Jung Daehyun

KAIROS ACADEMY ; members' profiles edition

FULL NAME: Jung Daehyun
RANK: Elite
PERSONALITY: He is an elite who thinks he's above others, simply because he was raised by his father to think this way. He's not a bad person, but he prefers if you stay out of his way and not be too friendly. He doesn't like cutesy, clumsy, hyperactive, or all-knowing people. He is indeed, very narcissistic and vain. He doesn't like it when his clothes get wrinkled, so he doesn't like it when people touch him. 
DORM: 018B
CLUB(S): None
YEAR: 2nd year
LIKES: He likes scones and other pastries. Cheesecake is something he absolutely cannot live without. He likes nice clothes, big houses, and luxurious cars. Hanging out in membership clubs is also something he does often. He secretly has a passion for singing, but not a single soul knows of this.
DISLIKES: He doesn't like it when people touch him, or get too close. He doesn't like people who have are messy, and mess in general. A number one pet peeve of him is when a word from another language tpgets mixed with another language in a sentence when the word mixed can still be translated into the language of the sentence.
HOBBIES: For fun he does modelling, singing, racing, going out on food trips (alone, of course. Not a single soul has become his friend after he punched that kid who got in his nerves in kindergarten.), horsebackriding, and going on cruises.
SKILLS: He was born with an angelic singing voice. He likes languages, and he studies them diligently.
STRENGTH(S): Languages, of course. Fashion, is a hobby he's proud of, and thinks he is good at.
WEAKNESS(ES): Mathematics. Math is his only known flaw. Being rich, he got tutored in the subject his whole life, but to no avail.

Entering Kairos is a big step back for him, since this is his first time to live without any assistants (in a regular day he has two butlers and three maids trailing behind him, a van of security guards to protect him, and another van to protect his Rolls Royce... Or his Porsche... Or his Maserati. Or other cars.), and because he's been homeschooled all his life. In his free time, he models or does his hobbies. People would often see him as cold due to his tension-filled aura, and they've never been so right. Being forced to socialize most of the times in formal gatherings, he's grown quite tired of it, and tired of people in general too, as shallow as that may sounds. That being said, he still is waiting for the right person to melt his ice so he wakes up everyday secretly yearning for the right company to make him feel like he shouldn't need to put up an ice wall everytime.


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