Park Taejun

KAIROS ACADEMY ; members' profiles edition

FULL NAME: Park Taejun
NICKNAME(S): Jun, Tae-sshi, or Ducky Momo
RANK: Geek
PERSONALITY: Taejun is, quite obviously, smarter than the common individual. Labeled as a 'geek' most of his life, he lives up to the name as he commonly has oversized glasses, the top grades, ans an unusual interest in anime (some might even call it unhealthy).
DORM: 007B
CLUB(S): None
YEAR: 4th year
LIKES: Anime, Food, Occasionally studying, Sleep 
DISLIKES: Onions, Rudeness, Being left out, That one feeling you get when the elevator you're on starts to descend and your stomach feels weird.. yeah, that one.
HOBBIES: Watching anime, Reading, Sleeping
SKILLS: Piano skills
STRENGTH(S): Any type of History or Science 
WEAKNESS(ES): Physical Ed.

Taejun is pretty well off in terms of wealth. His grades were always the best (of course), and he is as polite as the next person. However, being the so-called 'perfect son' had its cons as well: other guys his age were always being compared to him. Hence, he was sometimes ostracized, sometimes being whenever the teacher wasn't looking or wasn't there at all. Afterwards, Taejun turned into an awkward potato, never talking to anyone by his own accord and keeping to himself.

That is, of course, until he transferred schools. 


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