Kim Woobin

KAIROS ACADEMY ; members' profiles edition

FULL NAME: Kim Woobin
NICKNAME(S): Woobun, Bunbun, Binbin, Wenbin, Oobin, Cookie Monster, Bunny, Binwoo, Joobin/Jubin? (Ghost writer give everyone nicknames starting with 'J') and many more nicknames that are not used anymore or rarely used such as dustbin 
RANK: Rebel
PERSONALITY: Have ocean-sized emotions and share feelings with close people. Likes to explore and try new things. Doesn't like to attend classes but if that happened it will be because of one of 4 reasons.
DORM: 004B
CLUB(S): Paranormal, art
YEAR: 3rd year
LIKES: Cookies, Pets, Sweets, Pranks, Harmless rumors, Ghosts, Fruits, Water, Winter, Adventure, Chaos, Imagination
DISLIKES: Bugs, Being ignored, Hot weather, Feeling confused
HOBBIES: Playing CookieRun, Drawing, Taking care of pets, Walking at night, Watching TOP hyung and Ilhoon, Brushing Daeryong's hair, Counting, Online shopping
SKILLS: None yet
WEAKNESS(ES): Music, Lazy, Winning arguments. (It will be a strength just wait), Moody, Can be mean or impolite
RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Engaged to Jung Daeryong

• Have no talent in music.
• Forever wishing to take the role of a serial killer in a play.
• A member of F4. 


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