Oh Jinseok*

KAIROS ACADEMY ; members' profiles edition

FULL NAME: Oh Jinseok
RANK: Security guard
DORM: 012C
AGE: 24
LIKES: Jinseok has a passion for helping and protecting others ever since his first volunteer mission abroad. Ghana, it was, then countries started compiling into a long list. Uganda, Costa Rica, Peru, Cambodia. He's been to them all. He believed those living in poverty should be treated with compassion. 
DISLIKES: Jinseok doesn't have much dislikes, but he deeply despises self-centered beings. Something about them just irks him. Also, he dislikes those who are ill-mannered. Speaking of honestly, Jinseok will tolerate a lot but lying is definitely not one of them, so don't try. His kindness aside, he also has a mean side he prefers not to show. Yes, he can put up with a lot of but he will eventually explode if you do not treat him kindly, or constantly do something that bothers him.
HOBBIES: At a young age, Jinseok developed a love for dancing, it made him feel as if he wasn’t alone. When he wasn’t dancing, his friend was his guitar. He would seclude himself somewhere quiet and play his heart out. 
SKILLS: Jinseok enquired leadership skills during his various volunteer missions. 
STRENGTH(S): Jinseok has always been a brainiac in math. It's as simple as addition to algebra, he can do it all. He also has an interest in music.
WEAKNESS(ES): Jinseok is particularly weak in literature. He's not high nor low in the literature category, just in between. He is also someone who keeps a lot to themselves, thus rarely ever opening up to anyone. 

Oh Jinseok is twenty-four years old, born and raised in Los Angeles. After traveling around from volunteer missions, he decided to settle in Korea, the birthplace of his culture. Upon moving to Seoul, Jinseok was recommended to Kairos Academy to take on the job of Security Guard.      

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