Little Wonkyu Things

“Our maknae is cranky today.” Kangin commented after seeing Kyuhyun throw his things inside Ryeowook’s room. The Super Junior youngest was supposed to be happy and proud after his album launch, knowing that he killed all 9 music charts after the digital release. But no, Kyuhyun was just not in his best mood even after all the good news coming his way.

“I know, right.” Leeteuk seconded. “And we all know why.”

“Tch. What’s new?!” Heechul hissed on the other line of Leeteuk’s phone. He called to congratulate their maknae again personally after posting his Instagram photo. “Is that horse still silent?”

‘I DON’T WANT TO HEAR HIS NAME! OR ANYTHING THAT HAS TO DO WITH HIM!” Kyuhyun yelled from inside Ryeowook’s bedroom.

“OKAY! OKAY! UNDERSTOOD KIM KYUHYUN! Geesh.. you indeed are too cranky today.” Heechul tried to make things lighter for their youngest.

“Mianheyo, hyung. I didn’t mean to.” Kyuhyun came near the phone, realizing he went overboard raising his voice. “And you guys, please stop talking about me. Don’t ruin my day as it already is.”

“Kyukyu, you don’t have to feel bad. Hey, your album is on top of all the music charts.” The other maknae ran his hands through Kyuhyun’s back.

“I can’t help it, Ryeonggu. That bastard usually is the first one to greet me in times like this. And to not hear from him all day is just pissing me off. He knows how special it is and how it means to me if it comes from him.” Kyuhyun was trying hard not to make his tears fall.

“Kyu-nah, maybe Siwon is just really busy…” Leeteuk defended their visual.

“Busy my . It’s not that hard to send me just one text, wouldn’t it hyung? It wouldn’t take long, right?” Kyuhyun felt his heart was gonna explode anytime. He hasn’t heard from the most important person in his life up until now and it’s making him uneasy.

“Kyu, maybe he has something up his sleeve again. You know how cheeky that boyfriend of yours is.” Sungmin remarked as he entered the dorm.

“You know, Sungmin has a point.” Shindong replied, following his best friend.

Sungmin’s comment made Kyuhyun think. But he just remembered Siwon’s reply to his last text message. “I doubt that, Minnie hyung.” The youngest felt his blood rush to his head again. “Since I didn’t hear from him and I don’t want to see him yet, I told him I’ll sleep here tonight with Wookie and guess what he replied? ‘OKAY’ OKAY? THAT’S IT? OKAY?! Oh, I so hate you right now, Choi Siwon!!!”

“What do you want him to say to you, Kyunah…?” Leeteuk asked.

“Hey there, congrats baby! You can, but I’m gonna miss you… so will you just come home? Is the reply that I was expecting… the usual Siwon fluff. But NO!!! NONE!!! AND I ING HATE IT!” Kyuhyun buried his face on both his hands.

“Oops.. our Kyu baby cursed. That’s my cue. I am so outta here. Annyeong boys! I’ll see you in a day! And Kyuhyun-ah.. take it easy okay.” Heechul reacted and said goodbye. Kyuhyun just nodded his head, as if the second eldest could see him.

“Annyeong Hyung! Bogosipeoyo!” Heechul’s favorite maknae said his goodbyes.

“Bye, Chul. Take care!” Leeteuk dropped the line after saying goodbye. “Now as for you, cranky maknae…’

“Hyuuung~!” Kyuhyun reacted, pouting his lips at everyone.

Everyone smiled at their maknae’s cuteness. “We will take you to dinner in celebration of your success today so stop being too crabby and enjoy your feat, will yah?” Leeteuk sat beside Kyuhyun and tapped his thighs.

Kyuhyun heaved a deep sigh. “I’ll try, Teukie hyung. I promise I will.” The youngest looked at their eldest sincerely even if he knows letting his mind off Siwon is the most difficult thing for him to do.

“Good boy, our prince of ballad. I know it may not be easy knowing how much Siwon means to you but thank you for trying.” The Super Junior leader always makes Kyuhyun feel better when he is down.

“Aren’t you excited we can gobble on some drinks, Kyukyu? I miss drinking with you, you became so busy these days. Well, aside from the fact that you seldom go here since you  moved in with Siwon hyung.” Ryeowook really missed Kyuhyun, for they were the closest because of their age and because Ryeowook was the first one who accepted Kyuhyun in the team.

“Mian, Ryeonggu. I missed drinking with you too. I guess, I should have fun, huh?”

Everyone nodded their head. “Yep.” Shindong put his arms around Kyuhyun’s shoulders. “Go and ace that musical of yours and we’ll meet you for dinner after, okay?”

Kyuhyun nodded. “Thanks, hyung. Thank you all. “ Kyuhyun showed his appreciation to all the members. “I am sorry for acting so childish again today. I really am grateful for what has happened today. I never expected it to be this way. And I hope you all know your support means a lot to me. Jeongmal komawoyo, hyung.”

Leeteuk signaled for a tight group hug. “We are proud of our maknae. Truly, we are Kyuhyun. And I know that this is God’s plan after giving you that second life. We will always be thankful and proud that you are a part of Super Junior. We love you, Kyunah and congratulations. Kill ‘em all, okay!”

Kyuhyun’s tears welled but made sure they didn’t show. “Hyung, I already did.” He snickered.

Sungmin lightly tapped the back of their youngest. “Aish.. this brat! Tch!”

“Thanks, Minnie hyung. I love you all too.”


The next day was no different after Kyuhyun got up from bed. He had a terrible headache as he barely slept, after drinking lots with Ryeowook and his hyungs last night. During the celebration, he kept on checking his phone for any missed calls or messages from Siwon to no avail. He literally drowned himself in alcohol, thus, this throbbing pain in his head. Waking up so early in the morning didn’t help.

“You up, Kyukyu?” Ryeowook asked, peeping thru his room. He found their maknae sitting on the bed, holding his head in between his hands. “Ah.. headache. I am prepared, don’t worry.” The eternal maknae brought in the tea that he made for Kyuhyun. “I knew you’d be experiencing this after drinking that much last night so I made this for you.”

“Komawo, Ryeonggu.” Kyuhyun  took the cup of tea and sipped a little. Ryeowook noticed that their prince of ballad kept on looking at his phone. “Siwon hyung still hasn’t contacted you yet?”

Kyuhyun shook his head. “I still hate him, Ryeonggu. It is my special day and he just went missing. I won’t forgive him for this.”

Ryeowook placed his hand over Kyuhyun’s. “Hey, don’t say that. Maybe he really is up with something. I know Siwon hyung. He is a hopeless romantic, so it is impossible for him to miss one of, if not the most important day in your life. Patience, Kyukyu. It helps. Hah!”

Kyuhyun smiled. “I hope so, Ryeonggu. Or else, I don’t know what I’ll do.”

“I am betting I won’t be hearing from you tonight because Siwon hyung already revealed whatever it is that’s going on in his stubborn head.”

“Mian. I am really sorry for spending less time with you like I used to.” Kyuhyun sincerely told the member closest to him and held his hand in return.

Ryeowook hugged his friend and rumpled his hair. “Uh! Pabo! It’s okay, Kyukyu. I understand. Love calls. That thing down there most of the time calls, so yeah.. I practically understand you perfectly.”

That comment gained Ryeowook the heaviest slap on his arms he ever had imagined. “YAH!!! RYEONGGU!!!” Kyuhyun turned crimson in front of his friend.

“Aaaw!” Ryeowook rubbed the part of his arm where Kyuhyun’s hand landed and laughed. “Wae? You guys couldn’t be separated even during our concerts and the two of you always went missing. I wasn’t born yesterday, Kyukyu. I know what you two keep on doing especially you guys are living together.. alone.” Ryeowooks twitched his eyebrows at Kyuhyun.

“Ya! Kim Ryeowook~!” Kyuhyun was still blushing and had to hide himself underneath the blanket. “Ryeonggu~~~! Stop it will you?”

“Haha! You are funny, Cho Kyuhyun.” Ryeowook pulled the blanket out of Kyuhyun’s head. The evil maknae grabbed his tea and started to sip on it endlessly. “Ya! Cho Kyuhyun, slow down!”

Kyuhyun looked at Ryeowook while sipping from his cup, making him look silly but cute. Ryeowook couldn’t help but blurt out a loud laugh, he started to roll on the bed, holding on to his tummy. ‘Kyukyu, please stop doing that. My stomach hurts from laughing now. Besides, there’s nothing wrong in being . You are in love, Mr. Cho. Not to mention the fact that you have a hornier hunk of a boyfriend. Everyone in our team knows Siwon hyung has the hots for you since you joined Super Junior, and we all know he is the next horniest member after Hyukjae hyung.”

Kyuhyun lied down beside Ryeowook after laughing his heart out. He extended his hand to meet the elder’s. “Thanks for making me feel better, Ryeonggu. And thanks for being a friend all these years. You know I love you, right?”

“What’s up with you today? Why are you too cheeky?” Ryeowook looked at Kyuhyun with wondering eyes. “But yeah. I know. I love you too, Kyukyu. You know I’ll always be here for you if you need me.” The elder maknae gave the younger one a hug. “So, are you feeling better now, really?”

Kyuhyun nodded.

“Good. So stop worrying, okay? I know Siwon hyung is up to something, knowing how he loves you.”

“You think so, Ryeonggu?”


“I am dying inside. He hasn’t talked to me since yesterday.” Kyuhyun shifted his mood again.

“It’ll be better, you’ll see. Now, get your off of the bed and start preparing. You will leave for MuBank any minute now. Manager hyung will hiss at you again if you don’t start fixing yourself soon.” Ryeowook pulled himself up and took Kyuhyun’s hand to raise him up as well.

“Break a leg, Kyukyu. You are doing great so far.”

“Thanks, Ryeonggu.”


Kyuhyun’s felt sleepy again on their way to KBS. He has been holding on to his phone since they left the SuJu dorm but still nothing. Once they arrived in the studio, Kyuhyun still waited but only to get nothing in return.

I so hate you, Choi Siwon.

As soon as Kyuhyun told himself that, his twitter notification buzzed and he immediately took a look at it. He only set this notification to one person. Siwon.

Sally to KBS.

What?!?! Kyuhyun’s inner voice was screaming, he had to read the tweet again.

Sally to KBS.

What is this guy talking about? Who the hell is Sally?

Kyuhyun told himself, starting to feel giddy. He looked into the meaning of “Sally” and when he found out what it was, he was almost in tears. His eyes were glued to the handsome man’s photo attached to that tweet and he started to miss him more. No, he couldn’t bear this excitement anymore.

Kyuhyun pressed his speed dial 1. One ring.

“Hey, beautiful.” Siwon’s voice was smiling. It was music to Kyuhyun’s ear.

“I hate you, Choi Siwon.”

“I love you too, Cho Kyuhyun.”

“Are you really on your way here?” Kyuhyun still holding back his tears.

“Yup. Surprise!” Kyuhyun noticed there was an echo on the line and Siwon’s voice was so near. He didn’t realize that his boyfriend was already standing by the door of his waiting room, and was startled when he was greeted by a quick kiss on his cheeks.

“I. REALLY. HATE. YOU.” Kyuhyun lightly punched his other half on his hard chest. “You and your surprises!” Kyuhyun was really touched by his lover’s effort.

“You didn’t expect this, did you?” Siwon held Kyuhyun’s hand. They were alone in Kyuhyun’s waiting room so he had the liberty of showing off.

The younger shook his head, still almost in tears but his heart was leaping.

“Good. Mission accomplished.” The older male piched Kyuhyun’s cheek. “Are you gonna cry, babe?”

Kyuhyun sniffed. “Aniyo.” He shook his head then looked down.

“Hey…” Siwon took his face by his chin and slowly lifted it to face him. “I am sorry for not talking to you since yesterday but I really wanted to surprise you. I want to make sure what I do is different from what the others did for you. I wouldn’t want to miss this moment… not ever, babe.” Siwon kissed Kyuhyun’s forehead. The younger closed his eyes as he enjoyed the feeling of his boyfriend’s touch.

“Why do you have to be so cool, Choi Siwon, huh?”

“Am I?”

“Tch… must I repeat myself always?”

Siwon smiled and nodded. “And since I am cool…” He took something out of his jacket. “Will you do the honor of signing my CD, Mr. Prince of Ballad?”

“Honey?!? You didn’t?!” Kyuhyun was surprised but was really touched.

“I did. And I bought quite a few, Mr. Cho. Would you like to sign them all for me?”

“What? Like how many did you buy, Wonnie?”

“Uhm.. you can check the back of my car, if you like.” Siwon winked.

“No…! You’re pulling my leg, Choi Siwon. You didn’t…”

Siwon slid through his camera’s albums and showed Kyuhyun his reply. “Believe me now?”

Kyuhyun bit his lower lip as he looked at his boyfriend in the eye. “Komawo…”

“Kyu, stop doing that please…” Siwon was referring to Kyuhyun’s lip bite. It was turning the older male on. “Unless you want plan to do something…”

“Ya!” Kyuhyun hit Siwon in the arm. “ert…”

“Only to you babe.” Siwon winked. “So, will you sign this cd or what?”

Kyuhyun pouted. “Gimme that!” He grabbed the CD from Siwon’s grip and sat on the couch so he could sign it.

To: Top Actor Choi Siwon-nim. Neul komapko. Saranghanda. (Always thankful and love you). You are really cool. Kyuhyunie ♥

Kyuhyun handed the CD back to Siwon with a smile after signing it with his heart. “Done.”

Siwon read what was written on it and chuckled. “Haha! Top actor?!” His boyfriend was being silly again, making that derp face of him.

Kyuhyun laughed and linked his arms to Siwon’s. “Well, you are, my Hollywood star. You know I am proud of you making your way to the top and being all that.” Kyuhyun looked from left to right before he landed a kiss on Siwon’s cheek, sending shivers all over Siwon’s body.

“And you, honeybunch, are my rising star… didn’t I confess that even before in public?” Siwon recalled. “You know I am even prouder of what you have achieved ever since that…” He hesitated to continue not wanting to ruin the mood. Siwon turned to kiss Kyuhyun’s temple. “And you know my love for you won’t change, ever.”

“Ahra. You also know I feel the same way about you, right?” Kyuhyun held Siwon’s arms tighter, letting his boyfriend know how he feels, especially that moment.

“Of course, my baby Kyu.” Siwon touched Kyuhyun’s hand. “So, shall we seal this with a picture of us together? You know our Wonkyu babies have been dying to see one since yesterday, don’t you?”

“Tch! I feel them. I was reading all those tags I’ve been getting on Twitter since yesterday and I feel them. I was feeling the same way anyway. Some of them even started hating you. Haha!” Kyuhyun snickered.

“Saw that. And I felt really bad. As much as I wanted to greet you in all my SNS accounts, what I did today is better, isn’t it?”

“Agree. You are the best, babe.” Kyuhyun kissed Siwon again on his cheek. “Now get that phone of yours so we can satisfy their craving. Or should I use mine this time?”

“Let’s use yours then just pass me the pic and I’ll upload it first. Call?”



Siwon sat on the front row during the recording. While waiting, he uploaded the picture of them together on Twitter and Instagram. He laughed after writing the caption.

You guys jealous, right? I got a signed CD from Kyuhyun Oppa…

Satisfied, he continued to watch Kyuhyun gave his all. He wanted to capture that moment so he took one picture while his boyfriend was performing on stage.

“Oppa, aniyo! You can’t do that!” The ELFs at the back shouted.

Siwon turned around to look at them and made a funny face. “Jinjja? Whatever…”

After the first recording, Kyuhyun tried to recall the lyrics of his song again in time for the second recording. Siwon, who was really giddy watching him from the audience, started to call him. “Kyu!”

Kyuhyun looked at him. Siwon smiled and mouthed “saranghae” very fast so that no one could read his lips but Kyu.

The younger rolled his eyes and ignored the silly man he loves. He checked on his phone and saw Siwon’s tweet. His eyes widened and looked at the older male with a stabbing look. When Siwon looked his way, he in return mouthed “Oppa?!?”

Siwon laughed and winked at him. Kyuhyun once again rolled his eyes and focused on his song’s lyrics. Once the recording started, he couldn’t help but smile everytime his eyes and Siwon’s met. He actually is getting conscious realizing he is singing in front of his boyfriend for the first time.

When finally both recording were over and everything went well, Siwon bid his goodbye first. They both knew they couldn’t leave together with hands over the other.

“I’ll see you at home, babe. Let’s have lunch together. Love you.” Siwon whispered, for they were surrounded by the staff.

Kyuhyun nodded and he looked at his lover, them understanding what each other meant. As soon as Kyuhyun couldn’t see his other half from his sight, he sent him a message.

I love you too, honey. Thanks for making my day even more special as it is. I’ll see you later.

Siwon, driving his way back home, checked on the message that came in and smiled.


Kyuhyun hurriedly opened the door of the house they were sharing, too excited to finally be at home.

“Wonnie!” The younger shouted his lover’s nickname trying to figure out where he was in that big apartment of theirs.

“In the kitchen babe!” He heard Siwon reply.

Kyuhyun took giant steps to the kitchen, wanting so bad to see Siwon again. Upon seeing the older male, he threw his arms around  Siwon’s and hugged him. “Wonnieeeee~!”

“Woah!” Siwon in return wrapped his arms around the younger’s waist. “You aren’t excited to see me, are you?” Siwon teased.

“No, I am not.” Kyuhyun said sarcastically but couldn’t help but adore the masculine smell of his boyfriend, he had to bury himself again in Siwon’s arms. “I missed you, honey.”

“Na do. Very much.”

“Jeongmalyo?” Kyuhyun pouted. “I almost hated you for the rest of my life yesterday, Wonnie. For real. You can ask the hyungs and Wookie.”

“Haha! You are too cute, babe.” Siwon locked Kyuhyun again in a tight embrace. “Do you really think I’d miss the most important event in my babycake’s life? Not in a million years, babe.”

“Well, because you ignored me yesterday like forever…”

“Wow, Kyuhyun. I am hurt. You really think I would not congratulate you at all?”

“It’s not that, Wonnie.. I just..”

Kyuhyun was stopped by Siwon’s lips pressing against his. “I’m kidding, babe. I was expecting that reaction from you. Do you know how my hand was itching to reply to your messages and answer your calls? I planned this surprise for days since I learned about your schedule. I knew our members will be greeting you once the album goes public, and Teukie hyung mentioned he’ll come at your showcase with Wookie so I ditched the idea of tweeting or going to your concert. I am selfish. I want you all for myself…”

“Like I do not know that yet…” The younger smirked.

“Exactly. And I want my effort to be special so when I learned that you’d have your comeback stage in MuBank, I knew that was my cue. I wanna be special you know.” Siwon twitched his shibrows and showed his dimples to the love of his life, who had a smile from ear to ear now.

“Like you do not know you are? Seriously hyung…” Kyuhyun commented.

“Am I?”

“Of course, you are. Idiot.” Kyuhyun hissed.

“Well, you can’t blame me. You have YOUR CHWANG so I wasn’t sure if I was really…” Siwon waited for Kyuhyun’s reaction.

Kyuhyun pinched Siwon on both cheeks. “Pabooooo!!!!”


Kyuhyun rubbed the what was now Siwon’s pink cheeks and caressed it gently. “Hyung, seriously, are you still jealous over Changmin? I was worried that was the reason of your sort of hiatus yesterday…”

Siwon wrapped his arms around Kyuhyun again, and the latter comfortably rested his face on his boyfriend’s chest. “I have to admit that I still do sometimes, Kyu…”

Kyuhyun pulled back a bit, quite surprised at Siwon’s response. “Hyung, I thought that’s all done and over with. You two are even closer now than before…”

Siwon raked his fingers through Kyuhyun’s auburn hair. “Don’t mind me. I just love you too much, that’s why. I guess I am just being silly, babe.”

“You really are silly, Choi Siwon. You know you are special and you know why, don’t you?” Kyuhyun cupped Siwon’s face on his hands. He looked at the older’s eyes deeply, before pulling him close again for a sweet and tender kiss. They devoured that moment, lips against each other, making sweet sounds as they shifted their heads from side to side. Siwon had to steal one more kiss before they parted and rested their heads against each other.

“Does that mean I am forgiven and that you really liked what I did?”

Kyuhyun slowly nodded and whispered onto Siwon’s ears, “You actually have a prize for what you did earlier. Wanna find out what it is?” Then, he nipped on Siwon’s ear, making the latter didn’t think twice.

Siwon his lips while looking at the younger eyes. “Of course, babe. Is it something I’d really, really, really love?” He teased.

“Uhuhm. So, shall we ditch dinner for later and sally our favorite part of the house?” Kyuhyun took Siwon by the hand and led him towards their room. He was surprised Siwon’s arms scooped him from out of nowhere, carrying him instead like they just got married.

Kyuhyun circled his arms around his lover’s neck and Siwon reached out to kiss him again.

“You better make sure I really would enjoy and love this prize you’re talking about, Mr. Cho.”

Kyuhyun giggled. “Uhm, let’s just say it’ll be a long night, Mr. Choi, which means we will both have a hard time getting up and walk tomorrow. So do you still want your prize?”

Siwon growled. “To the bedroom!” The younger male took two steps at a time going up with Kyuhyun in his arms. Kyuhyun shrieked and giggled, wiggling his legs like a hungry puppy.

“Oh and what did you call me again, earlier.. in your tweet?”

“Oppa?” Siwon replied.

“You better make sure to call me that later if you want the grand prize.”

“You betcha I will! Woohoo!” And Kyuhyun could never be happier.



Author's Note: I JUST HAD TO WRITE ONE FIC IN CELEBRATION OF SIWON'S TWEET. And when Kyuhyun tweeted the same, I DIED!!!! ENJOY MY FELLOW WONKYU LOVERS! THEY ARE SO REAL.. IMO.. HAHA! I so love them both. Please don't forget to drop me a note on what you think. No by all time Wonkyu fluff only! :)

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I still have to make it 100% sure that the girl is Stella but Won's followed her on IG and comments said so... :)


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moonloversrae #1
Nice ff eon.. I'm salsa ???
kyuwon1013 #2
Chapter 21: woah....Siwon was so possessive over his babykyu huh?
feddie12 #3
Chapter 21: Awwww so sweeeetttt..please make more authornim!! Fighting
Angela17 #4
Chapter 21: Aaaaaawwww.... I love this chap... Possessive Siwon is always look y..
Chapter 20: This just became a reality! Kyuhyun said he wanted to shave Siwon's beard! LOL! *^▁^*
Chapter 20: Finally that annoying beard and mustache are finally gone!

Well at least in this fics. LoL
Chapter 20: hahahahhaa kyuhyun is always cute. Well done kyu. Siwon's w/o beard is more good than his beard right now is really long as usually TTTT
kyuwon1013 #8
Chapter 20: i like your story though it was too short
AngelFelicia #9
Chapter 20: Só sweet baby Kyu!! Wonnie cute horse y.