Ariana Grande*

KAIROS ACADEMY ; members' profiles edition


FULL NAME: Ariana Grande
RANK: wallflower
Ariana is quiet and she isn't very outgoing unless persuaded to be so. She also prefers to be a part of the background and not stand out. Since she doesn't like making new social connections either, many people don't know her other than a few she's spoken to before for various reasons.
DORM: 003A
CLUB(S): photography
YEAR: 2nd year
LIKES: Photography • landscape • books • quiet • the library • being by herself • sushi • dogs • bunnies • sleeping • napping
DISLIKES: Loud people • annoying people • mainly people in general- cats • sponge cake • waking up • faking a smile • being by herself
HOBBIES: Ariana goes out on her photography endeavors around the school campus and she also visits the library for some peace and quiet. She doesn't have many hobbies, since she feels her camera and herself are enough. Although, if it counts, Ariana is quite partial to a few naps per day.
SKILLS: Ariana would like to think she's quite skilled at photography. She can also do impressions of her favourite western artists.
STRENGTH(S): Photography • literature • hiding • sleeping • sarcasm • being awkward
WEAKNESS(ES): Smiling • being friendly • sport • remembering things •  being not stubborn

Fresh from America, Ariana is one of the school's many foreign exchange students. She came the Kairos hoping to have a new image, but ended up sticking with her old self of being awkward and clumsy. Ariana's closest friend at Kairos would be her camera, and her worst enemies would be homework and studying. Being foreign also brought upon the language barrier, which she tries to cross by using basic korean and slowly explaining in english if she doesn't know the korean for what she's trying to convey. Her efforts should be applauded, yet she tries her hardest to hide in the shadows over being in the limelight.


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