Lee Taemin

KAIROS ACADEMY ; members' profiles edition

FULL NAME: Lee Taemin
NICKNAME(S): Taemin, Tae, Taem, Minnie
RANK: Wallflower
PERSONALITY: Sweet, sometimes shy, intelligent, and loving. He typically stays away from other people unless he knows them well, or they're Seunghyun's friends. 
DORM: 012B
CLUB(S): None
YEAR: 2nd year
LIKES: Banana milk, cats, Aki (I guess), and of course, Choi Seunghyun
DISLIKES: Akida (a type of dog that killed his cat when he was little), tall people (they scare him), his hometown
HOBBIES: Dance, dance, and more dance. 
SKILLS: Dancing, singing, and art. 
STRENGTH(S): Dance, any and all sciences, math, English, etc. Pretty much every subject. 
WEAKNESS(ES): Speech. Public speaking. 
RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Engaged to Choi Seunghyun

Taemin was born in a small town with a single school for all the grades to go to. Throughout his childhood, he was bullied for being effeminate, then for being gay when he came out of the closet. From 8th grade until 12th grade, he was physically, verbally, and ually abused by a group of boys at his school. Thankfully, Taemin escaped to Kairos Academy where he has found the man he loves and hopes to stay safe. However, if Taemin is alone with a tall stranger, or if certain places on his body (like the scars on his arms and chest) are touched, he will have horrid flashbacks of his time being abused. Due to these flashbacks, he has become wary of tall men, whether they seem nice or not.

Taemin is sweet and motherly to anyone who seems to need a hug, and he's happy to help out when he can. 


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