Lee Hayi *

KAIROS ACADEMY ; members' profiles edition

RANK: Socialite
PERSONALITY: Hayi's the biggest bookworm you'll meet, she oozes with confidence whatever she does. She does look cold but she isn't like that. She's friendly, and nice but as they say every angel has their own devil side.
DORM: 030A
CLUB(S): Music
YEAR: 1st year
LIKES: Books. Piano. Violin. Bread 
DISLIKES: People who tries to irritate her. As long as you don't piss her off, you two are good. Snob
HOBBIES: During her spare time, she likes to read books either on her dorm or outside as long as she can concentrate to the book. If she's not hanging out with her friends or reading a book, she likes to play violin to which she named "Vi"
SKILLS: Playing piano and violin.
STRENGTH(S): Her best subjects would be Art, Literature and F&D
WEAKNESS(ES): Math and Physical Education

Having to grow up from a rich family, others may thing she was used on getting what she wanted with a snap of a finger but that's wrong. In order for her to get what she wants, she must please her parents both in academic and in musical areas. If she failed in one of those, she won't be able to get what she wants. She was used in crowded places, as her parents always dragged her on their business parties, that's how she became sociable. Despite the fact that she's sociable, she's always hiding in her own room, with her imagination and you can rarely asked about her honest feelings. Her parents taught her that it is better to cover up the truth than taint their family's name, she knew that was wrong but it also helped her in gaining some friends.


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