Jo Eunhee *

KAIROS ACADEMY ; members' profiles edition

FULL NAME: Jo Eunhee
RANK: Elite
PERSONALITY: "It's not flirting, it's an act called politeness." She was a diamond with rough edges and uneven cuts, strong but unfitting. There's fire in her eyes yet she clenches her fists as if she had been iced. Peony blossoms stand for beauty and shame, Eunhee surrenders to both.
DORM: 018A
CLUB(S): None
YEAR: 1st year
LIKES: There is just something so lovely about arts that she can't ever shake it off. She likes evidence of her photography sessions strewn across the wood floor and the slide of worn leather against her skin. Besides the explosions of excitement whenever she hears her favorite bands, Eunhee loves the heaviness of delicious food on her tongue and running her lither fingers through soft fur of adorable barking abominations. 
DISLIKES: Naive fools eventhough she is exactly one of them. Including people that don't appreciate affections, their stone hearts shall be thawed as their egos will be crushed. She hates insects, egg yolks and frilly dresses with the intensity of a thousand suns though. 
HOBBIES: She'll mostly spend her time writing or reading. Sometimes going outside for a run with the camera's straps around her neck and doing food adventures on her own. Whenever there's an opportunity, Eunhee will stay away from the crowd often finding peace in the stillness of her thoughts and the rush of her mind. Maybe even enjoying the joyful giggles of toddlers in the charity homes. 
SKILLS: She is a good performer especially when it comes to acting. 
STRENGTH(S): Being able to read others so well is a blessing and a curse at the same time. She's very interested in Literature as well as English language. 
WEAKNESS(ES): Mathematics, she'll never get along with Pythagoras Theorem or tangents. 

Jo Eunhee was never the apple of anyone's eye despite attending all those social events suffocated by a tight cocktail dresses. Despite the wealth often spilling into her bank account, she was always independent that caused her to be sort of an individualist. The look on her face majority of the time is neutral, with level of maturity having reached beyond the stars, she finds herself furrowing her eyebrows in confusion a lot whenever surrounded by peers. Simply put, she was eccentric and not made up of the shades from the rainbow. 


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