no suprise."

Jiyong paused, swamped with deep emotion for the man holding him tight. "I wish we could be like this more often, Seunghyun. I really do..."

"I know." Sadness laced its way deep into Jiyong at Seunghyun's melancholy tone of voice. "I'm sorry. I know it hurts, but... it will all be okay in the end."

Jiyong nuzzled his nose against Seunghyun's chest, as if he were a baby searching for milk. "You really think so?"

Seunghyun put an arm around Jiyong, whispering, "I do, Jiyong, I really do."

Jiyong felt the exhaustion from their night together catching up to him. "Do... do we have schedules?"

"Yes," Seunghyun said. "YG wants us to go on as we would if there wasn't a scandal hanging over us."

"Oh." Jiyong was disappointed. He'd wanted to be able to lay with Seunghyun some more, to cuddle, to exchange the sweet words that he'd come to love.

"Sorry, baby." Seunghyun brushed his bangs away. "Maybe we should pull the sick card again."

"No." Jiyong shook his head and sat up. "We don't want to bring anymore suspicion to the group. What if netizens found out that we both happened to stay home sick? More scandals, that's for sure."

"Sometimes... sometimes I wish we could just tell people," said Seunghyun suddenly. "This hiding... it isn't good. I want people to know."

"You know that's impossible," Jiyong said in shock. "South Korea does not accept that. We'd be hated."

Seunghyun sighed and turned over on his side. "I'm sorry, you're right. Let's just get some sleep before our schedules later today."

Jiyong knew that Seunghyun was mad at him and the thought made sadness prickle through him. He crawled over, placed a gentle kiss on Seunghyun's bare collarbone, and curled up into his own ball to try and fend off the depression. A second later, arms circled his waist, although the owner of the embrace said nothing, only nuzzling his neck. Feeling a large amount better, Jiyong closed his eyes and let sleep wash over him.


"Uh, Jiyong?" Daesung called from where he stood the next morning, looking embarassed. Jiyong stood up and moved to his side, asking what he needed. The man squeaked out, "Taeyang's pissed at you."

Jiyong sighed. "Why?" He couldn't hardly remember the night before.

"Well, he saw you guys, uh, being intimate, and he's not happy about it. He doesn't like to think about it; to think about you two going at it while he sleeps."

"Yes, he's said so before," Jiyong grunted. "And I can't exactly control when we feel the need to-"

"Please don't finish that sentence," Daesung said.

"Sorry. Where's Taeyang, anyway?"

"With his girlfriend. He's got enough free time to be with her for a while before the schedules."

"Oh. Speaking of which, we have promotions to do, don't we?"

"Actually, yes. We do."

Jiyong wanted to groan in frustration but composed himself because he'd known that this was coming. "Alright. Oh, and what about Seungri? Where is that maknae at?"

"Sleeping," Daesung replied.

"Ah, okay. If you see Taeyang before I do, tell him I'm sorry for disobeying his rules."

Daesung glared. "Technically, it was our rules. And people could hear you two in fricking London for all I care, so at least try to hold yourselves back."

Jiyong hung his head, blushing. Had they really been that loud...?

"Alright, alright, that was a joke, Jiyong," Daesung assured him. "We caught a few unintelligible words and gasps but nothing that would alarm the others. Besides, the dorm is soundproof."

Jiyong was relieved to hear that. "Okay. Good. Just don't joke like that, alright? I don't want anyone to hear us because that would basically mean sudden death for our relationship."

"Aish, well you make it sound so serious..."

Jiyong was outraged. Seunghyun's and his relationship wasn't serious to Daesung? It hit him that all of the members could possibly believe that it was all a phase, that it wasn't real love or anything close to an actual relationship. The thought stung. Their relationship was serious! It was more serious than any other one for Jiyong, and that was enough for him.

Suddenly a scruffy-haired maknae appeared around the corner. "Morning, hyungs. How are you guys?"

"Fine," Jiyong replied stiffly, still irritated at his other bandmember.

"Woah," Seungri said. "Did you guys start fighting?"

"Nope, Jiyong's just pissed at me because I insulted his relationship with Seunghyun," replied Daesung in a smart- tone.

"Wow. I think making leader hyung mad isn't smart, you know. Won't he kill you or something?"

"He certainly will not," came Seunghyun's voice as the man appeared in the front doorway. He'd gone out several minutes ago to go shopping. "Jiyonggie, are you being mean to your underlings again?"

"We are no underlings," Daesung exclaimed.

"I'm being mean to no one. They are the ones acting like children," Jiyong scoffed.

"Yes, yes, of course, how could I have ever put the blame on innocent Jiyong?" Seunghyun smirked as he stepped over to Jiyong.

Scowling, Jiyong brought his elbow back roughly into Seunghyun's chest, making the older man grunt and glare at him. "The hell?"

"Hmph." Jiyong spun around and began to stalk away.

He caught Seunghyun muttering, "See what you did? Now Jiyong hates me," before Seungri and Daesung mumbled their apologies. Then Jiyong could hear footsteps announcing that his boyfriend was coming to find him. He sunk lower into the couch, still highly angered at what Daesung had said. He wondered if the other members thought that way as well.

"Jiyong, what's wrong?" Seunghyun cooed gently, sounding genuinely worried.

Jiyong just shrugged, moving to bury his face in the leather couch. He didn't want Seunghyun to see him like that.

Seunghyun kneeled down so his face was level with the sullen Jiyong's. "Jiyong?" When he got no reply, he sighed and pressed his fingers to Jiyong's cheek to turn his face forward. Jiyong's eyes were shining with unreadable emotion. "Baby, what's wrong?"

"Daesung doesn't think that we're serious," Jiyong mumbled, ashamed. "I didn't... I didn't like that he said that. I thought we were serious."

"We are, Jiyong, we are," Seunghyun said, looking shocked. "Don't believe them. They don't really get it."

"You think so? I mean... this isn't all just a phase?"

Seunghyun put his arms on either side of Jiyong and leaned down to capture his lips in a sweet, gentle kiss. He pulled away and whispered, "If this is just a simple phase, then I don't really think I could ever be happy again after it ends."

Jiyong stared in shock, mouth hanging open, tears threatening to spill. "You mean that?"

Seunghyun kissed him again. He laid his head on Jiyong's chest, a smile fluttering over his lips. "I mean that, Kwon Jiyong. I love you."

And deep inside, even though he was too shocked to reply at first, Jiyong knew that he felt the exact same way about Seunghyun.

"I love you, too, Choi Seunghyun..."



I took so long to update and I feel realllly bad about it... but a lot has been happening in my life, and I just couldn't find any inspiration. But this book's biggest fan convinced me to write, so I tried, and I hope that it came out good!


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AllisonRowe #1
Chapter 2: Oh my these two girls are hardcore gtop shippers ahahaha
Dragon63 #2
Chapter 15: pleaseeee
you need to update!!!!
this is so good i think im gonna go into a corner a cry
lol this is amazing!!!! i love it so much :D :D :D
please update, please??? ^^
korzuan #3
Luv it!! Kindly consider to update dear author-nim ^^ thank you~~
I believe my darling fellow TopNyong/TG/GTOP are craving over this story.
So, Please considered to update soon, writer-nim.

Thank you. ^^
Chapter 15: Please update!!! Loving the story!!! :D :D
wheessang #6
Chapter 15: Updatee pleaseeeeee. Jiyonh so keewwttt
Chapter 15: Aaaaawwww those "I love you" words *smiling* yes yess they love each other.. >.<
Thank you for this update <333
arisong #8
Chapter 14: Can't wait for the next update
Chapter 13: i just hope nothing happened to both of them.
gtop fighting!
xoxo <333
Chapter 12: XD omg... i'm spazzing right now... update soon